
Attached: 1567385121664.jpg (763x581, 75K)

Attached: 1578147710646.webm (600x338, 1.47M)

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Attached: 055.jpg (1080x1268, 164K)

Attached: Whodidit.jpg (2048x720, 337K)

Too tired to lose this morning, but this would have done it

Attached: Screenshot_20191202-160113_Chrome.jpg (1197x1222, 686K)

that third pic
>losing this early

This is Bullshit
Power is always I*U*cos(phi)
The formula in the meme only works when using voltage and current measured stupidly

Made this yesterday and was surprised at the amount of people not only not losing to it but also being butthurt. Stunning and brave art offends (((some people)))

Attached: 1561303611320.jpg (341x1024, 51K)

Attached: 3C9602A1-9F8E-4E8D-89D2-AC6632DF3A3E.jpg (900x508, 106K)


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Attached: jkvcPkJl.jpg (640x234, 21K)

oh well if you made it then it's gay

Attached: 4831047107.jpg (1310x842, 1.56M)

I don't get it. What's a suicide request?


She requesting u suicide and u have 2 options... which is it?

The Hergehag face got me.

Attached: Carl.png (567x689, 434K)

Brilliant & well done


Attached: 1578581797022.jpg (712x1024, 47K)

There's at least 2 of these going around

Attached: 1578147731249.webm (600x338, 1.02M)

Autobots roll out

Attached: 1578067669895.webm (352x640, 1.37M)

Attached: 99A21EE3-F6E0-4D3D-8D4D-B837C6FD5E62.jpg (464x348, 35K)

>"So yea I'm just gonna make like aunt Jemima, but naked and crouching like the sphinx. It'll mean something confusing about racism from a long time ago."
>"Oh wow so inspiring, are you sure people will get the subtlety of the sphinx rip off?"
>"Oh don't worry I'm also planning to make it super impractically large."

Attached: C7zXy91lJ-JMocALjoggSHaFsx-pPLesXgN7eJnyxK8.jpg (479x276, 56K)

We wuz slaves and sheeeit

Attached: 1562600043034.gif (500x281, 670K)

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Attached: 1569606743604.jpg (940x650, 180K)

That's phase power

I would unironically buy one of these

Always use sqrt(3) when dealing with 3 phase powrr.