Secret Thread

Secret Thread
My secret is I'm not a faggot

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i wear a bra and a thong to work everyday yet my coworkers think im a kinda normal masculine guy. i crossdress and suck dick as much as i can

My secret: I also crossdress and post pics online. I love the attention and dirty comments....

But I'm a straight guy and actually get grossed out at the idea of sleeping with a man...

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I think I might’ve just really fucked up a while ago. Background, I live in my car and stay in one general area switching between truck stops and Walmart’s to stay at.
I was parked at a TA and some fucker pulled next to me in the middle of the night, got out, and smacked their fucking door into mine hard. No biggie, they have a square door and I have a car with those little soft trim pieces to protect against that sort of thing.
He comes back, does it again. He goes to sleep as well.
7am comes around, I’m up, he gets up, smacks his door into my fucking car a third time. By this point it’s like, I’m gonna have to say something.
He comes back and I’m poking my head out the window to inspect my door for dents, it should be pretty obvious. I poke back in, he opens his door and fucking hits mine again.
I lost my shit
And in the process of losing my shit I broke his drivers side window with the pommel of my car knife, then left by backing out and taking his drivers side headlight with me for a few feet.
>security cameras
>I drive a very identifiable vehicle with stripes
>I threatened him with a knife
I don’t think there’s any bullshitting my way out of this if I got pulled over today and they were looking for me
>but officer, he was an asshole who smacked his fucking door into my car repeatedly like a retarded monkey who can’t hold a door handle

I occasionally dream about secret sexual encounters with my cousin. This has happened about a dozen times in the last ten years. The weird thing is that the dreams are linked; each encounter is a continuation of the last; and when we’re together in my dreams we both remember the previous times we’ve had sex. It’s always very passionate and romantic as though we’re in love.

I seen some space alien shit up close two different times, Nobody ever gone believe the shit

same, are you me?
though ive actually sucked cock so i guess thats different

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I got time...

been fucking my sister in law ( wifes sister) for the past 8 years.

Am I you? I don't think so lol

And to each their own. I'm only attracted to girls...even when I'm pretending to be one. I've been pegged while God! What a thrill

Nice, feel like sharing some?

Im going to lose my fucking mind if I dont find out what happened to that fuckin guy who was about to put babies into his adopted mothers. I need that closure

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>be me
>college roommate has sex over the weekend when I'm gone
>it was a hunch before, but I think of plan to expose them
>when I go for the weekend, open leave computer open and facing his bed
>black the screen and put a sticky note so it covers the light but not the camera
>leave and come back
>lots of footage (I bought a new external hard drive just to catch it all)
>playing through it at 8 times speed
>eventually find roommate having sex
>it's really sexy
>girl is really into choking
>I end up masturbating to roommate having sex
>I've kept filming and editing the footage to masturbate to
>might release footage after college but I don't know if what I'm doing is legal (it's probably not)

Sure :)

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When I was 22, i wore a tank top to bed. In the night my 14 year old cousin came to my room and started fondling my breast and playing with it assuming that I was a heavy sleeper of a conversation we had a few hours ago. He then took out his penis and began to cum on them and massage it. After doing this for about 20 minutes he began to lightly kiss me my lips but then placed his shaft on my lips and rubbing it in on them whilst attempting to get a look at my pussy. Never said anything to him about it all because I didn't want to embarrass him. He did a similar routine for the 3 days he stayed at my apartment

Got any sex stories? Doesn't have to be about your cousin.

>truck stop
literally no cop will give a shit enough to care, just move on to a different stop

Larp of the century
At least make it sound plausible

does wife know? how did it start? is she married?

yeah he hasn't said the ending in like 3 threads now, its bullshit

I have the urge to share my ex’s pics with people who live in our area in hopes of her getting recognized

Ah, sisters in law, the holy grail of recreational sex

its not, and not worth it at all

only have like 2 pics on my phone though i guess i can take some more
never been pegged but that sounds like fun, might have to try that someday. im mostly a cockslut, cant ever get enough of dick in mouth

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tits for proof

no wife doesnt know. i have been with my wife since we were in highschool. and her sister is a year older.

He did all of this because I showed him some sleeping pills that I was meant to be starting which would knock out a person cold so in his mind he assumed I would never find out and then I began to kind of enjoy it after the first night

its the best man!

It was so hot. My ex said that I'm a "squirmer" and half the fun was just trying to hold me down. Plus it made her cum from the dildo rubbing her ;)

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I want to be kidnapped and raped by another man..... :/

is her sister married? how did it start? you ever worried wife will find out? you regret not dating her sister?

Sounds fun I’d do it

My secret is that I wanted to be a wizard. Sometimes, when I'm alone, I'll wave a wand around and pretend to cast magic spells.

Camping remote northern ca, sleeping bag in truck bed dark maybe 10at night watching stars. Notice wildlife (normal wilderness noise turns off) like super quiet. I’m alert, then notice the encroaching daylight moving into my camp, light change night into day & notice big ass round craft just above tree line. My reaction is to grab gun but can’t.. like 90% paralyzed. Light stays over me like 2min can only blink and breath.. shit moves off and bug n forest sounds return. I drive 4hr back into civilization n no sleep for next 2 days.

ya she is newly married. Started at the cottage one weekend drunk. my wife is way hotter but her sister is really skinny and tiny and loves it rough.

Damn....that's intense

Was a police helicopter looking for your meth ass.

damn man, ever worried she might feel guilty one day and spill the beans? did you fuck her the day before her wedding? wife ever get suspicious? did you fuck her sister in her wedding dress

na shes the one who came onto me. He husband doesnt like having sex and when they do she says he doesnt try. And yes i fucked her on her wedding day haha. Up stairs a the reception.

how long was it?

if you have kik we can chat more

damn man nice, if you did get her pregnant would you be fine with it?

About 5 inches. It wasn't that big, but it managed to rub on my prostate. She knew how to use it though. I would regularly cum from anal when she was pegging me.

I actually liked the new Trilogy.

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hahah that would be rough haha

On leave from military yeah, spent my tax free war zone money on a truck to 4x4

I'm going to bed, good night. more of a MIL guy myself but SIL is always good

i once managed to fuck a hyena at the zoo i was working at, i can go into more details if anyone is interested


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Daisy Ridley is so hot!


And I love her accent.

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I've been on female hormones for 3 years and hide it from my parents and siblings eventhough we live in the same house. I just wear baggy shit and a beanie and then once the coast is clear I change into girl clothes in gas station bathrooms and go about my day as a girl.

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Indeed. She's probably really good in bed with all that working out she does


the fug is that and why are you linking me it

Any pics of you in your girl clothes?

I've probably sucked more dicks than my sister

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how many have you sucked? im going on 15 dicks

How often do you get dick?

lol wut how do you successfully boymode when you look like that?

if you're a femanon there are proper posting rules


Post moar of you.

Holy crap you're cute. I'd totally let you suck my dick

Seems V slut and frat gangbang slut are gone. At same time.. Same larper probably lol


Over 20

Beanie, hoodie (even in summer), bmx gloves to hide my acrylic nails, chest binder, baggy jeans

Currently freaking out because I got my nails redone in barbie pink and my mom is getting upset that I wear gloves to dinner

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Post a picture of how you look "around your parents". Do you like wear fucking gloves 24/7 around them and a beanie to hide your long hair?

i like to sniff ass

Why don't you just tell them? What area do you live in? How do you find dicks to suck? Do they know you're a man?

Just come out and be the stunning beauty you are 24/7. Thank me later with more sexy pics.

I'm in affluent US city and no I'm not telling my parents, my sister might know because she walked in on me taking a shower and might have seen my boobs

They probably know and are waiting for you to come out

Ah yes must not smear the fancy family image by coming out as a queer in that "affluent" city. Isn't that where most days are anyways? You should have a good peer support system. BTW if I was single I'd probably let you suck my dick if I had a few drinks in me. I'm bi, lean way more towards straight though. Any more sexy pics?

damn sucked more cocks than me and ive been doing this for 7 years

Gays, not days

I'm not queer. I still feel like a straight guy but now just in a girls body

a straight guy that sucks dicks

My secret? I'm a guy and I gave my older brother 3 blowjobs in one night when we were drunk, AMA.

I used to get off having anons post my ex as their phone backgrounds I’ve since stopped

I rubbed my precum covered cock on my lesbian coworkers water bottle and watched her drink from it, I was her first taste of penis

You're a cute little fuck toy! I wish I was near you

I’m the family/home nudity user from America who keeps posting in these threads because I feel guilty about how it turned into a fetish when I was specifically raised to not affiliate nudity with sex.

I also feed my baby sister tylenol

Also i went to Thailand for the bottom surgery paid for with the money my grandfather left me and lied to my parents that I was backpacking for a month

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I feel bad for your dad

details? did he cum 3 times? did you swallow?

Holy fuck you even got rid of your penis, why are you still pretending to be a boy?

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I was posting in pol duh

My father and brother have seen my gf naked and I like that fact

Fuckin' Americans. Some kid out there is killing his younger brother for some protein and you're turning your outtie into an innie at some mardisgras in thailand.

There’s no way that’s a fixed vagina from cock have you seen pictures of them they are awful

i would literally break up with her.

I'm not a fan of post-op trannies (because pre-op is way more fun), but the surgery depends a lot on the surgeons and they do improve over time.

Look at the faded scars

No way

My gf has only had 2 bfs. One (her first) when she was 13 and he was 15. And then me since she was 16 (we're both adults now) Here's what I think about sometimes. I know the most they did was a blowjob. Now, most likely my dick is bigger than a 15yo, making it the biggest she's seen in person. But, in the unlikely event that it's not, then she would know for a fact that my adult dick is smaller than a 15yo.