2+2 is 4 minus 1 that's 3, quick maths

2+2 is 4 minus 1 that's 3, quick maths

Girl on the right looks Finnish

1+1 bomb equals end of war

Girl on the right is uckerz


Finngolian ting, ya done know.

wrong because she is actually attractive

One plus one equals window haha






This app assumes they all darken their eyebrows and all have skin issues.

Roastie day of reckoning

Assuming they have skin issues is a good assumption 80% of the time

kill all m*n

I love apps like these, it proves that bones are everything.


THats my fav rap song of the year. Last year was panda and year before that coco


Roasties getting btfo lmao. Honestly I wish women didn't wear makeup.

Will I look less ugly and have a chance to get a gf if I used make-up?

That is some pretty amazing salt over men curious to see how a woman looks without makeup.

god bless

airborne testicular cancer NOW