No room for any Asians?
Well fuck you then, Marvel.
Fuck you right up your racist ass.
No room for any Asians?
Well fuck you then, Marvel.
Fuck you right up your racist ass.
Other urls found in this thread:
Well the original character was white.
but yeah, there is literally no reason he couldn't have just been Asian American.
The whole thing has a whole 'white man is the best one of us vibe'...
Umm isn't the strong independent womyn in this show Asian?
white men ARE the best
She's oriental, asians are poo in loos or terrorists
>an asian playing a wealthy businessman and a martial artist
Yeah that's not racist at all.
What will they think of next? White cowboys?
>What? Asians want to play samurai and Mongol horse archers? Why are they so racist? Let white people take those roles off your shoulders.
shang chi > iron fist
>blacks, whites, hispanics and females uniting against the asians
what in the fuck did Marvel mean by this
fuck off marvel shill
it's boring as fuck and the action is even worse
why dont make your own tv and films then ? you AAs arent exactly poor
>asian movies don't exist
>asian people can't make movies
>and if they did they're not allowed to cast white people
>what is The Great Wall
Wow. Literally took 2 seconds to flay you.
I hope not! The little golden mites are only fit for intricate labor, although their women and young are a joy in the sack.
>tfw asian and dont care
>tfw pretty sure its a falseflagging Sup Forumscuck who's behind these threads
>if not its an "asian american"
Speaking of Marvel,
Remember that part in Doctor Strange were Doctor Strange captures the space man in the magic trap and he realizes that Doctor Strange actually has imprisoned him in a loop
Sup Forums is like the space man, stuch in Sup Forums thinking they have the upper hand and are taking over while Sup Forums plays with them and triggers them and gets them riled up for our own amusement.
>tfw asian
Stop attention-whoring. No one cares if you're a gook.
Keep crying on the internet while we inherit the earth, gaijin.
>inherit the earth
>pollute the fuck out of it
And (((they))) say Asians are smart
Based Daniel Wu is bringing you chinks into kinoville.
>there is literally no reason he couldn't have just been Asian American.
>character's whole deal is that he's a privileged white kid who gets dropped in an Asian country where he experiences life from the gutter, then moves back to America where he suddenly has privilege (and kung fu) again and uses it to help it
How about you shut your dick holster for once in your life?