I'm cutting back on drinking. What do you guys do after work that doesn't involve alcohol?
I'm cutting back on drinking. What do you guys do after work that doesn't involve alcohol?
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masturbate....a lot
But I smoke weed first
Once a week my mates come over and play board / tabletop games for a couple hours. Great way to get in some laughs, chill, and have good ol live human interaction
Fuck that. Drink until the world ends. Sobriety is the worst.
When I cut down on drinking I just did the same stuff but drank water and told my friends I was cutting down on drinking.
Meth and gay buttsex. Try it, you love it.
Your the Fag.
Im not the bloke thats missing out on a gay time
Do recipe picked up from youtube
Go to the gym, then come home and cook a nice meal while listening to a podcast or similar. Feels good man.
My nigga
Sport, Masturbation and watching anime
Do what I did to stop drinking. Learn skills for a career you actually want to get into.
I go and sit at the bar at Chilis. When two guys come in with some stupid cunt, and the bitch leaves with one, I suck the other ones cock in the parking lot.
I watch this clip every now and then to try to control my addictions, I think it could help you, user.
Your mom
You have a serious problem if you don't know what to do if you dont drink. Read a book, watch Netflix, start cooking nice things, meet friends, fuck women, go for a walk, do sports, whatever...
Also if you really want to cut then make yourself a few rules which you won't break. Like drinking in only in society and just drinking on weekends or sth like that.
just going back home, chilling, watching a movie or netflix, cooking, eating, showering, more netflix, and sleeping
Play video games, and get fucked in the ass
This. I used to masturbate with alcohol, but it burns like a motherfucker. Lotion is so much better.
Work out or walk my dogs, then play vidya.
If there's time
>do a bit of grocery shopping
If there isn't
>get back to the apartment, shit, probably nap for like 10 mins, then go on a 7 mile run (if it isn't raining)
After which I'll eat ramen + some fruit, browse, meditate, study a bit, then vidya until about 1 AM, or 3 if I don't have work the next day.
Good evening, Doctor.
I don't work
This. Why work when you can sit around drinking?
I bought some good books to read. I still drink, but probably a 1/3 of what I was on a nightly basis. To focused on the book to slam beers fast
I don't know man I'm doing the same and it's scary how much free time there actually is in the day. I've been trying to just keep myself occupied with anything that keeps my interest in that moment
>You have a serious problem
no shit asshole.
Not OP but can relate. I think the problem with stuff like this is that most of them you can do while drinking and may have even convinced yourself that they are better when drinking so when you do something as simple as reading a book, it doesn’t feel right to not be sipping on a drink.
eat, gym, fap, nap, eat again.
go see fwb on weekends.
I usually fuck your mother
Go to the gym, masturbate a lot, watch some TV, lurk this fucking place out, go to friend. The usual the normie stuff.
Go to bed early and work out in the morning, it will make the stress of work easier to handle or you could go after work when it's crowed and meet new people. I just drink on the weekends, best thing I ever did, saved money, lost weight, got healthy and I even occasionally get laid now.