And i believe that because US Intelligence is a trustworthy organisation
Sauce nigga
>North Korea, China, Iran, Russia, Ukraine are the good guys hurr durr
what you believe doesn't matter
the truth doesn't matter
CBS literally cut to the newsroom and said it just now i was watching the price is right lmfao
Did they literally?
We could take over that country in a week. We'd get our shicked kicked in the the next fifteen years, but what's the point in all that?.
U.S. officials are confident Iran shot down a Ukrainian jetliner in the hours after the Iranian missile attack on U.S. targets earlier this week, CBS News has learned. The Ukrainian International Airlines plane crashed Wednesday soon after takeoff from Tehran's airport, killing all 176 people on board.
This is a developing story and will be updated.
>America is the best country in the world and we are the good guys
I believe in only what I want to believe in and I only want to believe in what my team tells me to believe in.
And Irak had weapons of mass destruction, and was responsible for 9/11, lets invade them!
History repeating.
This, but unironically.
Its sad how people outside of usa have no clue about anything usa
Its even more sad when americans have no clue
let me guess, the North Korans are based because the choose to stay living in the 50's with shit equipment, style, and culture?. They absolutely love it there right? and they by example want to show us what a wonderful world we could all be living in right without following imperialist nations?.
Was there really any doubt?
eat your denny's grand slam and shut up fatso
anti u.s. fucks probably believe we shot it down because we do shit like that
That’s a Ukrainian problem m8
We must defend our Canadian ally.
U.S. intelligence picked up signals of a radar being turned on, sources told CBS News. U.S. satellites also detected two surface-to-air missile launches, which happened shortly before the plane exploded, CBS News was told.
Are we trusting the CIA again?
>citation needed.
might makes right
Not what happened. Iran shot it down yes, but they were not aiming for it. Just 3rd world bomb tech
It's our bomb tech you moron
Iran needs to be nuked off the face of the world.
"You're goddamned right it is! And I'd do it again!"
>Iran purposely used missiles to shoot down a jet full of iranians
This idea apparently makes sense to retards
My thoughts exactly.
Also there was a few UK and Ausi citizens on does Iran want war with NATO? Does that sound like it makes much sense?
Iran, shooting down airplane with it's own people to what?....I'll wait.
>82 Iranians on said plain
>crashed suspiciously after the shelling
>America says Iran shot it
makes you thonk, huh?
"Trump: "I had my suspicions"
President Trump was asked about the crash during an event at the White House on Thursday morning. "I had my suspicions," the president said. "I don't want to say that because other people have their suspicions also."
"It's a tragic thing when I see that," Mr. Trump said. "It's a tragic thing, but somebody could have made a mistake on the other side."
"It was flying in a pretty rough neighborhood, and somebody could have made a mistake," the president said. "Some people say it was mechanical. I personally don't think that's even a question."
No, but your country isn’t the good guy either. Everyone does some shit.
"Who was on board?
Among the victims were 82 Iranians, 63 Canadians, 11 Ukrainians including all nine crew, 10 Swedes, four Afghans, three Britons and three Germans, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko said. Fifteen of the dead were children."
Yeah, seriously think about what you just insinuated there. We want war some much we would shoot down a plan with our Allies citizens on it.....then NOT retaliate with the US military after a blatant missile strike on Iraq bases.....
This fucking board..
Glad we are on the same boat.
Gulf of Tonkin, Iraq has WMD's.
SOME, USA does a lot more than some.
Your country did shoot down an Iranian commercial plane in the '80s...
Well, I know. Not just going to preach about it here since patriots will get triggered and “you’re just a dumb Eurofag user.” It’s obvious the deep state that runs shit is evil.
fair play.
I think you’ve got to question who else might have been on that plane.
My money’s on a high-value target (or targets) within the intelligence community.
Iranian government and intel is not stupid; they know who is doing what, where, and when, especially within their own country. They likely identified a target onboard whose killing they perceived as being equal or greater in value than the collateral damage incurred. Also, that level of collateral damage sends a message to US intel saying: “hey, we got your spy, just like you got our general, and we’re willing to sacrifice civilian casualties in the process. This is what a war will look like if you continue to fuck with us”.
Just my conjecture here, but I’ve been around long enough to see through a lot of the bullshit of international politics.
They never claimed "Deliberately" dumbass. Never attribute to intent what can be explained by stupidity.. the Iranians are pretty stupid and likely shot it down accidentally.
Thats a hell you treat your homeland man. Are you an immigrant for christ sake. You literally living close to the pepsi well and the original whacky burger and you still shit on our great nation you piece of shit foreigner. GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE
Highly unlikely that there was anything “accidental” about it.
>My money’s on a high-value target (or targets) within the intelligence community.
So instead of abducting these known foreign assets at the airport, they decide to blow up an entire plane full of their own people to make a point to America?
Airport is probably the easiest place in the world to abduct a man.
Just take him in for some "routine screening" after which he is never seen again.
Shooting down the plane would not be rational.
The worst case scenario here is they shot the plane down by accident.
Under no circumstance would they shoot it down on purpose.
I don’t think abduction would work in this case. Taking out their general (someone who was apparently much admired there) by drone had some serious shock value. I think they saw this as an appropriate response. Maybe not what you or me would do, but we are dealing with Iran here.
RIP a bunch of "Canucks" with Islamic names, I'm over it.