moviebob just lost a ton of followers for going apeshit on twitter and now he is imploding

>Apparently, I’ve lost some follows by being politically angry on social media. If that’s news to you, congratulations – you don’t follow (or haven’t drawn the attention) of self-righteous trolls who collect angry-sounding sentences and spread them around out of context to rile others up against users whom they object to in some way

>My instinct on that is to be “whatever” about it, because I’m not sure how one is NOT supposed to be angry when the people you’re railing against are, increasingly, literal Nazis.

>I’m also not inclined to “apologize” for the broad strokes of my outlook: I believe in intelligence and the morality of reason.

what did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


>I believe in intelligence and the morality of reason
Says the guy who skipped out on his grandmas funeral to play mario


People deal with grief in funny ways. That's perfectly natural.

I need to start carrying a fedora around whenever someone says something like "I believe in intelligence and morality of reason" just so I can tip it lmao

God damn... if he shaved his goat, he'd look like a drag queen out of drag.

More like Movieblob

He's just an angry ideologue. Moviebob doesn't really have 'politics' because he believes people are the biggest problem with society, he thinks all you should have to do is write some script for how to act or discern what the ideal society might look like, and then you're justified in blaming the world over and over for not flawlessly implementing that ideal in each moment. He thinks 'pro-intelligence' and 'morality of reason' arepolitics, but they're goals, end results. All he does is repeatedly scream that all the most ideal things he can imagine aren't always happening, and goes on to tweet a list of people he wants removed from the planet as if it were a real solution.

Also he's an impotent activist, so that must be frustrating.

>a drag queen out of drag
So...just a guy?

He didn't skip it to play MArio. He skipped it because the air conditioner was broken.

He didn't even care. He fixed his air conditioner and played the game on gba.

>I believe in intelligence and the morality of reason.
Remember when, as a grown man, you skipped your mother's funeral to replay Super Mario Bros 3?

Remember writing about this and charging people to read it?

>never apologize
I agree with this cunt, fuck all of you triggered cucks.

Hey be nice to the guy he fought in the SMB3 wars.

He's such a piece of shit. He's the male version of red haired, black framed glasses wearing angry females.

Going through his Twitter is enough to give you a headache.

>wanting him to play GBA in the heat

what a sperg lol

that is the funniest dumb thing i read on this board today


>Bill O'Reilly
>Alex Jones
All BTFO the same week...this is some epic week fellows and we are just halfway done.

Must be hard being an ugly movie reviewer in a world where Chris "sex machine" Stuckman exists

>decide I want to re-read the p4r book report on bob's book
>the site's dead

press F

No. Like a drag queen without a wig and makeup.

They dont look like "just a guy".

moviebob is a fat angry nerd who said if he was as powerful as magneto he would kill everybody because he was bullied and that justifies his actions

How?Post one

I mean, you wouldn't?

no because I'm not a loser wallowing in self pity and revenge fantasies


I know a website that may be more suited to your interests

I'm not 15 like Bob is (in his mind)

get this shit outta Sup Forums and never post again

uh... I mean...
>tfw no gf


I was bullied pretty heavily in school. Held a major grudge about. For some reason, years later I started to remember more of my youth and I remember I was a fucking asshole too. I bullied and put down kids. For some reason that hurt worse, but it also was eye-opening and I got over being bullied.

>Looks low T
Not surprised one bit about him being liberal filth

he's losing followers because his content is shite and he just revived a show even his fanbase don't like.

I doubt its got anything to do with twitter ramblings because he's been doing that for fucking ages.

>i was bullied so anything is justified!

Bunch of people on a family guy video said some character was justified in ruining Lois' life just because she humiliated her back in highschool.

The collective victim complex is fucking irritating. No dumbshit morons, you are not justified in making things worse because one time in kid world another equally not developed human being hurt you emotionally GROW UP!

Well, clearly you don't belong here.

This. I got bullied, one time the classic "girl pretends to like you then says "lol, j/k loser ;p " in front of group of people" was pulled on me. But looking back, as bad as that was, I deserved it for being a creepy fuck towards girls.

>kinda cute (no homo)

>fat, ugly wetback

Why does this guy have followers in the first place?

Tell that to Zod's snapped neck.

very punch-able face

>(no homo)


How were you creepy?

Isn't he the guy who refers to differently-minded people as subhumans and inferior?
Horseshoe theory at work i guess.

>you have to hate nazis

when did people become so closed-minded

remember when stuckman wrote that revised BvS script?

Man, I remember when the war started because of that Wizard movie. It was just like 9/11.

Oh hi Bob

So basically Chronicle?

Lmao are you actually defending Chris?

pretty much

This isn't the same fat guy that eats raw meat on /ck/? They look identical.

No? Why don't you tell it to Zod's snapped neck?

Not really, I'd probably offer my services to the metall industry and make millions

Why is he so naziphobic, lads?

Im not going to say bullying is appropriate or good, but there is a long term epidemic of antisocial belligerent smartass kids who say something judgmental or negative every time they are spoken to, who get that negativity sent right back at them and then they go on to believe they're bullied geniuses living amongst ignorant brutes. Some of these people will apply self-reflection and realize they have been willfully standoffish and talk down to their peers to exercise a meaningless personal superiority, and will mature in the way try speak so they can be friendly, reasonable to speak with, and finally make friends. Bob did not choose to do this.

Hi Max Landis

what are these, tweets for ants?

There was one a time where the things this guy said were right. Focused and on point, and had only to do with video games.

The exact MOMENT he gained any modicum of a following he went off the rails regurgitating beta liberal nonsense to try and gain acceptance from the most likely crowd.

You have to understand first and foremost that's what drives everything he does. The want to belong. You take one look at him and you know he's always been the basement dweller type that got bullied his entire life.

I see it.

I wish. Because that would mean I did something with my life.

kek you're right, what an odd thought to have


any pictures of his feet?

idgaf about his tweets.
His movie reviews are top notch, well written, not just some shitty improvised ramble, and he is one of the few reviewers who actually do some research before saying shit.

I used to feel that way until he started to inject his personal ideologies in his reviews. It became so noticible that I started to look into it.

And here we are.

Its another episode of "a white wealthy asshole being offended on behalf of colored people" episode.

There are people who still follow this fuck? Are they Devin Faraci fans or what? All Bob has done for the past year has been to rant about subhumans, its why he was fired from the escapist.


What has been happening to Moviebob after he got fired from ScrewAttack and diagnosed with Diabetes?


He lost me with Christmas Story review when he started complaining about how racist the Chinese restaurant scene is. Chinese people who can't speak English very well sound funny. Oh no, such oppression! The movie is partially ruined!

Tweeting out his political diatribes about how he would wipe out the genetic inferiors and create a new world order where only those such as himself would rule.

He painted his entire basement room green because the green screen was too much work.

He also pretends that he is eating healthy.

If you're an idiot sure. Moviebob is like the Angry Joe of movie reviewers, and thats still being generous towards him.

I can't believe I"m actually typing this, but please leave jack out of this. He's a mentally handicapped manchild but he's not in the same league as this guy.

I bet he smells like shit.


Almost sounds like the ramblings of a crazed drunk homeless man.

I feel bad for him. Back when I used to follow his shit he sometimes alluded to all the bullying he went through and it's clear it fucked him up pretty bad mentally.

>Compares Mcdonalds to the Moon landing

I'm shocked

But Angry Joe reviews movies



>going apeshit on twitter and now he is imploding
Good. I hope he has a heart attack. Video of him being craned out of his basement please.

You know that theory about the universe, it can only grow to a certain point before it starts imploding.

Is he a virgin?


except that Angry Joe is more likable and aint a massive fat nazi.

It's just funny because she didn't win, so we actually know for a fact their manipulation was the wrong choice to win.

that's filename L I T E R A L L Y comes from a package of 'rare pepes' that was advertised on /r/Sup Forums back in like 2014
fucking pathetic dude

I'm actually quite surprised.
It is from a big pepe folder but I got it off Sup Forums I think

yes, we already know that Sup Forums is full of redditors yourself included

I've literally never browsed reddit and Ive been on Sup Forums close to 10 years

>Not all heroes are super

Is it trying to imply that that kid or anyone in the movie is a hero, and not "super"? Did the poster maker not know what the words "super" and "hero" mean?

No you sickfuck

Is movieBLOB the guy who reviewed Halo(the game yes) and said The Covenant were the true good guys because they are diverse and colorful and Humanity is boring and bad because it's mostly white males?

Pleass correct me if im wrong?

Kill all normalfags, you dumb sonofabitch.