/jennaral/ Ice blows edition. What's your favorite non office jenna role?

/jennaral/ Ice blows edition. What's your favorite non office jenna role?

is there one with her pusy?



She doesn't even have a good body

Jenna's a classy lady, and jennathreads are the height of class and sophistication on Sup Forums. Take your filth somewhere else.

then none, none of her roles

fuck you im gonna go fap to her right now and u cant do shit about it

for the next few minutes she's going to be corrupted by my lewd thoughts

post rashida

Oh shit JENNA time! Evening, jennaposters!

Favorite non-office role is A Little Help. She plays a pretty, sad drunk mommy with a son that develops a 9/11 obsession. What's not to like?
It's kind of sad, but still comfy. Recommend.

I'll check it out. I like the towels picture, brother

>it's a jenna fischer discovers Sup Forums episode

Fuck her, she'd probably jump at the chance of alimony

You'll like it. She's cute and lovable in that role.
Jenna already discovered Sup Forums
>it's a Jenna tells anons 'they have to go back to reddiƄ episode

Walk Hard.

>what did she mean by this?


pam was my favorite character in the show

but I'm not a jenna poster

She's cute in most roles, to be fair. She looked adorable in the drunk history bit

Jenna Fischer is a uggo

Jenna's beauty transcends time periods.

Also pig tails are my thing. Jenna + pigtails is just unfair.

>tfw swn let you jerk off on her tits and cum in her curly hair while sucking on her toes

You guys'd have to be pretty flexible

>pelvis to pelvis
>her legs bent at the knee
do you have weak loads? on an average day I can hit 4-5 feet without playing with angle

or just 69

trips confirm her nose in your butt

That sounds untrue

>ywn live in the timeline where Jenna Fischer was cast as Skyler for Breaking Bad

I wonder if I'd actually like Skyler then. I think the reason I disliked her so much was her stupid ugly face and huge mouth.

It's the curls that do it for me, brother



Reminder that that face was coated in this man's semen at some point.

Poor sap lost her after Jenna got to kiss John for the first time and she thought she had a chance with John. :(

What's she got coming up soon that you keep pushing threads about her for?

And does it pay well?

>Implying he has your semen fetish

Just a little thing with with Ben Stiller, nbd.

Her face's really doughy and non chiselled, a big turnoff

angela looks like a ho fo sho

I don't agree, but I'm glad you think that way. You're just increasing the probability of me dating Jenna, and I love you for that

>look at her face
>then her neck/chest
Whoever did her makeup that day should be shot

>tfw Jennaposted during the gamethread of a European soccer game on Sup Forums the other day

What have you done to bring Jennaposting to other boards?


Nice one man! I'm jennaposting on youtube, getting a decent amount of replies too

Jenna makes my dick so hard bros

That's nice dear. Jenna likes your dubs.

>that that

That that's correct. It just looks weird.

Are they Jenna-themed videos, or just random shit that you watch?

i really wonder how long you guys will keep this shit up

Random stuff I'm subscribed to. There's pretty much nothing of Jenna I haven't already seen or have saved.

>best navel

well bane posting seems to have died off. So they need something new to post everyday. I'm okay with Jenna posting.

At least a few days until I stop re-watching The Office on Netflix.

Can't someone link this thread to any social media thing that she might use ?

What a qt

Ever since /Jennarel/ became a thing, literally all my sexual fantasies have been about Jenna.

They're not even that lewd, it's just stuff like she goes a whole day without wearing underwear and then we make love at night in the bedroom.

Am I sick...or am I finally well?

Sup Forums will officially die soon, the end will come sooner than you think

Also I could use a jenna bane-mask shoop if anyone can make one......

I think you're finally well. I haven't even been watching anything nsfw, Jennaposting keeps me pure and I just daydream about her and true love

Is Jenna pure tho?

post more of the blonde slut

Good work, brothers! I jennapost on /lit/ occasionally

She's unbelievably pure

I hate this illiterate cunt

Can one of you footfags tell me if her foot game is on point?

I assume they are amazing and sexually arousing to you degenerates, but I have no way of telling.

They're extremely normal which makes them actually really nice in my opinion.

it's not your standard beauty, but god damn it is on point and underrated


So the desirability of Jenna's feet are...not unlike the desirability of Jenna herself? Fascinating.

This is like learning a foreign language.


I love it that Jenna is unironically best friends with Angela.

Exactly. Her feet are desirable because they're _hers_

And that's the best part, unlike most girls that you can focus on one superficial part of them, ((like that gf that stole all your money and ended up destroying your car but you stayed with for a year and a half because you couldn't accept the fact that you didn't actually like her, you only ever liked her tits because they looked amazing, not her)) you like the entirety of Jenna.

This. Holy fuck my diq

>((like that gf that stole all your money and ended up destroying your car but you stayed with for a year and a half because you couldn't accept the fact that you didn't actually like her, you only ever liked her tits because they looked amazing, not her))

user this is very specific. I'm sorry it still hurts.

Here's a rare Jenna to make you feel better.

Lol. She didn't like my Office obsession anyway, so I'm better off

Pure as drivn snow my dude

Poor user. Jenna would sympathize with you

Amen to that.

And, let's face it, there's no way she had nicer tits than Jenna. No way.

> being this lewd in a pure Jenna bread


>tfw she knows the effect she has on footfags

how /a w k w a r d/

I wonder if Jenna dropped a little bit of oil or food on Blunt's seat when she got up to use the restroom so the butt of her dress would stain

post rares

>that pic

Emily is seething, Nancy Walls wants to be somewhere else...but Jenna is smiling and happy.

That's because she knows that being the second wife of a handsome young widower is a way for her to be loved by everyone.

You could tell there were a buncha jews involved in making the show because they kept slipping black man + white woman into the backgrounds

while I eat her pussy


oh i'm late

how is everyone doing
what's on the menu for conversation

Lots of different things, but mainly we're focusing of what efforts we have undertaken to spread Jenna-posting to places outside of Sup Forums.

what happened to the imbd entry

are your instagram posts still not making traction

>We never saw her prime titties.

Actually all I did was Jenna-post on Sup Forums...

>cowboys fan from st louis
women are dumb

Her husband is from Dallas.


good taste

Some things are just too perfect to share.

her and brian have a cute rivalry on instagram

would she a kevin
i wonder

pam/kevin was never really explored either

she is from st louis

No one in St. Louis gives a shit about football (they don't even have a team anymore), and everyone in Dallas does, so she just naturally gravitated towards the team of the guy whose dick she sucks every night.

Makes sense tbqh.

>dick she sucks every night.
She seems like a thrice yearly vaginal and bj's on your birthday type of wife. Maybe she'd try anal once after much convincing but quit after one inch.

I don't get that at all. She's done plenty of cheeky interviews that strike me as the monogamous but slightly kinky type.