>be me
>Invest all my time in an online life. No irl hobbies
>Computer breaks
>No money to fix it
>Gonna take 2-3 months to build a new one thanks to low paying wageslave job
Fuck me for putting all my eggs in one basket
Be me
>have no computer
>still post on Sup Forums
I just built a new pc, new monitor and shit too. Now I've got an old pc (i5 3570k, gtx 970) just sitting around doing nothing, and nobody to give it to. Too bad we aren't friends bruh
That's the beauty of smartphones friend
Honestly, I just needed to bitch for a bit. I haven't quite figured out how to spend my time yet.
I'm not your fren, bud
Panhandle next time youll have it in a weekend
I'm not your bud, mate
Shut the fuck up faggot ill kill you
Not in my small ass town
You should have used that computer to learn something so as to get a better job and not be a wage slave to such a shit tier job.
You'll do the same nothing as every other fedora wearing internet warrior.
Why not? No one knows you, youre a shut in. Anyways, just go to the nearest highway and do it there.
Fuck you stupid faggot liberal bitch pole smoking commie fuckwad
Winter sucks
couldn't even get a trip 6s pffft pathetic
How the fuck did you break it lmao
Did you buy a 20$ psu to watch the light show or something?
Regardless, there’s no way in hell the whole thing is broken, shit doesn’t happen that way unless you dumped it in a pool, even then a lot of stuff would be fine.
Go tell pcbg on what’s broken and ask for part suggestions
I don't care if people know me. Not the issue. The issue is the fact that I live in a retirement town and old people are very tight with their cash
Says the dude who couldnt even get 7s
No clue. Started it up. It blue screened. Then it just restarts endlessly. Used a repair disk, and now it just hangs on a black screen with nothing happening
Haha user you got no clue. All you have to do is start asking.
Reseat hardware, Bios reset, run off a bootable usb to see the health of the storage drives, reinstall the OS entirely
There’s steps to take before
>lol it’s broken, guess I’ll get a new one
Already reseated RAM, GPU, CPU, replugged all internal wires.
Did bios reset and cleared CMOS.
Haven't tried the bootable USB yet. And trying to avoid reinstalling os as I'm a moron and didn't back up any of my music.