Sup Forums what's your opinion on women eating ass?

Sup Forums what's your opinion on women eating ass?

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Feels good

I’ve done it a few times. When I’m not in the moment, it seems disgusting

Go to the bathroom right now OP. Grab a wet wipe or dab some TP under the sink. Give yourself a good wipe and tell me what you can see/smell on the paper. Now you tell me what your opinion on girls eating ass is faggot.

It feels pretty damn good. It establishes dominance

Done. the paper is squeaky clean and it smells of wet paper, you wanna know why? Because I'm not a fucking Neanderthal like you amerifags and I actually own a bidet so my asshole is always immaculate.

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>the bored as fuck look on the other girl though

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as soon as it starts I usually close the tab and move on to the next video

love em

When my gf eats my ass I moan uncontrollably

have an upvote

nasty. I want to kiss my gf, I want her tongue in my mouth. If it's been in my hairy ass that would make it gross.

> If it's been in my hairy ass that would make it gross.
and if it's been on your hairy dick is different because?

cause that's just hot, poop isn't

so you find the smell of dick on her hot? that's hella gay

I love it when my girl eats my ass but I have to be fresh out of the shower.

i'm normally more on the quiet side during sex but as soon as my ass is getting licked i lose it. especially if she goes for the trombone solo

Your asshole is actually worse because not only are you not getting it 100% clean it's now fucking wet all day long just marinating in moist shit cheese all day. You eurofags are the worst.

smell of dick is the smell of sex, smell of ass is the smell of shit

lmao this nigga out here smellin sex

I love it when a married chick licks my asshole.

sorry you never had sex

>smell of dick is the smell of sex
that's HELLA gay

>Sup Forums what's your opinion on women eating ass?

High Risk of Hepatitis cross-infection.
High Risk of Herpes cross-infection.
High Risk of Intestinal Parasites.
High Risk of Blindness from Eye Infection.
High Risk of E-Coli Infection.

The sheer number of people from the US ending up with intestinal parasites from eating ass demonstrates just how much shit they eat when they do it.

I have no words.

Attached: Orolabial vesicles and ulcers. Appearance of orolabial vesicles and ulcers on day 17 of ICU treatmen (600x459, 184K)

you ownded him

Gross as fuck.
Ass fucking is fine, but putting your mouth there is fucking rancid.

That is my dream right there esp if hes fucking her ass

Kinda gross, don’t really want a woman licking my ass.

A civilized man's ass is cleaner than his hands. Just in case.

Mf out here saying they don't like their ass licked but eat their girls for breakfast lunch and dinner.

You still wipe your ass dry after using a bidet, dumbass. Instead of throwing it in the toilet you throw it in the trash because there's no shit on it.

>demonstrates just how much shit they eat when they do it.
that's because you're supposed to clean your ass before letting someone eat it

thanks to the bidet my asshole is literally cleaner than my hands are 99% of the time because a clean asshole is tucked away between the cheeks so it stays clean, hands on the other hand(kek) became dirtier than my asshole the second I touch something after i clean them.

Everytime u fart da poopoo comes out

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its stupid as fuck

wrong again because unlike you amerifags I don't shart every 10 seconds because my diet consists of hotdogs burgers fries and burritos, I actually eat good food so no shit is coming out of my farts retard

Clean your fucking assholes.

Disgusting unless it's my ass.

How? My gf often tries to do it. Idk how to feel about it.

I mean, it's ok but I want to marry that girl.

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There is no greater purpose for a woman’s mouth.

Idiot. Encourage her, and train her to do it well. Make her go around the world daily. Turn her into a fucking astronaut.

eurofags here, hes actually right, farting blows tiny fecal matter everywhere

It feels so fucking good. My wife eats my ass when shes drunk

lmao how does it not establish dominance? she's chowing down on a can of man ass. literally inviting your shame into her mouth.

I guess I prefer the traditional way.

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My first GF ate my ass when I was 13. I think her dad molested her. I also fucked her in the ass and told everyone... I know that's not impressive these days but it was 1986 so my contemporaries will be impressed.

news flash, there's fecal matter basically on everything, even on your toothbrush, so your asshole is really not much dirtier than your mouth

My opinion is that my girlfriend will be licking my ass tonight, and it will be fantastic

If you aren't into dominance games, this does nothing. Her fingering your prostate might be better.

Well, he's a shitskin so no matter where she puts her mouth on him she'll be eating ass anyway.
But I have nothing against anyone eating ass.

Imagine defending placing your tongue and mouth where shit blasts out and having your excuse being "i clean it". Fucking degenerates.

Coalburning white trash licking a nigger's asshole.

How low can you go?

well apparently shit blasts out of your mouth too so you really shouldn't have a problem faggot

My opinion on this is it is a fantastic act that every guy should experience at least once. I still distinctly remember the first time a girl I was dating did it. Took me by surprise, but holy hell did it feel great. A finger in the ass also feels amazing, but there's something mentally intriguing about them sticking there tongue on and in your ass, especially when they initiate it and are into it. Coming up on 12 years with that girl, and she's probably done it to me 250 times. I look forward to it every single time.

Old fag here too. '86, holy shit, that is early for some ass eating. I thought my wife was early in doing it her freshman year of college in '95. I am super impressed. Care to greentext or share how she did it, etc?

Nah, i’m the only one that’s gonna be eating any ass around here.

Love it, other day had my balls in her mouth and she moved down to lick my ass and then slipped a finger in. All good.

You're gay if you like anything anal

Oddly, a chick putting her tongue in your ass is not in any way shape or form gay.

You have to shave your balls and ass but once you're clean and smooth there is no better feeling than that tongue sliding low

...I mean I feel bad for my gf even receiving a bj when not showered

haven't tried it, but it is on the list

My ex kept insisting that she wanted to touch and eat my asshole. I always refused fearing I might enjoy it too much and she'd think I'm a fag.

My ex wanted to eat my ass before and it took a lot of prep work. I'm mexican and part native and my crotch area is so fucking hairy its fucking disgusting and my ass it looks like a jungle I'm scared one day I'm gonna lose something in there. Anyways it feels pretty good since i cleaned everything and got everything ready. I really liked it when she jerked me off while she put her in tongue in me.

Latest in a long line of jew inspired degeneracy meant to spread more disease and brainwash more white women to further debase themselves. You'll note the ((porn industry)) predominately shows white women doing it to niggers. Also note the number of Goldstein's larping about how great it is in this thread.

My gf eats mine. Feels good man

Mine has been doing it for 24 years. It's not a new thing. 2 Live Crew even sang about it, back in 1989.

>imagine not preparing for sex
seriously b/tards, some prep goes a long way. ever heard of a shower?

seems really unnecessary

not sure if they realize that muslims like it because the girl is seen as less than human and it verifies their jihad

literally nothing is has all been done before

And Chris Rock joked about prisoners having to "toss someone's salad" as a form of fag humiliation in the 90's. So what? Every degeneracy has been around since the beginning. But there's a difference between something existing in hidden corners and something being actively promoted as being normal and good.

Only white slurs who date black guys are like that

My wife and I took eachothers ass eating virginity and Im fine with it. It doesnt feel good to me at all and she probably only does it once or twice a year.

She absolutely loves her ass being eaten though.

If my wife had licked another dudes ass I never would have dated her. Thats almost as bad as if she fucked a nigger.

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>If my wife had licked another dudes ass I never would have dated her. That's almost as bad as if she fucked a nigger.
I disagree. A woman with some experience can be a good thing. I don't know if I would have gotten to experience a rimjob if my now-wife hadn't initiated it on her own accord. Thank god she had done them before and wanted to do it to me.

Preach nigga

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So either a Goldstein or sad beta closet faggot trying to post-justify marrying a used whore.

Itt Right wing Amerifats pretend colon cleansing before anal play doesn't exist.

Damn she's hot, sauce? You have Kik?

It's incredibly hot especially if it's some big dick niggers ass

Should be the norm when giving bjs

Not a goldstein, and not a beta. A guy who gets his ass eaten a few times a month by a hot ass wife. But you do you zoomer.

based subsaharan pastor poster

That girl looks so bored.

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Ask your mother Tenda

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Why would you brag with that? Do you think it's an accomplishment to have a wife that eats your hairy shit stained ass?

checked but you're still going to hell

itt left wing euroniggers pretend putting your omnom in your poopoo is acceptable because hey, the french president does it with somalis, so i can too

>hairy shit stained ass
Groom yourself and wash it and it's neither of those things.

wish my gf did it

like full on tongue fucking. i want to feel her tongue go inside of my asshole.

i'd totally do it to her if she wanted it.

she ate a niggers ass...
NOPE... moving on

Im an American, and I dont even care for ass to mouth stuff. I just don't obsessively hand wring about other people having sex because im not sperg like you.

It only looks good if it's a black guy. For some reason it looks gross if he's white

that nigga is gay lol

Its a Goldstein. Not only pushing ass-eating but now slips in the body shaving.