ITT: Moments where actors/actresses acted completely and utterly unprofessional
They were wrong though.
>white knight
She's promoting a shitty movie that she got payed out the ass to do
Shitty flavor of the year model turned actress with le unique eyebrows and needs to take herself way less seriously
When she wanted to back out of Harry Potter because she felt "trapped" by having to wake up early in the morning and work long hours
based as fuck. I thought she was another disney shitter but I think I like her now
She's probably been sitting there 2 hours answering the same 4 questions over any over and over. Doesn't matter what I'm paid I'd probably start getting sassy too.
That pug ugly little cunt is famous because her family owns a publishing conglomerate that includes Vogue, among others, which is how she got her face on their covers and is now using mommy and daddy s money to buy her way into Hollywood. I hope she burns to death.
What a snarky cunt
What a fucking bitch cant even pretend a little for her movie
Cool buzzwords, they were the ones acting unprofessional, if you could see past your bias and prolapsed anus you realize that.
Someone post them
What is this show and how do they expect to get anywhere by trash talking top celebrities?
err huhuh, virgin here, uhh is she like, horny? huhu huh
what's a buzzword?
If it's like buzzfeed i dont watch that
That's what happens when you spend your life having your boney ass kissed. Same thing with those two Mara cocksuckers (Rooney and Kate). And like them, Unibrow uses mommy and daddy's money/connections to get into Hollywood like the slimy pug ugly scrawny fucking dyke she is!!!FACT!!!
keke dumb bitch
>John Green is an incredible author
If this is your waifu you need to kys asap
that was her chance to look humble and professional and she blew it. she's a cunt.
Explain how exactly
>trash talking top celebrities
> abloo muh waifu got called out on her bullshit abloo
Looks like shes trying to stay awake
do you think thats emma watson in the video?
>wahhh why did they have to ask her about the book
>waahhhhh they were acting so unprofessional
I kinda get what you are saying, the people annoyed me. But she was also acting pissy as fuck, which is pretty embarrassing. She is an ACTress, if she can't ACT excited for a 5 minute interview she shouldn't be in ACTING.
>called out on her bullshit
More like they started crying because she wasn't impressed with their boring questions.
probably tired and/or didn't feel well
holy fuck these interviewers are painfully bad at what they do, jesus christ.
she's just sitting there being quite neutral and open and they're putting words in her mouth and reacting more to her eyebrows than the content of her words, christ
no one is a white knight, she is visibly confused at the end when they think she's cranky, it's just retarded americans not understanding british sarcasm
>start adapting 7 book series
>don't make actors sign for 7 movies
Is this normal? Seems dumb
She seemed fine until they started ragging on her for not being peppy enough. If someone started telling me how I felt I would tell them to fuck off.
Childhood is thinking Cara is ugly.
Adulthood is realising she's hot.
Sagehood is wanting to fuck the blood out of her.
Sarcasm is losers trying to bring winners down to their level.
Spoiled bitch, why even do the interview.
Also what's with the slurring speach, is that the way she sounds in movies ?
Childhood is thinking Cara is ugly.
Adolescence is thinking she's hot.
Adulthood is only being able to get hard for high test women.
I like how she immediately kisses back, without really knowing who it is.
I use to love Kelly Brook until she started fucking niggers. This is also the reason why her career is dead.
She's really not the least bit good looking
How can she have fans
Carla is ugly as fuck she looks like that Hey Arnold bitch.
Fuck off
Not an argument
She's on coke you mong
>video shows her not taking herself seriously
You're a stupid ass nigga, and I'm not your friend.
wow what a fuckin prick
She's a coke snorting skank. No wonder with nostrils like those!?!FACT!!!
People will latch onto any skank whore put on the covers of magazines or in movies!!!FACT!!!
She's an old slut wew
post more
what did google mean by this?
Fuck you, it's cute.
She's obviously been abused by a bunch of old men when she was a child, the only reason why she immediately kisses her is because she is well groomed.
I'm not a baguette, what the fuck are they saying?
Those presenters are fucking idiots. Cara was just being her usual witty self and they jumped on her
>why arent you excited? you was excited last week?
>are you tired?
>go get a red-bull!
Then they star cussing her when the interview ends.
Here's another
Shell always be my harley quinn
>it's an americans misunderstand british sarcasm episode
>imagine you blacked out last night and woke up to find pictures on your phone of you molesting a child
What in the blue fuck did he mean by this?
>it's a Brits think being a rude asshole is just "cheeky banter" episode
I understand why the rest of Europe hates you guys
Was he drunk or was he high Sup Forums?
What it must be like to live in that internal mental model of reality.
Amerifats are too dumb for sarcasm. It's why they have no concept of banter.
My god... how many lines of coke did she do?
Shes visibly cock hungry swirling her toungue in her mouth
Pupils bouncing like ping pong balls
What's up with that freak on the left with his spray-on tan?
what i looking for here?
her eyes
>that she got payed out the ass to do
I seriously doubt her salary for Paper Towns was anything amazing.
what a trainwreck, it hurt me to watch this
Trying to hold in a yawn I reckon (I am a doctor)
>high test women
>spend an entire interview talking about nipples
She seems like a cool chick.
>we'll let you go take a little nap maybe a redbull how bout that.
She was fine. Cool and calm.
There are subtitles you mong
>gets paid to play the role of a fat loser
>gets mad when people make fun of him for being a fat loser
How can you be this offended when your whole life is about being a fat loser? If I was him, I'd own up to it and be proud. It's what got him this far.
This girl is cute, kind of like Lindsey Lohan in the old days but now she's British. I'll keep an eye on her career.
I'm erect.
More moments between actress + actress or actors + actress like this one, not planed just casual.
Doesn't mather the age.
It's like when guys talk about their nipples........oh!
post paintable reactions
Holy fuck that was cringey.
>off the demo
>I wish I wasn't a dweeb in highschool
Bunch of betas getting salty because they can't handle her.
t. cuck mcwhiteknight
When Kiki met Sup Forums
which one gets did?
I wanna spunk all over that little punk
>i'll be a sarcastic rude bitch to people i've never met
>remember not to smile or try to come off as likeable
she's a child.