Really makes you think...
Really makes you think
Other urls found in this thread:
manlets literally are the master race
Manlets: Putin, napoleon, hitler, rand and ron paul, mussolini, all of hollywood actors/directors/producers, majority of rich billionaires etc.
Lanklets: Jeb/George Bush, O'Reilly, Obama, Drumpf, David Cameron, Trudeau, meme actors, and lastly neet basement dwellers on 4chin.
pretty funny how Manlets+Jews are the superior race.
pretty sure Trumps soninlaw is in his ear controlling him like a puppet
t. manlets
No shit, retard. Any oldfag knows the embarrassing attempt at humor Stewart pulled when he debated Bill O'Reilly in front of a liberal audience a decade ago.
Are you really under 6 foot?
''muh napoulion'' cries the manlet as he attempts to validate his laughable stature to strangers on a dutch eugenics think thank
I'm a 5'4 "adult" """"man""""" AMA
Do you smell your fingers after you scratch your sweaty asshole?
I don't
You're missing out
>doesn't understand how to use the t. meme
>t. basement dwelling obese neckbeard
Being tall makes me work less since people give me stuff
Salty milk and coins?
Lanklets btfo
manlets are subhuman scum
Why do you have to be so mean about it? Being short already hurts quite a lot
whats worse being a manlet or a dicklet
Are you trying to say that it's easier to rape people when you're tall? Because that's the biggest difference I see between the people listed.
Probably manlet, since that's apparent to everyone but only a few know that you are a dicklet
Bill O'Reilly never raped anyone. Stop believe the liberal media's fake news lies.
i thought he was over 6 ft all this time
its harder to grab girls ass when youre tall
>tfw both
at least i have gf now but goddamn do i hate myself
>bill o'reily is 6'4 still got the JUST treatment
how do you live knowing your gf is just waiting to trade up
don't remind me
this world is garbage
This. The only responses from lanklets to this post is "hurr durr when will they learn" and "you are a manlet lol". Wouldnt expect much else from anti-intellectual lanklets though. Must be a result of less oxygen getting to their brains up there.
your webm is dumb because that's obviously a 10-13 year old kid
what were you trying to prove there?
>that's obviously a 10-13 year old kid
keep telling yourself that manlet
>not a manlet
I'm 5'3" this is my thread now lanklet
hes 5'5
patton oswalt is 5'3
napoleon was normal height for his day
the english just took advantage of the fact that the french foot was slightly larger than the english so he looked shorter on paper
please post that webm of the two men taking their shirts off, one short, the other tall.
t. manlet
>manlets itt
im glad bill oreilly is gone
he was a neocon
When is the new show starting, Jon?
>it's a manlet pretends he doesn't hate himself episode
Not fooled for a second bitch boy.
Is Jeb an honorary manlet
Real talk: should manlets be rounded up and exterminated?
The entertainment industry for one would be greatly benefited.
t. lanklet
>it's another "Lanklets in America" episode
>tfw met a chick online
>sees me from a distance and yells "you better be tall!"
>i am
>comes on to me super strong right away
>becomes my toy for several months
>gets fed up with my refusal to be her bf and says she's not putting out anymore unless we're in a relationship
>i don't negotiate with terrorists
>am tall and can easily replace her anyway
>realizes she fucked up
>texts me a week later as if nothing happened
>tfw manlets will never know what it's like to be desired so intensely