/got/ general

Euron edition

Anyone else think the Silence is looking good?

Why did Rhaegar name both his sons Aegon?


Looks ridiculously shit and edgy, then again Euron is edgy as fuck in the books so I guess it fits for the show

I think it will look good on screen but yeah exactly this it feels like something edgy book Euron would have.

>umbrellas and baseball caps in westeros

they're not even trying anymore

Are we back to the glory days of /got/?

Will Jorah ever recover?

>WoW will NEVER be finished
shouldn't have read the books so quickly (started after getting sick of s5 and s6 and will not go back to the series)

Nah just look at her face
Yeah today has been comfy as fuck
Don't know why it slowed down so much I guess we lost the Euros.

The chemistry between Jon and Dany will set tumblr aflame

Then tears will flood and drown all the deniers.

Had the first four, twelve years ago. Never finished one. Too wordy, too dull. Read David and Leia Eddings again. Read, Kevin Anderson's Seven suns saga, again. Read, the last Dune book.
Watched the series. The books are better as a television series.

that Sup Forums crossposting the thread before last was fun

we really need more smirkfu lewds...

It really felt like old /got/

Still shit posting but not the same as every other thread like it's been the past year

what was the very first scene/moment that made you realise, ok, this show is garbage now?

>muh chickens

Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright

I've only been here since the end of season 6 so I wouldn't know sadly
comfy regardless

>everything dorne in S5

we still posting verticals like last thread?

>ramsay and his magic army
What the absolute fuck where they thinking?

the old memes were GOAT
Quentyn is alive

aye that was a good sign things were going to shit.
and (of course) showfags absolutely loved it.

smirkfu faun cosplay when?

>best fighter in westeros, fights 50 best killers of the biggest warrior culture in Westeros and doesn't even get a scratch
>amazing archer, able to hit his moving target through the heart from a mile away
>strategic genius, able to end armies with merely 20 good men, and build a corpse wall to entrap an army in a center of a wide open field
>amazing penmanship, very distinct, everything is perfectly aligned and aesthetically pleasing
>amazing dog trainer, his dogs know who to attack through only a whistle, some even teleport
>amazing dick, when he fucks Myranda the whole North hears it
>cunning manipulator, gains allies without even trying, he can murder his own father in front of them even while they're butthurt about someone else kinslaying and they still don't think to turn on him, that's how charismatic he is
>still manages to be discreet enough to pull the wool over LF's eyes

10/10 epic badass

this was a text file in my /got/ folder for some reason

Hey guys, have you ever read the FAQ & rules of Sup Forums?

why do you ask?

It fits him being an edgy fuck. At least he'll have some sort of visual flair instead of 'chubby dude with wood on his head'


t. Preston




>Tfw you were so unimpressed by the 4th, 5th and 6th seasons you forgot this show was still airing

I looked forward to it, once.

top five (5) men in westeros
1) Stannis
2) Tywin
3) Bobby
4) Oberyn
5) Petyr


>no blackfish
dropped your shit list desu

tully's need not apply

alright, give us your punchline or whatever is your point for asking this, second time now ( at least second time ).


Guess again.

Sandor and Gregor meet, and don't fight, then Sandor leaves to fight different kinds of undead.

The Ramsay scene with Yara and the dogs

Fuck if this is true I will probably drop the show forever

See you guys next week

Who cares

Looks fine to me, but I thought Silence had a woman at the prow

Doran's death in S06
(ye, kinda late, I know)


I forgave Yara and the dogs, bad poosy and other things as just bad writing or whatever but when Doran was killed it was so obvious that it was the plot being jettisoned because people didn't like Dorne in season five and it just showed how retarded the Jews are: everyone hated the Sand Snakes not Doran and Hotah. It was like they were doubling down on their own idiocy.

Now I know they are fixing it for season seven thank god (pic related) but that will never change the fact that Dorne plot is permanently non sensicle because of the sand snakes coup.

fuck off back to shitfolk

Yes, he will realize Khaleesi finally found a good mate-especially when he hears about his father. :(

>Let's go murder them

Why do I have the feeling they will have a lame sex scene? Will they even have chemistry? I think the way the scenes will be written and directed will definitely have a hand in that and I don't trust D&D.Three months to find out.

add Brojen plz

>watching this show past Season 5

Best posts ITT

They fuck on the boat on the way back north to fight the white walkers

no shit sherlock


You know I never even thought about this but that's why GRRM had Jon be Jeor's protege and Jorah as Dany's loyal protector. Jorah is going to be totally cool with Jon being her man.

I feel so stupid I never knew that before and even before the leaks I always assumed they ended up together.

I knew it was shit when Ramsay raped Sansa and she started begging Theon to help rather than helping herself. I realized then that my favorite story from the books was not going to be put on screen and that we were just watching Season 2/3 Sansa all over again.

Yeah I know, that's already lame, but the actual action of the scene and dialogue if any will not help is what I'm thinking.

wtf, that just baffles me

Ramsay was established as a good fighter in the show, so why does he then go down like a bitch without actually fighting Jon?



If WoW is ever published, will you not visit for fear of spoilers. Or visit and want to be spoiled. Do you care about reading the book at all ? Or take your time and not mind reading and learning about spoilers?

wait is this true? i'm behind on the leaks

depends on the timing of the book.

It's true

>shipping 2 men together
go post that shit in faggot

>I realized then that my favorite story from the books was not going to be put on screen
which one was that?

>but that's why GRRM had Jon be Jeor's protege and Jorah as Dany's loyal protector.

Same with Jon having befriended Tyrion and Tyrion now serving Dany, he'll vouch for him and support Jonerys marriage

People, namely tumblr, saw romantic and sexual tension/chemistry between Jon and Sansa last season and Kit and Sophie are barely friends, that alone puts Jon and Dany ahead since Emilia and Kit are friends and Emilia is also friends with Rose Leslie.plus they'll be semiflirting for most of the season so we get build up

Ha, another fight scene where he goes shirtless? Actually it should have happened. Not the shirtless but more of a rumble. Something to rival the "they live" fight scene would be impossible but at least have him get a couple of good punches in if he is that good.

thank you c:

>brown hair


That one I did see coming from the books but looking back that makes sense why D&D rushed to Tyrion and Dany becoming pals because they were going to rush the whole story.

Didn't George say Dany and Tyrion are never going to meet in the books? Or was that fan theory? I wish Littlefinger and Dany would meet.

Not that user but I'm guessing Alayne Stone aka Sansa becoming the Mind Trick Queen

I don't remember him ever saying that.

oh i assumed he was talking about theon/reek
i didnt think anyone actually liked the alayne plotline that much

Google them, but Reddit freefolk has a pinned post with all of them. There used to be a link on every OP of every GoT thread here.

What is this about Sam having a foot fetish? I don't remember that and I have a foot fetish so I'd remember if the this show ever catered to it even in a small way.

Anyway, which GoT girl do you think has a the best feet?

My money is on Margery. I bet she really pampers her feet and knows how to use them too.

>She commands you to bend your knee
>As you kneel before her she slips off her slipper
>Her toes brush against your lips

Now, reaffirm your loyalty to the crown...

No but he did hint at it will be awhile before it happens.

Most people take it to mean it won't be until he helps win the battle of Mereen and she returns so well into Winds

Theon's chapters in A Dance With Dragons

Ramsay is a shitty and obnoxious character in the show, but I just htink it is weird and kind of anticlimatic, in a visual sense, that he doesn't actually fight with Jon Snow. It feels like they forgot that previously they had established him to be a skilled swordsman.

He's still nowhere near as good as Jon.

Of-course not, and he needs to lose anyway. However if Dirk can at least put up a fight then so should Ramsay. If anything it would just be more dramatic. I guess they felt they'd done enough fighting in that episode already, but I think the two of them crossing swords at least briefly would have been more satisfying.

Did he?

first scene of season 8 should be bran warging into a lion or a bear (or some other beast i dont give a fuck) and ripping jaime apart piece by piece

ty I needed this.

Why? Who ever cares about him getting pushed out of the tower anymore? Ancient history. Move on.

I get ya and I agree. At least show them fight and they get a cut here and there before Jon punches him. Use the bow and arrow on the giant then grab the sword.

post the dickbutt one

True but it would go against show Ramsay's weasily nature. He was avoiding a one on one the whole episode.

>p-please just forget jaimes a piece of shit already..... p-please youre ruining my ability to pretend hes a well developed character and not a child murdering rapist...

jaimefags everyone

Would you guys watch the prequel series? I am unsure at the moment. At least it would be a completed story that you wouldn't need to wait decades for answers.

Children of the forest fire grenades and them omitting Tysha in the season 4 finale

People didn't like it last time I said this but I am sticking with my guns.

I don't think Bran would hold a grudge like that. As bad as the chain reaction that was set off from him falling out the window he probably sees it as the moment that led him to his destiny.
Plus Bran would see how Jaime has changed. He is a wise boy

Well to be fair Jaime doesnt have anything useful to contribute so who even cares about whether he lives desu