What did Kevin actually mean by this?

What did Kevin actually mean by this?

he's already dead

He likes breathing braps

Leftovers shitposting shall wait until the season is done so we true kino viewers can binge it all in one sitting.

Thank you for your cooperation.

He knows he can't die and he's testing how far it goes.

This is why he jumped into the "toxic" water.

Anyone have any Kevin webms?
This is all I got.

What a needlessly overcomplicated way to kill yourself

Was Miracle purgatory the whole time?

>Blue grass intensifies
>Staring intensifies
>Ave Maria intensifies
>Crying intensifies
>The Show

No wonder it's getting canned.

someone post his nudes already

This season is off to a shitty start.


tfw no irl friends watch this show

>getting canned

it was written for 3 seasons from the start dumbass

Doing god's work user

>Tell them that it's by the guy who made Lost
>"LMAO that show sucked weren't they dead the whole time?"
Shoot me


and none of your Sup Forums friends will either when no one posts the shows name

What's with the Simon and Garfunkel on this show? I think they've had three separate S&G songs, and maybe one of any other artist

the leftovers

reverse image search is your friend

>S5 of The Americans is really GOAT with the exception of E06
>E01 of The Leftovers was superb
>S03 of Better Call Saul could not be better, E02 was Breaking Bad levels of kino
>Pretty hyped for Fargo after what they did last year
>Twin Peaks revival is literally the reason why i haven't killed myself this year
>Last season of House of Cards was good, hype for the new one

guys guys here me me out but hears what i thing of the ending well you know how the show is called leftovers rite well what animal do you guys know enjoys eating the leftovers humans leave at the dinner table thats right you guessed it dogs so my theory is that dogs ate the departed while nobody was looking and are planning to take over the world rate my theory suckl my ballz david lindledork

Truly a masterful execution of refined autism

Heilig ist der Herr, tbqh

From the "In the Weeks Ahead" trailer. Patti back??

>What's with the Simon and Garfunkel on this show?
They made great and beautiful music, and Paul Simon is an amazing lyricist. I think that's what it is.

i love the fact that Kevin is being trated as Jesus

>Last season of House of Cards was good, hype for the new one
Are you fucking retarded? It was fucking cancer. The finale, where Frank speaks in to the camera about how "they make the terror" or whatever, made me cringe so hard I literally disappeared inside my own asshole. I only managed to find my way out last week.

usage rights are cheap

>wanting normies to know about true télékino

its actually pretty convenient, no mess, no pain, no risk of fucking it up, you should try it.

>I remember her saying I'M ALREADY DEAD

>no risk of fucking it up
You cam easily panic and rip a hole in the bag. It's also an extremely claustrophobic and terrifying way to die. Helium mask or carbon monoxide, that's the way to go. Or just biting over a shotgun. It's messy, sure, but there's a 99,99 % chance of complete success.

It's probably this. I wonder how the bag thing works out if he can't suffocate.

You're a fool if the last episode wasn't one of the most terrifying turns a television show has ever taken.

Ultimate kino: the show

kino post, my anonymous kin(o)

the americans is shit

they should've had paige seducing pedophiles for state secrets since episode 1. now shes old and busted

nora sucked my cock in 2002


Can't fucking wait for the next episode. What's gonna happen? Who knows!

I watched the Peter Weir film The Last Wave which apparently was a big inspiration on this season like Picnic At Hanging Rock was on the last one. It was pretty cool, Hanging Rock is definitely the better film though.

>Jumps in potentially toxic water
>Kevin is clearly scared of dying here

What the fuck is going on in Kevin's mind? I thought all he wanted to do was get back to his family?

he knows he can't die which is why he does the bag thing and jumps in the toxic water and magically purifies the water with his Jesus powers

>tfw no irl friends watch this show
tfw no irl friends

how much were you paid for this post?

I am making this post for free: Some good ass television programming in these upcoming weeks.

Hey now, ya boy Lindelof is on record saying he doesn't want you to binge his shit, so LISTEN

He has most likely tried many other methods already by now and theyre just showing one example.

Like groundhog day.

I mean, I can believe she sucked someone's cock in 2002, so why not? Greentext now you son of a fuck

They are good
Now rey watching something more obscure not made for the pleb masses