Anyone watch this?
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No, not since he called and cried on Tim's show. Absolutely pathetic
go to bed sam
this guy is really not as interesting as the MDE sketches make him seem
no one wants to watch that reddit tier shit you fedora tipping neckbeard
Yes, I can relate to being a thirtysomething fuck-up.
Dropped him after he made a big deal about going to HWNDU and then just showed up, and did nothing, got intimidated by Paperboy and just stood around awkwardly as kids hovered around him beaming with adulation.
He has zero comedic instincts.
prodigal stun(na) and b&e cribs are the only worth while vids outside of world piece worth watching honestly.....
MDE was actually good, shame he squandered all that in a series of manufactured embarrassments
Yeah I've send a few, what about them?
Get a real job Sam. It's never gonna happen.
*plows into pedestrians*
Just go back to making fun of hipsters while wearing your cum hat
>no mention of moms
>When Paperboy got called a dindu by Venti
There's no way anyone can top that.
>both are nick vids
>nicks pizza rules is funnier than all of the bombstrap stuff
really makes u think about who is the REAL showrunner here
Sam, look. This is /r/cringe material. Get a real job, son.
Do you think Nick and Charls secretly hate Sam for blowing their one and only chance at success?
He joined in a few of the chants. Seems like he very badly just wants to be just any old Sup Forumsfag instead of "Sam Hyde". He fucking sacrificed his TV show so he could post fucking pepes and swastikas on twitter. Fucking retard.
>got an ok check for World Peace just months ago, allegedly $40k
>2k a month patreon
>gumroad KSTV
>indiegogo for 2k
>youtub money
he's bad with money but should be absolutely fine
no and this is a dumb narrative, back to /reddit/ with that
He was the organizer of the group. MDE and WP wouldn't have been made without him, but he doesn't make them good.
its ok
nick is honestly amazing desu
When is he going to livestream the eventual murder-suicide?
>you would coom all over her! anybody would!
>pumpkinhead: hey hey h-
After you buy the 2nd edition print of his book available on Vapes.
How is it a dumb narrative? They could have had a hit show on Adult Swim if Sam would have just kept his mouth shut and behaved like a civilized person.
Yeah it's a good show, Sam's a funny guy.
>back to /reddit/
That's literally where Sam hangs out all day.
like a good goy, you mean
I think hyde is a faggot but he got straight up kiked
because they okayed everything that went on the show you mong
No, I tried but it was shit
I'm talking about behaving like a jackass on Twitter and in his interview with what's-his-face from Buzzfeed.
yeah I like it. always been an MDE fan though and was nervous when they got the tv show because I figured they would need to censor themselves, so i'm kind of glad they didn't and pissed people off enough to get cancelled.
>they dont know that mde is pitching another show fall 2k17
Will Heidecker give it a greenlight?
ooooh a hit show on adult swim, what an accomplishment, lol
the one about lootcrates was banging, I really fucking like Sam's stand-up, Surviving High School and Billy and the Clown. World Peace was ok i guess i didn't really like it but there were good parts. Hope he bounces back to do something he really enjoys again
>Y-you should have saved my show somehow, for some reason even though i talk shit on you and your friends and I have no health insurance because of you!
>Sam, I had nothing to do with it but, i've experienced setbacks, and I really think you should move forward, keep making media on your own terms and-
>Y-you should have saved my show somehow, for some reason even though i talk shit on you and your friends and I have no health insurance because of you!
This. This is what got WP cancelled
Nick tried for years to get them that gig. And Sam has said himself that he doesn't want to be a YouTuber. Adult Swim was their chance to make it. They won't get another one.
reminder that one of the mde crew is a raging homosexual and sam finds it perfectly acceptable
If they wanted they could be the first torrent-donation series. They have laid the groundwork.
Charls is a saint on Earth.
>Make fun YouTube vids with your good friends
>Take a stab at contemporary youth culture, skewering post-modern irony and exposing how shallow it really is with post-ironic humor, awesome editing, and a unique creative direction
>Land a gig on a major cable network despite your niche appeal after years of hard work
>Show is a huge success, earning a million+ viewers for many episodes and gathering a strong online presence
>The network grovels at your feet, ordering 10 years of show from you. This feat is even more impressive given that World Peace is the first right-bended comedy show to appear on TV in some time
>You finally have the podium, money, and security you always need
>Blow it all by being a cringe-inducing Sup Forumstard who doesn't realize how weak his position really is and act like you are invincible and that the new public awareness of you will have no negative repercussions, especially when you basically show no self-restraint in any capacity because you believe your entry-level "alt-right" opinions to be so worthy of distribution that you cannot be patient at all. So in the end, instead of being playing the game and fostering your show to an audience of millions so that slowly, over time, you can disseminate your ideas to a wide audience, you blow your load almost immediately all over the collective face of the organizations, people, and ideologies that you have grown and cultivated a burning hatred for while being a borderline-homeless, impotent internet comedian.
>Your shit gets cancelled before anyone outside of your tiny internet following knows who the fuck you are
>Your friends move on with their lives while you sit in your empty apartment military pressing 400 lbs
Sam's a fucking retard and now MDE is truly dead.
Viewtiful joe had it coming
He's an asshole, for sure. But Sam should have just played it cool.
what did charls mean by this?
I was there, i got my book signed by him.
First of all, what did you expect him to do? Start shit? Cops were swarming over the place that time and there were so many people coming up over to him taking pictures and saying hi you wouldn't want to break it all up.
Also, he was waiting for Shia to show up but he didn't so what's he going to there then? Sam was just appreciative at the love he got when he visited and he mostly was happy about it.
fuck off
I never understood why Sam went off on him in that video
fuck off i'd fuck charls in a heartbeat.
strangely my ex looks like the wigged charls on mde though
lets be clear here, his show got axed because of a smear campaign started by buzzfeed because he openly supported donald trump, retweeted a few pro white tweets and pissed off heideckers close friend.
all reasons that have literally nothing to do with world peace
Sam simply can't play the game. He doesn't have the temperament or foresight to operate at any level close to mainstream awareness. I'm not saying the dude should censor himself, but by being cool for a couple of years he could have cultivated a following of many millions through his show, and thus could disseminate his opinions to them via comedy and satire. Instead he posts the most lame shit imaginable on twitter then gets his shit kicked in when he pokes at the inevitable public outrage machine by publicly blowing Joe Bernstein the fuck out.
Sam's pretty pathetic DESU
I think even if he didn't do those things World Peace probably would have been cancelled for some other bullshit reason.
Networks are weak-kneed and will bow at the slightest sniff of moral outrage. Sam should have known this and operated strategically and carefully online once the show was picked up.
This, he really showed himself to be an immature little child. Dropped all MDE trash (it wasnt very good anyway) at that moment.
>says the Sup Forums browing neet
Top jej
This. Sam needs to decide whether he wants to be Sup Forums's darling or have an actual career. Although, it's probably too late for that now.
>No Extreme Bass FX
>No Moms
>I was there
Thanks for exposing yourself as a embarrassing IRL memester. You are probably that fat fuck kid who was autistically standing with MDE's book. Truly suicide tier. Google "exit bag"
old MDE is the best
Have you personally fondled his cock to know this for certain, user?
And you're also retarded, see
Sam isn't really very bright. He played Sup Forums memes thinking he could get with those shit. He burned bridges with [as] whereas that's the only channel that could show his shit. Instead of clearing things up he double downed on his Sup Forums memes and which further alienated him. I'm not saying drop the Sup Forums shit and apologize [that would mean losing his patreon bucks] but why not instead of ranting, produce content and go out there build up your fanbase again? I love the guy i still give out $20 patreon bucks to him every month but HE MUST KNOW that this shit can't go on forever
>I-it was the Jews!!!!!
Actually, Sam's just retarded
They didn't want or need sam. They didn't buckle to pressure they kick him to the curb.
i got a chance to have my book signed (actualy 2 of them) by Sam "You can run but you can't" Hyde, plus meet Tiffany, Jesus, Naruto and Jackie and had some fun time hanging out taking pics chanting why would i pass it up?
stay salty that you werent there to experience it :^)
Didn't read. Probably just dumb justifications for being such a pathetic fanboy. Go jump in the Hudson holding a barbell (if you can lift that much).
I think infowars should bankroll some MDE projects, it would be hilarious.
He's a fan of Sam, of course he can deadlift 4 times his bodyweight. I've been eating my scabs and drinking zippy water and I've never been stronger before in my life.
Here's my favourite:
Sam doesn't want to be a "YouTuber" meaning he doesn't want to be a personality putting out routine content in routine formats.
I don't think sam cares about mainstream success as much as people think, he's never really backed down or apologized for anything he's said.
I don't understand why Sam is so against being a YouTuber. There really is no place for MDE on mainstream television outside of Adult Swim and he blew that.
Yeah, but what other choice does he have at this point? Nick and Charls have moved on. He's on his own now. If he put out daily videos of himself rambling about current events or whatever, I'd probably watch. Of course, YouTube would most likely demonetize them.
YouTuber means to him is putting up a regular format with a regular persona. Sam if you meet him irl is pretty much normal tb-h sure i met him at HWNDU but he's not a bumbling retard that spouts Sup Forums memes 24/7 he's pretty much an average big guy
I'd call having a YouTube channel of under 100k subscribers as pretty fucking impotent. He skyrocketed to millions of viewers, becoming a key figure in one of the most popular tv shows ever on [as] and instead of leveraging that he shot himself in the foot while he was most vulnerable.
You can also call it a smear campaign all you want, but here's the thing my man: literally anyone who posted online what Sam posted would get shit-canned. Hollywood is full of liberal pussies who'd rather kill their first-born sons than have an uppity white SJW or brown person mad at them. WP is the first sketch comedy show in I don't know how long that actively shits all over the insanity of the progressive left, and managed to attract a large audience despite it all. Those messages where there, but they were subtle enough to slip by without much outrage in itself.
What isn't subtle enough to slip by is Sam tweeting stupid race-realist shit and posting nonsense on reddit pages about how whites need to take their countries back. I don't care about his opinions on some kind of moral level, I just think it is obvious that these comments would inevitably cause colossal damage if he ever wanted to have a serious mainstream career. Weak-kneed networks bowing to fleeing public moral outrage is the only silver bullet that could kill WP after the success of its first season, and he invited all of it by not downplaying his shit at all and actively daring Bernstein and his acolytes to try and hurt him. He basically grabbed the gun, pointed it at his heart, and said "fucking shoot I dare you" because he thought he was invincible.
i actually started lifting because of sam
he can do more books, more stand-up, make another kstv thing, put out another comedy album, work on the video game, who knows. maybe work on Jaihoo or try something crazy like the TED talk again. getting the show was a longshot but I wouldn't say it's their best stuff.
>whites needing to take their countries back
Fuck off.
He should give stand-up. He's fucking awful.
sounds like you're the liberal pussy my man
The top 10 prison stand-up is one of the best things he's ever done. The way he dupes a room full of smug hipsters into laughing at extremely negative stereotypes of blacks is great.
This guy is a total fucking loser.
Get health insurance you fat fuck
He really needs more experience
His material is solid but he can quickly lose control over a room
he has no work though
hehehehe great stuff
Link, please?
You got a pic to that fat fuck with the MDE HTBTUSG book
Oh fuck off to Sup Forums brainlet, blah blah blah jews blah blah
Kill yourself
Shit like that is why he'll never be successful and will die in obscurity. Most likely broke and homeless, too.
Sounds like a hit with racists. Woah, how is Sam not a multigorbillionaire success?
>you were that fat fuck with the book