Anyone else think this movie was kino? The ending was kind of generic and shit but I honestly was really captivated by Chris Pratt's situation in the beginning and I think his acting was astounding. Reminded me exactly of myself desu
Anyone else think this movie was kino...
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the kikes tanked it because they hate white leads
I thought it was pretty boring, the ending was predictable too.
>The ending was kind of generic
what did you expect? him freezing her again and spending a bunch of decades alone until he finally decided to an hero and jump off the ship?
come on
>the kikes tanked it because they hate white leads
>jennifer lawrence
top kek
>movie about justifying murder
Shit was awful. One of the few movies I've actually deleted from my archive of pirated movies.
I liked it.
The creeper angle was fresh. Jlaw was slamming hot in it too
I really liked it, had great visuals and story. The ship was really cool looking
I shut it off maybe 3/4 the way through it. Fucking cliche garbage.
Story was OK
Pratt was great
JLaw's cuntface was meh
I didn't love it
I didn't hate it
It was just ok
Something to watch to kill time for me while I contemplate suicide
(the reason is the literal first scene and not any kind of twist)
Fantastic visuals in an otherwise average movie. I'd rewatch it for the scenery alone.
Also the one time I've ever found JLaw attractive. She looked really fucking good in that white swimsuit.
To be fair the big hype for this movie was JLaw being paid more than Pratt, so people went into this assuming it would be something great.
It wasn't.
This so fucking much, I was expecting an ebin plot twist and I was really disappointed
Nah, Morpheus was like "Damn, one year alone. But still....."
It turned to crap at the point where she found out he woke her up and started pouting and stomping around the ship. Most of the plot happened for convenience.
>Suddenly the captain is awake because we need him for the story
>Now he's dead because we didn't want him in the story anymore
>Now you can put one person back to sleep but not two so the lead character can become heroic instead of creepy
I liked it a lot.
It was better than Arrival.
>tfw to smart to enjoy Passengers
One year ain't shit over the span of a lifetime
it was pretty good up until he freed jlaw, then it went downhill fast
Oh yeah? let's see you spend it alone, eating shit everyday for breakfast with only a shitty robot to talk to.
Also needed 2 people to save the ship to take away the moral dillemma of waking her up
Prove it isn't you faggot.
One year in the span of a life time isn't even 5% of your life.
I could definitely handle one year but the hard part would be expecting to live out your entire life that way with no change.
>I would jizz on the glass of every hot girls sleeping pod
That's not the point, you mong. The point is that he knew the rest of his life would be the same cause there was no saving.
the first act is great
the rest is generic flick-let's save the world
Not him but I could do it
But then again I've done this for almost 10 years
I hate talking to other people
I have zero desire to live or be with another human being
I love solitary life
>That's not the point, you mong
Next time don't move the goal posts.
You made a shit counter. Deal with it.
>constantly know what is being posted on reddit
>come here to repost what's posted on reddit and complain about it
You have to go back
ten (10) seconds to check
How is it moving the goalpost you retard? He barely made it through one year alone living like shit and he knew the rest would be the same.
Stop grasping at straws already, faggot.
Yeah now imagine you can't shitpost like you're doing now cause no internet.
That's okay
>How is it moving the goalpost
Do you not understand the basics of debating? Cause I'm not teaching you shit.
And the answer is binary: you either understand debating or you don't.
So your claim is that when you see a thread here, you run off to reddit and check to see if anything about it was on the front page today? Not much better desu senpai, maybe worse
I really don't get the critics on this one. On the plus side the bad reviews made it more of a bonus when it turned out to be a really good film.
You say you understand the basics of debating yet you don't have an argument to make, good night mongoloid.
>those pasties
>So your claim
Is it took ten (10) seconds to check, just like the post said.
>he's literally running from the fight
Whatever nerd
Get fuck off of our site redditfag no one wants you here
Honestly my favorite of 2016.
Comfy realistic sci-fi is exactly what I wanted and the movie delivered.
>Get fuck off of our site redditfag no one wants you here
Go back to Sup Forums
why is her face so big.
plastic surgery after the fappening
desu I was kind of hoping that it would turn into a phycological where she loses her mind and tries to kill him after she found out what he did and then moral of movie could be like, dont pick a women to stick around forever because she'll quickly turn into an insane ex that your stuck with forever, but the Laurence Fishburne had to show up.
>what did you expect? him freezing her again and spending a bunch of decades alone until he finally decided to an hero and jump off the ship?
I would've prefered that to the actual ending desu.
She was my least favorite part of the movie but the first half is literally just Chris Pratt unless you want to count the robot.
She was only in half the movie and Chris Pratt is a bigger star now though...
Yes, it was pretty damn good. Most people on this board are too stupid to enjoy a thought provoking situation.
I saw people saying they wish it had aliens etc. Thats not the point of the movie. The relationship, situation, and concept, were the focus points.
It was a while since I seen a sci fi movie with a good morally challenging concept, and the public reaction?
Reaction was completely retarded. If you have a high enough IQ you will enjoy this movie a lot.
Yeah I was kind of hoping that it would turn into a psychological thriller where she loses her mind and tries to kill him after she found out what he did and then moral of movie could be like, dont pick a women to stick around forever because she'll quickly turn into an insane ex that your stuck with forever, but the Laurence Fishburne had to show up and it got really fucking predictable from then on.
Can't deny Chris Pratt in the beginning was really good though.
That's the point. The Powers-That-Be decided to give in to JLaw's extortion demands, and tabloids starting hyping the movie. What we got was a movie that was in no-way should've been hyped. JLaw was overhyped and her handling of the fappening didn't help at all.
Her agent negotiated the maximum amount the studio was willing to pay, which is their job. Literally any young actress could have played this role if they didn't want to pay that much.
Why didn't they have any children?
>Her agent negotiated
>Lawrence, 24, and her CAA reps are said to have held firm to the $20 million fee. As the Sony hack revealed, she had gotten a smaller percentage of the profit pool from American Hustle than co-stars Bradley Cooper, Christian Bale and even Jeremy Renner.
Only happened due to private info being released aka extortion demands.
And this was AFTER she agreed in principle to do the film but before contracts were signed.
You're just mad because a girl made a lot of money but you can't get any to sleep with you. Of course her agent negotiated it shitlord who did you think?
Because their children probably would've fucked and their children would've fuck until they genetically degenerated into something as unfuckable as you.
>You're just mad
Nah I've got my own problems to worry about.
Cute but lazy assumption tho
not him but you can see anger oozing from your post, its kinda pathetic. You arent fooling anyone
yes but living with that temptation to do it everyday and knowing you could do it, and I probably wouldve given in after a year or two. Hell I'd probably do it now if it meant a female would get stuck with me in my neetdom.
I liked the idea and the first part, after that it quickly becomes meh tier.
Which makes you a terrible person.
I guess it puts some perspective on how/why people empathize with Pratt.
A drowning man will always drag somebody with them.
>A drowning man will always drag somebody with them.
Nice quote from the movie champ.
Too bad "Captain going down with his ship" also exists.
Pratt's character was a coward and cowards empathize with him as such.
Most disappointed I've been of a movie in a long time
Its almost to be expected though, its kind of human nature. Its cruel but his situation made him do that, unless he just kills himself. But can you really blame someone for not defying all instinct?
>Its almost to be expected though, its kind of human nature
the "stages of grief" exist for a reason and are taught as such
acceptance is the final step a la human nature
Stages of grief isn't relevant. Having the option to release a girl would always be there, even after the acceptance... you would still always look over your shoulder and think about the other option.
I think it's funny it got panned literally because a main character did something selfish. If the roles were reversed I'm sure reviewers would have liked it.
>Stages of grief isn't relevant
Pratt is fucked. He knew it but didn't accept it.
You only claim it isn't relevant because you can't refute it.
>the "stages of grief" exist for a reason
Yeah they were made up and have no scientific basis.
> and are taught
Really? In what context?
> acceptance is the final step a la human nature
Then why are humans so fucking bad at accepting things? People rail against change all the time. Slight discomfort is the cause of revolutions.
If humanity's end point was acceptance we'd all just crawl up and die in a corner.
>Yeah they were made up and have no scientific basis.
Yea they were made up despite being the fundamental approach to tragedy.
Oh wait, that makes them based in science...
Damn, so much for your argument.
>Yea they were made up despite being the fundamental approach to tragedy.
Are you actually so fucking dumb you don't even realize this doesn't contradict what I said?
>Oh wait, that makes them based in science...
No, it really doesn't. The fact that a lot of people believe something doesn't make it science.
The premise and his dilemma were pretty interesting and the visuals were nice, but they just wanted to make some things too cool and fucked up.
>slingshotting around a star at 50% lightspeed
>you can't swim in 0g
>that cliche ending and him surviving the whole fuckery
they should've at least make him die and then force her to spend the rest of her days alone and full of regrets that she was a total cunt
This, holy fuck
I was expecting the amount of passengers to subtly rise with +1, giving a new meaning to the word "Passengers"
Cliche le female rape victim snorefest
Decent visuals
Noone can ever dislkmike Chris Pratt
Everything else was completely shit
How come they didnt have any kids towards the end?
I'm pretty sure water in space isn't hard to swim out of. The physics that propels you forward in terrestrial water still applies in space.
I really liked the drowning analogy .
>then the woman literally drowns
Chris really benefited from losing fat
OP, I wish Pratt/Lawrence had been cast in Valerian instead!!!FACT!!!
why the fuck would you want cunty JLaw anywhere?
wouldn't be morally justifiable to put kids through that situation
better question is how did they manage to not accidentally conceive?
I can think of a few reasons
autodoc > vasectomy
I like this.
Fakeout sentimental garbage and do a crazy version of Groundhog Day.
Chris keeps waking up all these women and trying to start a relationship with them and none of them want him for various reasons. The first one dies in an accident but the rest mysteriously go "missing" as well.
Start cutting it fast, watch him refine his technique with dozens of them, the viewer now aware he's trying and failing and killing women by the truckload, trying to find just ONE that likes him.
How do you tie it up though? You can't do the Groundhog Day ending.
He has a lot more restraint than me. Would have just kept JLaw locked up somehow and raped her when I pleased.
>that jogging scene
so edgy and hardcore
Not really, just like sex, and no one there to stop me from doing that.
I thought it was pretty good. The best part was the greater sci-fi conceptual creations, the futuristic world, the ship, the technology they created. The story itself, the loneliness, waking her up etc was decent. The ending yeah, generic and sort of bittersweet but i guess they couldn't go another way.
The singular best and most important aspect was...It re-invigorated my JLaw Boner
ending was shit desu
how it should have went down
>don't bother with the whole captain waking up or the damaged ship situation, JLaw and Pratt only
>she brutally murders him with a blunt object the night that she sneaks into his room, rather than just beating him up a bit
>she disposes his body out of the airlock, kino shot of his bloodied corpse floating off into space complete with zero gravity blood spheres
>one of her writer/narrarator monologues about life on the ship by herself, discussing the morality of what both she and Pratt did and lamenting about being alone
>near the end of the monologue a shot of her disassembling the bartender
>next shot is her looking at the pod of a sleeping Chad, running her fingers along the glass
>cut to black and roll credits
>rape is edgy
Not following your logic.
Have you tried, you know, just asking? Or do you just go straight to locking them up in the basement
do you think the medical pod was capable of performing abortoins?
If you genuinely dont think a good percentage of guys here wouldn't do that you dont pay enough attention to reality lol
I think a good percentage of guys here say they would do something like that and then in real life aren't bold enough to eat a PBJ without taking the crusts off