How did he fuck this up so horribly?
How did he fuck this up so horribly?
He didnt. They were great.
And they were my favorite theater-going experiences I'e ever had.
>it's another salty bookfags want a 1:1 adaptation edition
It wouldn't work so deal with it, the films are good enough to stand on their own feet without having to be compared to the book constantly.
>They eviscerated the book by making it an action movie for young people aged 15 to 25, and it seems that The Hobbit will be the same kind of film. [...] Tolkien has become a monster, devoured by his own popularity and absorbed by the absurdity of our time. The chasm between the beauty and seriousness of the work, and what it has become, has gone too far for me. Such commercialisation has reduced the aesthetic and philosophical impact of this creation to nothing. There is only one solution for me: turning my head away.
>—Christopher Tolkien, Le Monde, 9 July 2012
based 15-25 year old action movie lover
considering how awful and boring the books were i think he did pretty great
By being a hack.
Seeing Galadriel riverdance was the best thing I've ever seen
LOTR is great
the hobbit is shit
If they had included the Tom Bombadil part in Fellowship, then that movie would've been the comfiest movie of all time until the end of time.
You really need a trilogy of films for each book to do them justice.
How is it even possible to develop such shit taste? Is it just reddit escapism? I guess if you like Avengers you also like these "films"
Confirmed for never having read the books but pretending to.
Confirmed for reddit.
>trying to distance yourself from your favourite website to fit in this hard
You need to go back.
I'd rather not have naked hobbits 'running amidst the grass' thanks.
>comparing LOTR to avengers
not every movie needs to be some pretentious foreign arthouse thing. LOTR was reasonably faithful to the source material without being inaccessible. It is also entertaining for the masses and age groups. Great rewatchability for them DVD and blu-ray folks and when was the last time you got a satisfying 3 hour long hollywood movie? its low-fantasy done right
The books are great but in som ways many of the deviations in the film are actually an improvement to LOTR as a story and they used the material very cleverly. Gandalfs speech in Moria is a great example of this, or Aragorn recieving Anduril outside Dunharrow rather than Rivendell
Only RoTK fucked up
the audience is
>can't even greentext meme properly
>calling other people reddit
pick 2
This is a bait thread...
4K release when?
4K discs cracked when?
maybe if that standalone Aragorn movie gets some traction? It's a shame the license won't be more open, a film about the rise of Angmar could shit on the whole film franchise thus far.
Jesus christ you lot are the most hipster, contrarian fucks I have ever seen.
>Aragorn movie
been some rumours that Jackson or New Line want to make a movie about Aragorn's youth. Not really my choice of setting, there's maybe 2 pages to work on and his Thorongil days might confuse the shit out of people.
Then it is a good bait thread
>arwen will never kiss you then fart on your face for hours
I didn't need this feel today