In America these are considered two beautiful "white" women

In America these are considered two beautiful "white" women
say one thing nice about them

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at least they're not obese.

dark hair looks kind of like Aubrey Plaza so that's nice I guess

I like Aubry Plaza

probably because it is her

And south american

if you're asking would I tap Aubrey Plaza, yes. Not for her "incredible body" but her wicked humour and bedroom eyes. Can we make this a mediocre white woman thread? Pic related

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Exactly. Tired of fuckin' fatties walking around like they're proud of being such gluttons.

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Imagine the smell.

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Anna kendrick is a goddess

Yeah, I know, I can actually imagine it if I put my mind to it. How much fuckin' food they bulldoze down their throats on any given day, imagine that sight.

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Aubrey is clearly a very sexual person. I’d much rather fuck someone who’s sexually confident and average looking than someone who’s stunning but frigid. Only neckbeards would think otherwise.

Aubrey looks good but not the Jew

Aubrey is fucking hot, don't care what anyone says. She can lick my ass anyday

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Wouldn't go near the kike

Aubrey is Latina

It HER ass that is going to get the licking

Jews are not white

she looks wierd

Holy fuck imagine the buffet line when they get finished with it

She's got very pretty hair


>bulldoze down throats

Fuck bro, audible kek.

Is Iliza Schlesinger or Chelsea Handler white?

They both have blonde hair and blue eyes and they're both Jews.

right: masculine back, no ass, no hips, veiny long hands. her face and her right cheek show some promise, but otherwise its a trap.
im going with left.

One russian jew and the other isn't a jew at all.

Jesus she is fucking hot.

no one gives a fuck
if you do, I actually feel sorry for you.
can we have a mediocre white woman thread without the random antisemitism? please grow up
pic related: a whole group

Attached: mediocrewhitewomen.png (800x449, 491K)

>no ass
Those semicircles under the bikini are chopped liver then.

Anywhere in the world they'd be considered two attractive "white" women by today's standards because ethnicity has been dismantled. They're two brainless pawns spending lifetimes milking reality for whatever it has to offer but they'll never find out anything deeper than surface level because of exactly that. They'll end up being only good for a fuck, not even to reproduce with and then they'll experience death and that'll be their one opportunity wasted just like millions of other brainless females that exist today. Anybody who buys into hypersexualised "western" culture is a fucking idiot sorry haha

i mean nothing wrong here goyim two perfectly normal females i hope i can find a gf one day just like them

>wicked humor

Please fuck off back to 9gag you fucking wanna be edgy retard

Far right and second from left are not mediocre.

>They both have blonde hair

They're white. Get the fuck over it child.

>being this buttmad
for what reason though?

what a real edgelord looks like

Plaza is half German half Puerto Rican. A lot of Puerto Rican’s are of Italian descent. I’ve never thought Anna Kendrick to be attractive, she’s annoying as fuck in my opinion. I think she’s Irish/German. I would totally fuck Audrey plaza though

They have slender bodies

They may be stuck up, but at least they're not shitstains.
Would bang