Hey /teevee/, what's a good movie to watch after putting your cat down

Hey /teevee/, what's a good movie to watch after putting your cat down.
He was a big guy.

now you can get an animal that isn't shit, like a dog

Literally r*ddit: the animal

sleep tight kitty

just kill yourself already

life hasn't got meaning anymore.

>life hasn't got any meaning anymore
For you

You cant justify having a dog under 30 lbs.
You cant justify having a dog over 20 lbs. without land to raise it on.
Some of us have morals concerning animals and apartments

>durr hurrr what is dog walking


what happens with the kitten in the third one?

Dogs are for beta cucks who need constant reassurance.

This. The magic of cats is simultaneously having and not having a pet

He was a little hothead

Nice cat for you OP, my condolances.

That's a very cute cat OP. Sorry for your lose.

huuur what is working fulltime

Something funny

>beta cucks
>implying that's not cat owners whose pets don't even care about them

top kek, keep dreaming

Jonesy stays behind on earth in Aliens.

Sorry user.
Watch the hamburger time episode of metalocalypse.
That episode came out a few days after I put my last cat down, and it made me feel better.

People who think like that are the worst. You probably have a pit that's 2 seconds away from eating and then skullfucking half of your neighborhood.
A pet's only as good as the owner.

not true btw my cat loves me


I am actually watching Aliens, and this is a better suggestion I think. Will do after I'm done.
Also, to all (the one) dog lovers itt, he was more like a retarded dog than a cat. He ate human food, dry wall and everything in between and when he was sick, would yowl until you let him sleep on you, burying his face in your neck and holding on with one arm.
All cat owners are fags and think their's is special and intelligent, but he was doubly special and dumb as fuck, and that's better.

My condolences, OP, he looks like a good little fluff.

Dogs are for niggers that like fighting them and people that need to sate their insecurity complexes

>people in Sup Forums calling cats Reddit
Wew. Finally come full circle. What happened to Caturday?

Pic related. My kit kat

Not everybody lives in an apartment, surprise.

You're right. Your mom's basement has plenty of room for a pupper.

I feel you, having to put your pet down sucks, especially when he's been longer on the world than you.

Cried like a bitch at the vet, when digging in the city park in the middle of the night and on the way back home.
rip pupper

>people in Sup Forums calling cats Reddit
overzealous, obsessed enthusiasts of either side are reddit

I prefer dogs but it doesn't stop me from owning a cat and enjoying it.

rate my big fella.

I'm a dogfag op but I know how hard it is putting a pet down sorry for these edgy newfags

>Faggots acting elitist because they think they have the better pet.

All pets suck. Dogs take a lot of attention and exercise, cats shit in your house and scratch up your shit, reptiles need 24/7 heat lamps and a designated room, rodents smell bad, anything bigger costs way too much and smells.

That being said everyone should have a pet.

Pic related it's my dog

I've always been a dog person but I got a cat out of convenience and now I feel bad for misunderstanding an animal for so long.

I'd be all about a cat but the concept of a litterbox upsets me too much. I live near a big ass field and my dog shits in it indiscriminately and I can't imagine having to share a room in my house with a literal shit box

I have one of those dome ones that cleans the litter for me and I've never had a problem with a smell. plus, my cats like it pushed out of sight down in the basement, so they feel safer while shitting I guess, so you would never even know it's there. it's a bit expensive for a good one but all I do is empty the bag every day and that's about all the maintenance I do for my cats.