After seeing TLJ trailer are you finally ready to apologize
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I think george fags should apologize.
dumb frogposter
George, look. This is /r/cringe material. Enjoy your banishment I mean retirement.
I'm sorry, Lucas. We should have listened. We should have trusted you. Now the mouse is turning a light hearted heroes journey into a femenist 2deep4me generic shithole that completely undermines the previous films accomplishments.
Why? As bad as TFA was it was much better than Prequels.
No fucking way VIII will be as bad as AotC.
>not having anything to counter the main part of my argument
ummmm try again sweetie ;)
Why can't we just say that both Disney and Lucas are bad for Star Wars?
Nah, fuck jedi and sith. It's ALL ABOUT THE FUCKING TREES!!!
Another bad movie made by someone else doesn't excuse the first set of bad movies. Bad is bad no matter who's responsible.
Fox should have bought the property instead of Disney. They're the only studio currently even coming close to taking something that could potentially be considered a risk.
>women are the light side and men are the dark side
>Rey is a perfect super being which explains her Mary Sue powers
Yes. I'm very sorry George.
I'd say having a black guy and a female as the leads of the movie you had to spend 4 billion shekels on just to have the privilege to make is a pretty big risk.
>They're the only studio currently even coming close to taking something that could potentially be considered a risk.
dude fuck fox, they should stick to monster movies and nothing else.
dumb Kreiaposter
>dumb Kreiaposter
I have never played a single old republic game, or seen a single old republic show
but I do play a ridiculous amount of Dark Souls
I'm sorry lucas
>literally any somewhat positive thought about TFA is a paid employee of The Walt Disney Corporation
>stopped watching Rancid One about 1/3 of the way in
>haven't watch any previews of whatever is next
>only interaction with the entire franchise is to occasionally post in these butthurt threads to feel smug about not watching SW shit anymore
What the fuck is the ocean's problem?
No. No I am not. All the bad movies in the world will not magically make the prequels stop being garbage. That's not how this fucking works.
Who was in the wrong?
>he got a third of the way through Rancid One
I made it to the part where she's going down the ladder. How many times did they say "Sol Guerrilla"?
the movie is that bad, yes
>hints of "grey" jedi
>where have I seen grey jedi before....
>ohhh right darth revan
>old republic...?
is it finally gonna happen lads? are we gonna get star wars movies from best setting?
Attack of The Clones is almost good enough to be a mixed bag; it's got as many good ideas as bad ones, but it doesn't have time to develop them fully. Imagine if the Count was more important and Grievous didn't exist.
It's really AOTC and this guy who took down Lucas, but he had to retire at some point as well.
To be fair, a F4 movie with a "body horror" angle sounds very interesting. They just didn't pull off the execution.
no, because I saw I, II, and III.
He killed Star Wars, I don't care if Disney teabags its corpse.
l was decent, lll was a masterpiece and one of the best of the franchise. Anyone who says otherwise cannot possibly be taken seriously.
Back you go.
>lll was a masterpiece and one of the best of the franchise.
From my point of view, George was evil!
Lucas sucks, prequels suck, millennials who's mom's boyfriends took them to see plebquels in theaters suck.
fuck off George, fuck off OP, fuck off autismos who apologize for the shit-quells. Nothing will ever be as bad as the plebquels. VII>>>>>>>>>>>>>II.
(and VII wasn't even good)
>This is /r/cringe material
you should have stayed there you fucking queer
>femenist 2deep4me generic shithole
do yo just type random words user?
>Why can't we
why can't reddit stay on reddit?
How do you go from this
To this?
I had a "very bad feeling" that someone's mom wrote Episode VII. I had avoided every Marvel film since X-Men 3, so it was a shock to see what the producers did to the SW franchise.
>prequels are the dad trilogy
>sequels will end up being the mom jeans of the series
>What the fuck is the ocean's problem?
This image is legitimately what I imagined the Dunwich Horror looked like
>Twins, one male, one female
>Just like Luke and Leia
>The female "discovers" the Force at a place that becomes known as the "Force Tree"
>The female twin founds the Jedi Order
>The male twin is evil and kills the female.
>Before she dies she makes a prophecy that she will return as The One
>Meanwhile Darth Sidious creates Anakin Skywalker to be a false prophet / golem type creation
>The Jedi are fooled into thinking he's The One
>The Jedi only realize their mistake too late.
>Anakin destroys almost all the Jedi
>Luke tries to redeem his evil father who literally slaughtered children.
>Rey is born and she is the perfect reincarnation of The One. Flawless in every way.
>She finds Luke Skywalker, who now just like his evil father, wants to destroy the Jedi Order
Rey will stop Luke's plans, restore order to the galaxy, and will destroy the dark side. She will also bring about the rise of the new Jedi order as predicted by Supreme Leader Snoke in TFA.
Rey being the reincarnation of The One explains why she is such a Mary Sue in TFA. She's literally a perfect super being.
The entire Star Wars saga is now about how women are good and men are evil.
The women are all leaders (Padme, Leia, Rey, Mon Mothma)
The men are all drawn to the dark side (Anakin, Palpatine, Snoke, Kylo)
tl: dr = Men are bad, women are good. Thanks Kathleen Kennedy!
>implying we have anything to apologize for
>implying Disney didn't honeypot George Lucas with Prime, Grade-A, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Jailbait
>implying Disney didn't record the whole encounter on 70mm IMAX film stock
>implying Disney didn't mail George the cumpilation reel boxed up with a Goofy Movie collectible pen and a bill-of-sale for Lucasfilm
I am so fucking sorry George
>that dialogue
TFA doesn't feel like Star Wars at all. People love to shit on "I hate sand" but there's nothing objectively wrong with the line. "Got a boyfriend, cute boyfriend?" has no fucking place in a SW movie.
It's a good reflection of the fact that TFA is more objective, more materialistic, more plain. I'd argue that although the series has a high level of production, it's worked best as a symbolic narrative, like a parable -- or Pilgrim's Progress in space.
there wasn't really even a light side for a start
it was just The Force
and the Dark Side, evil force
evil force brought unbalance to the way things lived, the natural energies flowed and all that garbage, the evil doods used it out of greed and it corrupted them like power always does
to bring balance back to the force, as in bring it back to it's original "the force" state, is to defeat the dark side
dark side and light side aren't factions you fucktards, stop eating prequel/disney shit