Alright Sup Forums, your local Child Support employee here. Bored again. AMA Part II.
Alright Sup Forums, your local Child Support employee here. Bored again. AMA Part II
Did you find some lolis around?
how many cases of lolis getting molested you hear about in a month time ?
greentext some stories
Who technically deserves custody if both parents dont work or and dont have a high school diploma.
I swear im the godfather of two complete idiots
Ever had the opportunity to sharpie in pooper?
the woman, because then the state will make more money from the dads child support
not OP
That would be up to the court to decide. They would have to take into account living conditions and income.
The state (at least here) doesn’t take CS at all unless the Custodial Parent is receiving state benefits.
No but I do have some greentexts of some pretty shitty Deadbeat dads.
When you kill yourself will it be via bleach or bullet? Which will you consume?
Probably bleach, I’m too broke to buy a gun.
>too broke
Damn, that hits where it hurts too brother.
do you have children yourself?
Nope, I’m 20 and I do have a GF, but I’m trying to hold off on Children. Funnily enough though my mother also works at this office with me, and I was a case here at one point because my dad wasn’t around.
>dad not around
How do you think this has affected your upbringing? Single parent households are the cancer that is destroying western society.
It wasn’t horrible. My mom worked 2 jobs so I stayed with my grandparents for the majority of my childhood up until 6th Grade. My grandpa being around helped a lot.
Are black people allowed to adopt white children?
We don’t deal with adoption here. I would imagine so, though.
Do you have any weird fetishes
Weird question, but I do like toes and specifically belly button piercings. But my girlfriend has told me I’m pretty vanilla aside from those things.
What do you think we should do with these dregs of society? Gf is a social worker and i cant help but think a lot of the resources spent on some of these retards is a complete waste of time and money.
Unfortunately it’s hard to do much about them when they dodge our services and don’t hold down a job to avoid Wage Garnishment, honestly I think we should be more pressing on individuals who refuse to pay, longer sentences, etc. but it’s really hard to enforce and I think that’s where most social work problems start. It’s just so hard to keep up and enforce things especially if you’re in a larger city like me.
Cmon Sup Forumsros I’m bored. Ask me shit.
what's the most fucked up shit you've seen in your job
Dead children on cases, dads with 12+ cases, and someone has threatened to bomb our building.
>weird question
Clearly not an adult psych analyst for sure.
Not at all weird, you said you had a single parent.
Obviously, I sent out wage assignments to deadbeat parents. My bad, I understand the correlation.