I'll start
Mrs. Doubtfire 2
Ghostbusters 3
Still holding out for another Rambo as well, but don't know the status of it.
I'll start
Mrs. Doubtfire 2
Ghostbusters 3
Still holding out for another Rambo as well, but don't know the status of it.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm glad none of these things have happened or will ever happen. Rambo ended perfectly and what would a second Mrs. Doubtfire even be about?
DUNE by Jodorowski, have you seen the sketches??? they look like every other sketch made for a sci fi film, but internet tells me I should be hyped for them
>mrs. doubtfire 2
bumping for potential
Return of the Jedi (good)
there would never be Alien 3
>what would a second Mrs. Doubtfire even be about?
Weekend at Bernies, but with Williams's corpse
>what would a second Mrs. Doubtfire even be about?
Robin Williams' further exploration of the feminine persona he has adopted and learning about his inner female sexuality.
they could still make "Weekend at Mrs Doubtfire's"
the originally planned Stargate trilogy that never happened
(not the recently cancelled reboot, that would have sucked ass judging by Independence Day 2)
Bob Clampett's A Princess of Mars
New Rambo is confirmed to be about Johns daughter.
The Gucci movie directed by Ridley Scott.
Schindler's List
Kung Pow 2
Oni by Akira Kurosawa
Got turned into a cool video game
The only thing I can think of that's is like what you give as an example was a Jumper sequel.
Other than that I would have liked fantasy as a genre to be a thing.
OH, the last Hellboy movie.
A single Hobbit film from 2004 in the style of the Lord of the Rings films, with greater use of practical effects instead of CGI and no new plots or characters
Carl Th. Dreyer's Jesus
Verhoeven's Crusade
If there is one thing Paul Verhoeven knows how to do, it is create a huge action movie with bodies flying everywhere. If there is one thing Arnold Schwarzenegger knows how to do, it is be the person throwing the bodies. For a brief moment in the early ’90s, both director and leading-man had an opportunity to combine their destructive talents for what surely could have been the most fascinating medieval epic of the decade: Crusade.
With a script written by Walon Green (The Wild Bunch), Paul Verhoeven was initially in talks to direct protein-powered muse Arnold Schwarzenegger in Crusade from around the time of 1990’s Total Recall. The proposed cast included Jennifer Connelly, Gary Sinise and Charlton Heston alongside a reported budget of $100 million, promising to be a project depicting “entire civilisations out to destroy each other” in classic Verhoeven fashion.
I mean Rambo 4 was a complete masterpiece, yeah.
Back in the 00s I just wanted to go to the theater and see Robin donning the suit as like a backlit silhouette or something while Aerosmith's Dude Looks Like A Lady played again. And the rest of it to be good of course.
There were actually plans for Doubtfire 2 but they couldn't agree what it should be about and Robin didn't think it was good enough, the material he was given I hear.
Same kind of idea, I wanted to see all the original Ghostbusters walk out while the original untouched theme song played in the theater in the 2010s.
Michael Mann's Enzo Ferrari starring Christian Bale and released this year. It's probably not going to be out until 2019 at this rate and how many more moviemaking years has Mann got left?
Damn that could have been great. Shame.
when his fat gay best friend/ makeup artist comes to him for help robin, who is currently feeling down because his children have grown up and no longer need him and he is stuck playing the same character he has for 13 years (ie the titular mrs doubtfire), agrees trying to get some excitement,
Williams, who is already in makeup for his show agrees to meet gay bestie at this random address, upon arrival Robin watches in horror as he sees his friend be murdered out the window of the second story bathroom. he hides but is found by what he thinks to be the goons of the main baddy/ owner of the house.
luckily it is only the houses 2 children, who just so happen to be expecting their new nanny. Robins decides to go undercover as mrs. doubtfire to solve his friends murder and find evidence to send the main baddy to jail
wacky hi-jinks, touching family moments, and deep self persective moments insue
It would have been a straight up masterpiece if he could have had everything he wanted. I can see that it was just basically impossible though. So many different kinds of people would have had to come together.
Schwarzennegger later said this about it:
"It was all written and ready to go but then Paul started going crazy. We had the final meeting with the studio and we were all sitting at this boardroom table. They said, 'So the budget is $100 million. That's a lot of money. What kind of guarantees do you have that we will get it for 100 and it won't go up to 130?'"
"He says, 'What do you mean, guarantees'?" booms Schwarzenegger, imitating the Dutch firebrand auteur. "There's no such thing as guarantees! Guarantees don't happen and if anyone promises you guarantees, they're lying! We don't even know that if you want out of the building here you won't get hit by a truck. There's no guarantee that we're going to make it 'til tomorrow! I cannot have ocntrol over God – I don't even believe in God, why am I talking about God? But someone, nature, could just rain for three months and then what do we do? How can I give you a guarantee? This is ludicrous!"
"I kept kicking him under the table and trying to tell him to shut up while we're ahead," Arnie adds. "But he just wouldn't, and that was it. That was the end of that movie. Paul always tried to be honest, but you can be a little bit selective about when to be honest and when to just move on with the project. It was a shame."
If only he had not shown the Jews his power level.
The Dark Knight sequel in the timeline where Heat didn't die.
Oh yeah I remember that story now.
still dont understand why they didnt at least do a reference for him
something simple like showing an alleyway full of dead bodies and the words hahaha written in blood would have been easy enough
but no lets pretend he never existed
this is I actually agree about seeing the OG Ghostbusters doing their thing before they got too old. It actually saddens me we'll never see it now.
>Jan De bont's Godzilla (1994)
>Hellboy 3
>Cary Fukunaga's It
>Timothy Dalton in For Your eyes only
>Timothy dalton in Property of a Lady
>Timothy Dalton in Goldeneye
>Universals King Kong (1976)
>Godzilla vs Transforming Mechagodzilla(1993)
>Timothy Dalton in For Your eyes only
That movie was made for him.
Might also have been a huge clash of egos that tanked the entire thing.
>Jodorowsky wanted Salvador Dali to play the emperor
>Dali agrees but he wants to be the highest paid actor in the world, wanted 100k per hour
>Jodorowsky plots to hire Dali and have him work for only one hour, then rewrite the script so the emperor can be played by a wax figure with his likeness
>>Jan De bont's Godzilla (1994)
one of the writers is currently working on the MonsterVerse
The Thing (2011) with practical effects.
The intended script was solid and the practical effects challenged even the original 1982 film.
Executive producers saw this and thought it wasn't scary enough and had the whole thing redone in shitty cg. So many cool concepts thrown out the window. The final product ended up being an abortion of a film.
>mfw Dalton rejected that movie because he didn't like the direction Bond movies were going in
>mfw if he did that we would've had a whole decade of DaltonBond Kino
It would have been the revolutionary sci fi film. But Star Wars and Alien changed things.
It also would have been a shit adaptation.
And you can blame Ridley for that. Fucking nut is losing it. He thinks he can milk like 6 Alien sequels out of Prometheus.
Seeing his name attached as writer is bullshit.
Actually I'm sure that Mrs. Doubtfire was set to be made and Only stopped because Williams offed himself. MD2 may have even been a factor in his suicide.
Burton's batman 3 with Billy Dee Williams as two face
Bond 17 with Dalton in Hong Kong and Japan
Kubrick Napoleon
that was too soon
in a view to kill he would've been perfect
Yeah who can say, I think they were pretty adamant about pursuing the project in some shape or form for many years.
>black villain
>Guillermo del Toro's adaption of At The Mountains of Madness
>a good adaption of Neil Gaiman's The Sandman
>Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 4
Whoa, I didn't know about that. That actually sounds like it could have been good. I would have liked to see Burton's aesthetic version of Two Face.
Ronda Rambo
reminder that del Toro was considered to direct Godzilla 2014 but he was busy doing Flopcific Meme instead
>Guillermo del Toro's adaption of At The Mountains of Madness
Guillermo can't direct horror for shit.
Kind of ironic when they were both the same kind of shit. I guess I probably liked Pacific Rim better though.
Directed by David Lynch
Man, I'm so butthurt about this but can't imagine how mad the practical effect guys felt about having their work computer washed.
Del Taco sucks, The Sandman is prett much unmakebale at least in film and Spider Man 4 would have been a disaster. Raimi wanted Hathaway to play the Vultress instead of Black Cat
>Voice Command
>White Angular Bowl (Plate)
>hey man remember that stuff we got paid for?
>they're not using it
Two more Twin Peaks movies after Fire Walk With Me. Obviously the new series is the next best thing, but it would've been nice when more of the cast was alive/young.
Lucas took David Lynch out or something to talk about RotJ and they had salads or something and Lynch said he was getting a headache from talking to him or something. Anyone have that story? I'm not going to be arsed because I'm drinking over here.
The point was was that Lynch was totally based and completely was just not about George's shit at all, I think at least. Been a while since I read that.
Crank 3 The Musical
I will never not be pissed about this whenever it is brought up. It was such a great opportunity.
This. The documentary was fantastic.
>Guillermo del Toro's adaption of At The Mountains of Madness
MoM is the most boring Lovecraft story, not to mention that Del Toro is best when working with more creature fest stuff.
>a good adaption of Neil Gaiman's The Sandman
Impossible, last thing we want is a half assed adaptation lauded as an achievement just because someone made it (see LotR). Sandman is meant to stay in comic form.
>Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 4
Would have been cool, butt only if Raimi actually wanted to make it.
Yeah George picked him up in his Ferrari and everything.
And remember, only dicks like Ferraris.
Why would you want to see it, though? It's not as though practical effects would fix a poor movie.
Plus, The Thing is fine as it is. Making a premake of it is just a waste of money.
>picking Lynch up in a fucking Ferrari
Sorry I'm getting drunk over here, but the reason I wanted to see that is that I wanted to see practical effects done again in the 2010s. I never would think it would be better than the original or ever prefer it to the original, I just wanted to see practical effects given a chance in this age.
Alien 3. William gibsons version.
For lulz Eric reds version.
>xenomorph chickens
George Romero It
>producers thought it wasn't scary enough
I thought they said it was too scary and gory, and that teenage audiences like a more video-game feel.
Fucking producers.
For real?
With all the players used in the game (Michael Jordan, Barkley, etc).
It's actually a great story and has a great setting
le epik meme
>Wishing Hollywood would crank out even more rehashed reheated repeated bullshit than they already do
kys yourself
robert downey junior's Pinochio flick
>Guillermo del Toro's adaption of At The Mountains of Madness
He ruined the story completely, or at least the script writer did. It was a Thing rip off instead of a study of deep time and the origins of life. It's not suited for a movie.
>It's actually a great story and has a great setting
This is why Sup Forums is a plebeian board