Why is Trump such a lazy piece of garbage that wastes our money?

Why is Trump such a lazy piece of garbage that wastes our money?

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Typical GOP, sadly. They only care about tax money when it's not going into their own pockets and those of their buddies.

Say what you will about the Dems, most of their plans involve giving help to normal folks and overarching plans for society. You can argue how effective they are and the road to hell is paved with good intentions. But at least they're not 100% transparently robbing tax payers.

Get real. Make the same graph for you.. green for your days off. Make it for anyone. How about Obama? Map his days not in office, lol.

Wow, reality. It's amazing isn't it?

If anything, this graph shows that he's the most efficient president in recent memory, surely.

You're a dipshit liberal fuckstick. Grow up little boy.

Ok boomer. See you in ww3

did your tv tell you its ww3? aww how cute

Right. Because China and Russia can't get their rocks from anywhere else, lol. Iran is USELESS to those countries, moron. They're not going to risk war with the USA over IRAN, ROFL.

You lefties are fucking MORONS. Fucking chicken little idiots.

you should copypaste your responses to yourself, it'll make posting a little easier


I see he's mostly golfing in the weekends. So why bother caring?

You're talking about Trump wasting money? How'd that whole impeachment thing go? I see they still haven't followed through... Why is that exactly? And how much money did that waste?

Just because you don't like what you're reading, it doesn't mean it's the same person.

i bought the dems 2020, so money well spent. Only those that were never going to vote blue consider this a waste of money

He's wasted more on golf carts! Kek stupid hickbillie

Leftists have no individuality. Every one of you idiots thinks the same thing, says the same thing, etc. Too scared for individuality, for self. A scourge on society.

Chicken little idiots...

Candy colored clowns!!

it looks too automated, that person really needs to work on their script

Says the side so afraid of different ideas they won't allow a real trial for trump.

Can I get you cunts to do me a favour? When Trump wins in November, can you please start a civil war, OR SHUT THE FUCK UP. Nobody likes hearing you cunts whine for a minute, let alone years.

well your side already promised to start a civil war if he loses so it's the least we can do. Oh and killing off 15 percent of the population is great for the environment. We can turn the land your trailer home is on into a soy farm.


Im not the leader of fucking free world, asshat. Nor did I ever say I would be the hardest working president ever. The guy is trash.

Really, all of these political gripes are the same. None of these complaints need much in the way of original thought to come up with, since they're all so obvious. So, it's going to sound repetitive because it's simply an ongoing problem

Do you think it costs money to impeach a president?

So he takes like 20 days off a year? I get a lot more days off than that...

>way more than 20, 1 in 5 days in office was spent on the course

This...its like saying north korea is vital to china. Or poland is vital to the usa.

Well yeah, everytime a politician flushes a toilet or turns on a light at the captial, the utility bill is paid for by tax dollars. All the time and energy , its not free.

Looks like the man likes to spend his Saturday and Sundays golfing

Excluding weekends, it’s about 20 days for each of those three years.

What is the bill at this point then, other then salary for being at work at the time the process hasn't included any litigation or lawyer fees yet.

Nobody said we aren't including those the president is held to higher standards, or used to be at least. And on top of his "executive" time hes a lazy piece of shit

I would be more worried about your president giving orders for drone strikes. Fuckin’ manchild he is.

Golf is networking. No one cares about the game much. Its networking.

You'd be seething and screeching no matter what Orange Mad Bad does.

Your Trump Derangement Syndrome symptoms are showing. Get help.


3 years of your autistic screeching about Orange Man Bad down, 5 to go.
How frustrating it must be for you, when you visit NYC do you walk on the other side of the street from the Trump tower?

Imagine being a buttblasted liberal cucked so much by things out of your control.

Being an emotionally dysregulated gender dysphoric autistically screeching self-loathing libtard bending the knee (and over) for his mentally ill lqbtqp overlords is no way to go through life.

Remember that feeling you had, the night she lost?
That sick feeling of shame and helplessness, like some indefinable part of you had been raped?
That feeling of despair?
That the world had just flipped, turned upside down?
That evil had triumphed over good?


Well, get ready for a second dose come November 2020. Because there will be no impeachment, contrived articles are rotting on Pelosi's desk. And no amount of shilling on social media is going to save you faggots.


It's like trump raped your mom, set your fucking house on fire and ripped your nuts from your crotch and is wearing them publicly. That's the level of fucking assblast you people exhibit for him.

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>they won't allow a real trial

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>We can turn the land your trailer home is on into a soy farm.

what a faggot.

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>Imagine the lynch mobs if it were hillary in this exact situation

No matter how much you repeat this, though, it's in no way a defense of Trump or his actions.

You guys do realize it takes money to make money. Trump has done the best in the past 10 years whether you like it or not. You dumbass’s will believe anything thrown at the tv and won’t think before you speak. Trump WILL win in 2020 like it or not. He is and will be your president for another 4 years.

I mean mitch has been pretty open about his willingness to take whatever load in whichever hole he wants

Sure takes alot of money then considering that ballooning deficit in a time of apparent financial highs. Oh wait, corporations are making way more money while having to pay way less and look at that, they're continuing to try to pay even less than after the tax cut.

>Conservatives will defend this

Do you mean russia? What are these actions? Is your TDS getting in the way of you using logic?

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If Trumps such a terrible president wouldn't him working less be a good thing?
You idiots don't even know what you want. All you know is orange man bad.

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If impeachment is such an open and shut case why won't Pelosi send the articles over to the senate?

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Why do you like watching your wife's boyfriend fuck her in the shower?

Me-sir like-you thinky hard-sir. Democrats have got the gungan vote sewn up.

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>How'd that whole impeachment thing go? I see they still haven't followed through

We left all the paperwork at the wall. You did get that built, right?

Do you mean following the same rules as the last impeachment that the house didn't follow? You might want to read a little on history before you run your idiotic cake-hole.

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Deflect all you want walls are being built and illegal immigration has gone down a lot.
Now about those impeachment rules that worked fine for Clinton but the Dems won't allow for Trump...

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Remember, he uses tax payer money to fly himself to his resorts to play golf. Every excursion there is Trump taking money out of YOUR pockets.

Please Obama did the same shit. Going to Marthas Vineyard and taking his kids all over the planet on taxpayer dimes.
How did Obama become a millionaire as a community organizer and a civil servant?

Entire government has been doing it for decades. The fed is missing NINE TRILLION DOLLARS. Most of that wasn't even on Trump's watch. It was what.. 2 TRILLION, when Bush was around? The government doesn't give a fuck about you. They love corporations in defense contracts, oil, power, etc. They just sit around helping out the big machine of the elite. That's their job, that's their only fucking job.

Infantile deflecting because you can't excuse our current president from STEALING from our wallets. How can GOP be about small government and tax cuts yet be happy with him taking tax payer money for weekly vacations?

What rules, specifically?

> illegal immigration has gone down a lot
Obviously. Based Obama had the most deportations in the country’s history. No one is left to pop out anchor babies.

Your guy does it = bad.
My guy does it = good.

That shit gets old. GW Bush Took way more vacations and spent way more money on it.

Actual charges on impeachment take time retard. It doesn't happen overnight.
Took almost a year with Nixon

Don't mention the new asylum rules or the wait in Mexico rule the new administration implemented. Nor the added wall that are much more difficult to climb.
I see you're not old enough to remember the Clinton impeachment hearings. He was able to bring witnesses and have legal council during the house investigation something Schiff didn't allow Trump's team in the slightest.
The funny thing is that this impeachment will only help Trump just like it did Slick Willie all those years ago.

What's the problem here? This works out to about the same as any working American when you include paid time off, and holidays. I'm no trump supporter, but the media loves to put attention on things that truly do not matter.

How exactly does he use tax payer money to use his OWN plane he bought years ago with his OWN money. Please shut the fuck up before you type or open your nasty smelling mouth

You use logic. That's something these folks suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome can not do.

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Also the same Obama did with playing basketball you bitching liberals literally try to find anything just to argue.

Also, look at how many weekend days worked, and the weeks he worked 7 days in a row? How many people can honestly say they did the same?


Trump actually claimed he wouldn't have time to golf if he won, and always went after Obama for golfing. Trump has smashed his record many times over. Cope harder.

>it's in no way a defense of Trump or his actions

Yes, all the criminal activity. Which is why there aren't any on the articles of impeachment.

Keep crying. It has been 3 years of entertainment and I know you unhinged liberals will screech for 5 more years.

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Imagine thinking the president should get weekends off. LOL. Holy fuck this guys a true galaxy brain.

Fucking idiots.... this only shows days he played golf. That doesn't mean every moment aside from golf is assumed to be working. I'd wager he spends 5 hours of every day on the shitter tweeting like an 17 year old girl.

stupid fucking pinheads like you will swallow anything a lying retarded reality TV host will say to you. you are fucking retarded idiots. watch vid


Fekkin idiot...he uses Air Force One to travel. He has gone on 193 golf outings costing the taxpayers 340 million dollars.

Of course, that doesn't count the number of outings he went on to suck off some dictator he's in love with.

Daily reminder that THESE are the guys posting whiny liberal memes, lol.

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He admitted to criminal behavior. The only reason it won't pass in Senate is because Republicans have 0 convictions.

Trump was allowed witnesses though what are you talking about

>still doing the "trump loves putin thing"
jesus christ

Could've been talking about Kimmie

> I'm not going to have time to play golf, believe me
> how wants to leave the *White House*
see kys

>Republicans have 0 convictions.
That’s not true, tons of people went to prison after the mueller investigation

Name one.

Or even the Saudis.

John Bolton.
Mick Mulvaney.
Not the Dems fault the decided not to show up.

>Republicans have 0 convictions.
>something Schiff didn't allow Trump's team in the slightest
Wow, is this Retarded Trump Supporter Day?
Most days are bad, but Jesus Christ the idiocy is running deep here.


at least 12 were summoned, trump told them not to show up


Pelosi even invited Trump himself to testify. he refused

Why would you when there was no defense allowed? Schiff ran a one sided house investigation and Pelosi is demanding that the senate allow minority input when the house didn't allow it at all.

It was a one sided political show. Voted along party lines; something Jerry Nadler said should never happen during the Clinton Impeachment.

>hurr duur retarded Trumpet
If you claim this has been an impartial trial in the house you're a deluded partisan.

not an argument

also has nothing to do with the rules changing

>there was no defense allowed?
[citation needed]


still has nothing to do with changed rules and denying witnesses


"Democrats also changed rules about committee subpoenas from those used in the Clinton impeachment. While the panel’s top Republican still will have the ability to call for subpoenas, that ranking member no longer has the ability to call for a committee vote if they disagree with a subpoena the chairman wants to issue.

That would take away Republican power to act as a check on the authority of the chairman, which would encourage reasonableness from both sides, Republican aides say."

Sorry bitch. there's plenty of stuff trump does that normally would go uncriticized, but trump specifically promised he wouldn't do these things lol. GOP officals been using conservative voters as a cum rag so long you guys began to like it.

There were no closed door hearings and there was no magical whistle blower that never testified. At least try to use history and logic a little.
I know you hate Trump more than you love anything but ignoring the past just makes you look unhinged and ignorant.

>trump go uncriticized.

He can't open a door without TDS afflicted soy folk bitching and whining.

>the rules give Trump's lawyers procedural protections that generally align with those given to previous presidents
from your link

bitly [slash] 2NcVr4P
here are all the changes they made. i'm not seeing the one you're claiming

still has nothing to do with changing rules about allowing witnesses

>He admitted to criminal behavior

I wonder why the articles are contrived?

Keep screeching about Orange Man Bad, it has served you so well for the last 3 years.
5 to go.
5 long years to go.

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