Muh clinton body count

>muh clinton body count
>trump just killed 176 people
>b-but obama!

Pic related, it's you after reading this, KEK!

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It's OP when turmp wins again in 2020

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>wins again in 2020

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Women showing their bare ankles in public agree to being raped. They have shown their consent through the active action of choosing to show their bare ankles in public to all the men. After consenting you don't get to call out the men afterwards for taking you up on your invitation.

Lmao, If you honestly go around thinking about this all the time, you're butt hurt.

Trump 2020 motherfucker!

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How did you manage to start your sentence on the same line as the quote? First time on Sup Forums?
But I agree with your point, human lives aren't important huh? Unless it's unborn babies.

You should be able to see by now that Trump doesn’t give a shit about anything but himself. All he ever talks about is himself and how great he is.

He sounds insane. He is incapable of saying anything without inserting himself in the discussion. He sounds massively crazy.

Based. Trump is literaly a leftist cuck now as is as bad as that obunga, faggot can't even protect own rallies! Goddamn liar

Trump isn’t left wing or right wing. He’s just whatever is about Trump now. He has no positions or opinions. He never commits to anything. It’s just the Trump show. Look at me now.

He literally just wasted a terrorist. What more do you want?

We still have a fuckload of them that just tried to pull off a coup via a bogus impeachment. We could start there.

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This is what happens when you declare war on a word. You're a terrorist too faggot, we should drone strike you

This "impeachment" was over a phone call, not a war, fucktard. If you're gonna try to sound smart on the internet, at least get your shit straight, terrorist scum.

American politics are weird but the anti Trump side of it has got to be the worst!
Your memes and macros suck as well

President Trump was right when he said that all Never Trumpers are human scum. They scream and cry like infants, but drain tax money like parasites.