Whats the deal with all these captchas. Why does it ask me to complete up to 6 or 7 of these bloody things, every single time i want to post?

Also what happened to the good old text based one. Simple easy. None of this spot the negro in the dark image selection ones.

I always fail the first few everytime.

They piss me off biggie
are you asking me to tick the boxes with just the actual sign or the pole as well? What the fuck

refresh it until you get the rectangles with pictures, those are easier to get right

>not using classic

pure pleb

Why do these never fucking work the first time? The ones with the cars are even worse.

Are you a dumb mobile poster?

also does it still require multiple

I just dont get why we have to complete multiple things? whats the fucking point.

>select all squares containing car
>It's a road with one box containing a stop sign

>mfw hiro took away noscript captchas


One correct response should be enough. Fucking annoying.

training the botnet

google getting too brazen


>select all squares with trumpet
>one trumpet and three saxophones
Why do they need to identify musical instruments?

kill yourself newfag

do you know how much money you're making google with this, they get massive datasets out of you and you get one post about Bane.

Was "verification can" satire, or is it just the next step?

You do know the captcha is to train it's AI right?
this isn't /x/ tier memeing either

we teach skynet

Any of these are cancer. Why does posting have to be a damn project now?

I usually refresh the captcha until I get a regular one where you just have to click on three pictures, but some times that means refreshing 20 times.


you should stay on reddit you fucking queer

Also, gotta love when this shit happens.

holy fucking shit you are a savior

>select all squares containing car
>Accidentally select squares containing signs
>It works

How about the ones with four different phrases and you have to say which one is not grammatically correct or whatever? Yep go ahead and spend 60 seconds reading to make one shitpost

PROTIP: Select three boxes like this

on all of the ones that require you to select a street sign or whatever. You can rotate it however you like as long as its two boxes connected to an adjacent one in a different row/column

For street signs do I click the pole as well or just the sign?

>holy fucking shit
fucking newfags should all die

>intentionally select the signs instead of the cars
>still works
recaptcha is such shit

Good to see I didn't dream that up. I got that shit once, went WTF and hit refresh, then never saw it again.

sorry i dont comb through the settings to see if they added something about captchas? ive been here before settings were a thing, thats not even that long ago.

The old /sci/ captcha literally made you answer hard sci questions in order to post

yet Sup Forums is spammed with bbc and pedo shit threads

also for the bottom is enough to draw a rectangle, doesnt need every corner

>always select two or three wrong answers
>sometimes gives the go ahead at 3 mistakes, most of time at first try

yah fuck your cashgrabs hiroshima

It never works when I select only one, even if there is only one of the object they want me to select

kek no probs newfriend

Elaborate please

This is the best one I ever got.

Website owner here.

When you implement captcha on your website you have multiple options for security.

On my site you only have to enter captcha once a day to register a comment on a particular article. After that you are free to post as many comments and replies you want without having to use captcha

Hiro is clearly using the highest level of captcha security. This means you will often have to enter the captcha several times before it lets you post

Why is he doing this?

Because he's greedy and wants you to buy a captcha pass

Hope this helps.

I realize that, but musical instruments? What's that going to be used for? Drones need to avoid the trumpets in a marching band but hit the tuba?

I remember the days before Capcha. Sup Forums was a much better place back then, no redditors, no capeshit, no pedos. We'd actually talk about movies back then.

buy a pass you cheap fucks
40 bucks nad i haven't thought about captcha in 2 years

not television or film

until it recognizes every object on earth

turned off bc as warm air is flying up, so does the vacuum shit?

It's a big botnet.

Who knows
It asks for saucers now too

lurk more newfag, you're embarrassing yourself

Wtf was this all about?


Fuck Sup Forums. Reddit is bettee

>click images of store fronts
>Click verify when there are none left
>5 minutes of clicking
>Captcha resets after you click verify

google needs their ai to get better

Yes goy, just link your legally identifiable financial information to your Sup Forums posts - what could possibly go wrong!

i like those south american street signs that are spray painted on wood

>solve captcha
>get check mark
>click post
>Error: You forgot to solve the CAPTCHA. Please try again.

Dunno, does the extra energy not create extra mass/weight? kek

>its an OP starts a WTF is up with these captchas thread in order to weed out the newfags out of the woodwork

Good work user
Captcha: POOL ZONE

Backto le reddit

I've got bad news for you. Just using captcha automatically identifies you and your personal info.

Captcha also acts as a legal agreement. Look into it.

>no pedos

Jesus Christ you goys are dumb