You have 10 seconds to name something dumber than an American godtard

You have 10 seconds to name something dumber than an American godtard.

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I literally can't.

Same in Russian.

Leftists. That was easy.

anyone of these


Mormons, literally worshipping a guy who is on record for fraud.

Tough question ...

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2 'mericans

Godlessness is why Europe is dying.

European Goddard, Africa Goddard, op's mother.

You never been to conservative in the south. Bless your heart

A devout Catholic, Jew, or Muslim.

American religious insanity started from European religious insanity.

Foreigners thinking their opinion matters

Started from europeans getting tired of their shit and shipping them across the pond

The old belief systems are just replaced with new even worse humanist ones.
Politics become people's religion and everybody has their special interest cults that are just religions without a god.
It's what Nietzsche criticized and warned atheists about.

Gaytheists and Faggnostic sheeple


Nothing dumber than an american, being god faggots is just the icing on the inbred cake.


Ah so that excuses you obese pieces of fuck?

3 wet hammers

A middle eastern godtard.

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Atheist tard

If you believe in god then you’re the stupidest kind of scum.

t. buttshattered godtard sperging at facts

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Believing in any skygod

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ITT: An edgy teenager who completely misses the point of the functions of religion.

The same person but brown.

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You sound like edgelord Onision

All because of erofags spreading there fictitious religious propaganda.

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Bible thumping pedophile

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honestly, no one knows where we came from and all theories are beliefs that involve having faith. Beliving in god should not be seen as any different than believing in the big bang

>american godtard
No such thing. Most of people there doesn't give a fuck about religion. Its socialist/atheist propaganda that you ate. Why you are so retarded OP?

The point of religion is to separate idiots like you from their cash.

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What an utter fucking cunt.

No it shouldn't. There's evidence for scientific theories, which can be wrong and can change. Your religious dogma, that requires a 'leap of faith' to believe, is set in stone and can't be changed.
Bible thumpers dont seem to get that science evolves as new things are discovered while their religious doctrine can't be or it would invalidate their whole belief system.


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Imagine being in someone's head every minute of every day, cursing the fact that they can't get you out of their head.

I don't have to imagine, because I live in your head R E N T F R E E

That people that let muslim (((refugees))) into their European countries did they can be raped and slaughtered by those (((refugees))) daily

Who are you talking to, godtard?

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Region is dead

far right burgertards
ah nevermind, its the same thing

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An Iranian godtard

Awww that triggered you atheist scumbag

The problem is the evangelist and jews form a powerful alliance and are no less fanatic and delusional than their enemies which is the Islam

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The fool that has said “there is no God”

America is a gay man indulging in a head licking fetish with the slightly smaller but also clearly gay Europe?

America is asserting its dominance on the weak eurocuck

I don't believe in god
I just love living in your head rent free

look at how mad and insecure you are

Jew absolutely hate Jesus, above everything.

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>gets triggered by godtard thread
>I-I’m not a godtard guise

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>this desperate for human interaction
I'm sorry you're so boring in your real life that you have to take on a fursona to get anybody to pay attention to you

And Jesus had his problems with them as well, he even got so angry, he whipped their asses.

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>tfw "godtard" people started in the Middle East and Europe, literally, had wars over it

sounds pretty gay to me

"An explosion came from nothing and that created the universe", that is a leap of faith. Just like "a god came from nothing and created the universe". There is also a lot of evidence that enforces the bible, just like there is a lot of evidence that enforces scientific beliefs. Make no mistake, scientists also take a big leap of faith by assuming shit.

>There is also a lot of evidence that enforces the bible
Which is?

Multiple events in the bible have been proved to have happened, there also exist some mathematical equations that attempt proving gods existance(Gödels ontological proof for example)

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Like the talking snake? The 600yo man building a boat? Land animals crossing oceans to board that boat?

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I went to the store. This part is true.
While I was at the store, I viciously beat the store clerk, stole all of his boxes of twinkies and stopped to have sex with three of the patrons who were all so turned on by my act of savage manliness that they tore their clothes off begging to ride my cock. Then the cops showed up but they recognized me as the superstar that I am, Tom Hanks, so they insisted on taking me to the bar for some drinks.

Wicked night. One thing is true so the rest of it is true. Believe me! Also I have a fundraiser going to help benefit sheep burned in the wildfires last year, all proceeds go toward benefiting sick children in Africa!

Atheist niggers

Fun fact: niggers have an average IQ of 1-2 standard deviations below that of whites. And we all know that every last nigger on the planet is a godtard. And that means that white godtards have a nigger-tier intellect.

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The bible says that god interacted with humanity until Jesus got crucified, I believe. If a god exists then it would not be hard for him to make supernatural incidents like these occurr. Obviously to belive in this you first have to belive in god. Which is a total leap of faith, just like beliving in the big bang theory.

Get out with that weak link.
Minimal Fact Argument, that's were it's at.

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I am not arguing that religion is true you dipshit, don't even bother reading if you are retarded. I am saying that both the scientific and religious explanation for the creation of the universe is flawed and "a leap of faith"

I don't think i need to link it. There are literally tons of evidence that some bible events are true. This is not a secret, the evidence has been there for ages, and it should be common knowledge to anyone who has an opinion about religion. Just learn how to use the internet for something other than soaking up Sup Forums opinions like a sheep and you will find useful information with a quick google search.

Big Bang theory has supporting evidence. Your favourite little god has none. But don’t let these facts prevent you from continuing to tell lies for jesus.

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A Swede.
>Sveedan Yas!

>Invite the man who rapes your daughter to death into your home and thank him for it afterwards.

An average American

Yes, the big bang has enforcing evidence. I feel like i have said this already, why do you have to be so retarded. There is evidence for both theories, but at the end of the day they are just theories. And both of them have and explenation for everything except, "where did god come from" and "where did the explosion come from". If you are willing to belive in any of these then automatically the rest of the theory is validated. The big bang theory is literally jsut another religion that requires you too take a big leap of faith for it to work

You're literally a faggot.

>aha! i have evidence on my side, scientists thaught me this so it must be true

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creationists and flat earthers should be removed from the gene pool, particularly if they come from a civilized country and have no excuse for their ignorance.