Without memeing once state something wrong about III.
Without memeing once state something wrong about III
It's awkward.
mustafar fight should have been cut off before they climb onto the tower, and vader should have gotten his legs cut off in a more meaningful way other than a small hill
also realistic escalation of vader killing people, not being a jedi one hour and murdering jedi children the next
Nothing happens until the last half hour.
Pretty enjoyable to watch, honestly has a better dramatic arc than the entire prequel trilogy, even if it is a bit stilted.
I'm going to need that gif of Obi-Wan talking with the group of clones and the guy clearly has his head composited over a cg body
but did you not pay attention to the fact that he wanted to save Padme and would do anything to do so?
>anakin kills younglings
>literally the entire dark side arc for anakin makes no goddam sense
>'ray shields? We're smarter than this'
>R2 slapstick sequence with covering droids in oil and lighting them on fire
>sheev vs. yoda fight using light sabers and not the force
>'Annie I'm pregnant whoops ya killed me even though the whole reason you supposedly went dark was to save me'
>40 min lifesaber duels instead of plot and character development
It was a sequel to Ep. II and was written by George Lucas. The only great scene is Ewan (not Obi-Wan) crying out to Anakin on the high ground of Mustafar, top tier acting.
I feel bad for Christensen. He was super committed and probably would have been fine if Lucas gave a shit, he and Ewan working on that duel is some good shit. Imagine if Orlando Bloom didn't have P.J. and the veteran cast of LotR around him, fuck.
>story goes nowhere until the very end
>fucking useless battle droids fighting disposable clones
>terrible dialogue between the romantic leads, and everyone else
>general grievous
>final duel is ridiculous and overly effects-heavy
>terrible cgi, nothing looks real
>anakin's character is mopey and stupid the entire time, taking any tragedy out of his turn to evil
it has the exact same problems as attack of the clones but darth vader is in it so for some reason people say it's better
Wrong with III: Wooden acting, bad dialogue. These first two issues lead to a third issue....
Key points in the drama were completely undermined to the point of ridicule, comedy, and cringing.
you know when somebody asks you to think about a city that begins with the letter B and you know theres at least 10 but because theres so many your brain is unable to think of any one in particular and you just sort of get a mental block. that is the same thing that happnes when you try to list the things that are wrong with the star wars prequels
1:03 but I remember it happening before the battle as well
It's set too close to the original trilogy - the time gap between it and the originals makes core things completely jarring, such as people forgetting who jedi were and the general feeling that things like the clone wars and jedi being a thing happened a long time ago.
>dark side arc for anakin they were building since I
>light sabers
people wanted to see yoda kick ass.
>no plot/development
I mean Anakin kinda also obi wan started giving us the Mordo treatment towards the Jedi from then on chronologically.
what video game is this?
>but did you not pay attention to the fact that he wanted to save Padme and would do anything to do so?
SEE: >Key points in the drama were completely undermined to the point of ridicule, comedy, and cringing
>Wooden acting, bad dialogue.
Yeah they made the 'do anything to save her' plot point. But they presented so badly that no one in the audience bought it, and then everything else in the movie that relied on that plot point immediately collapses into ridiculousness like dominoes.
pretty easy when you use google for answers user
>I feel bad for Christensen
I dunno man
A lot of people criticised his acting but outside of character he really does just sound like that
his voice is really, really bland
The one thing that could've brought this scene together would be a casual assassination. A Jedi talking with somebody, and a trooper just shooting him casually and then being apprehended while showing no emotion.
Also if it wasn't literally all CGI.
But like the domino effect of different Jedi dying was just as kino.
Could have used more Count Dooku
The opening scene (the battle over Coruscant) is poorly-done. It's pure visual spectacle, but it's very shallow. It's not the climax of the movie, so it doesn't feel like there is anything at stake.
>A Jedi talking with somebody, and a trooper just shooting him casually and then being apprehended while showing no emotion.
That's fucking stupid.
not enough pregnant hershlag
I really believe it's more of a script problem, he was perfect for the way Anakin was written (see: Life as a House), the dialogue was just so bad. Even McGregor looked like an idiot 9 times out of 10.
I imagine every actor got one take.
Hayden Christiansen didn't have a lot to work with and turned in a lackluster performance (probably becuase of Lucas' directing than Hayden's acting ability...which still isn't great). I'd argue that the actor who voiced him in the Episode 3 video game turned in a better Anakin. That and the voice actor from Clone Wars
The annoying voices the battle droids had
Tell me how you really feel
It's hard not to meme, when the dialogue is basically full of meme-worthy quotes.
I really feel that idea is shit.
the term is "quip".
People complaining about Anakin turning to the Dark Side suddenly forgetting that the Dark Side is addictive, overwhelming, and self perpetuating.
One small act leads to other bigger ones. And Anakin had small ones for years. Like slaughtering the sand people village
That too, but I really felt like the actor's voice just sounds really flat and mumbly
>A Jedi talking with somebody, and a trooper just shooting him casually and then being apprehended while showing no emotion.
>"Heh, nothing personnel, General"
the film was almost entirely forgettable, as all star wars films since empire have been.
Anakin's fall is completely unbelievable and forced.
I always watch this movie every year just because it's so full of galactic kino, its just fucking sublime watching it. Despite some flaws it had, I found it a shit ton more enjoyable to watch than tfw or r1.
All the little details that come full circle in the tragedy up until the final moments with Obi giving Luke to his step uncles makes this a masterpiece imo, and one of the best in the entire series.
>obi wan in 1st panel looks like a numale whining to his girlfriend that he doesn't feel comfortable with her getting dicked down by a pack of niggers
Anakin was a cunt from the start, couldn't care less about him going evil
Also I hate how people speak in the prequels, it's the same with the Matrix, or any Wachowsky movie for that matter, the awkward mumbly way the talk annoys me
>disliking the sheevspin
The most anticipated and compelling reason to get excited for the prequels was finding out exactly how Anakin was tempted by the dark side and turned into Darth Vader.
What we found out was that it was essentially: this girl that you love might die during childbirth and the only way to save her is to embrace the dark side of the force.
... he did it for a woman and based only on a speculation, a vision or a dream that she might die. Biggest disappointment in my cinema-going history.
Nothing happens until the last half hour and then way too much stuff happens. Anakin goes from warning Mace about emperor palpatine to killing children in like 15 minutes.
How did they do this effect? Is he a CGI Sheev or did they spin him and spin the camera around him with a green screen?
Prove me wrong.
The writing is beyond hammy
That entire sequence, the actor, the background, the set, the lightsabre, the costume
It is all CGI
Nah, the set itself is real. They're basically filming the empty set with the green screen in the background like in most other shots and then just CGI sheev in later.
are you retarded? not giving you a (you)
he did it because he felt powerless
he grew up a slave and wanted to protect his mother and save her from being a slave
jedi took him away and sort of brushed her under the rug. he felt powerless
jedi took him and trained him, while those same jedi were telling him to his face that it was a bad idea to train him and no good could come from it. nobody in his new order trusted him. even his master only took him as a favor to qui-gon. powerless and not trusted
he met a woman that he wanted to love and be with, but the jedi that didn't save his mom or trust him forbid it from happening. powerless
he had a vision of his mother and the jedi didn't want him to act on it. he found her brutalized by the sand people. but he wasn't powerless then. if he defied the jedi code he could get revenge on the sand people...and tatooine. the planet that enslaved him and made him powerless.
the only person in his young life and young adult life that seemed to genuinely care for, support, and encourage him was chancellor palpatine. palp made anakin feel important and valued and gave him exactly what he always wanted in his life, freedom
General Grevous is a weak non character who's personality is his design.
I like this but it would probably be too intense for kids, more so than Anakin getting burnt
>*Chokes wife to death*
>"It appears that in your anger, you killed her"
You feel it like that, unless you have some kind of aspergers
Battles of Coruscant and Utapau were both great though
I'd put VII slightly above RO and generally think that VI and IV average out to be about the same, but otherwise that looks a-okay to me.
what did he mean by this?
Only one I cant fucking stand is RO. Holy shit it was bad. Oly one I got bored in and just wanted it to end so bad
This is the exact complaint I have about Transformers' sequels
atleast it isnt as bad as every marvel movie
probably the only dialogue that isnt made entirely of quips is when they need to explain something "plot related" even then it still has them
I can't. It's perfect kino
During the Darth Vader and Obi-Wan fight, Vader starts lava surfing on a droid. That's not what I'm complaining about (though it is stupid). The terrible part is there's a close up of the droid's face after Vader jumps on him. We're watching the most anticipated lightsaber duel in all of Star Wars, and we cut to a close up of a droid for comedy. The entire duel was fucked, but that moment was the worst of it all.
>I'm not used to being so casual
I felt that the brotherhood between Obi and Anakin was portrayed poorly.
Not because they were closer than the movie would have us belive, but because the opposite was true. It kept trying to paint them as "very close friends" and family in all but blood.
But the reality of the situation was that they were TOLD that they were friends and brothers and crap because they were pretty close in age and because of the inherent spiritual bond that is SUPPOSE to exists between master and apprentice.
That bond didn't exist between Anakin and Obi at all. Anakin showed time and time again that he didn't respect Obi and Obi tried to assert his dominance in the relationship by being condescending and belittling throughout.
The most prime example of this is in the start of episode 2 when Anakin and Obi are riding the elevator and Anakin happens to drop the line that he's thought about Padme literally every single day for years on end. How does Obi react? Surprised. Obi had no idea Anakin felt this way. He doesn't know him. He doesn't understand him. He doesn't even really care about him enough to try to capture something SO fucking important.
He is in no sense of the word his "brother".
Opening scene goes on way to long from the space battle to rescuing the chancellor
Dialogue between Anakin and Padme should have been run past a few humans first, or better yet let Portman and Hayden improvise some lines
Screeching lizard dog thing that Obi Wan rides shouldn't have been yelping every 5 seconds in what is mean to be a serious fight
Anakin who still claims to be fighting for the best interest of the republic and love shouldn't have been shown killing children which had no practical purpose other then to make him look 'evil'
Yoda Emperor fight wasn't necessary, was over the top and took way to long for a fight the audience all knows will end with neither dying
Anakin Obi Wan fight was way to long and over choreographed, had them running from a platform, to facility, to outside platform, to volcano waterfall to lava river, to the high ground so by the end the audience just doesnt care anymore
Obi Wan Anakin fight ends with stupid 'high ground' scene which is almost comical, and could have been done much better with Obi Wan simply stating 'don't try it' with no other dialogue
A minute of moan and groans between two hot males, it makes my pants do things they shouldn't.
I'll also restate how stupid it was to have that Yoda fight in there with the Emperor
Obviously being able to kill the Emperor at that point could save the galaxy, but Yoda goes alone, he could have taken Obi Wan and has absolutly no reason to send him off to fight Anakin
Not only that, but several times when Palpatine is knocked down, Yoda doesn't go in for the killer blow and retreats before the fight is decided. Why the hell did Yoda run away? The whole galaxy is at stake and he just goes on to live on a swamp for the rest of his life.
Since they can't have Yoda kill Palpatine in episode 3 adding a fight in between them was pointless
VI is too high up
I genuinely feel that episode 3 was the last Star Wars movie that will attempt to explore the duality of the force.
The Jedi were portrayed as almost tyrannical in the way they essentially abducted children, forced them to drop all emotional bonds and feelings, stripped them of friends and family and forced them to not question a almost sadistic interpretation of "peace".
Now that Disney has it, the Jedi are just good, and the Dark Side (I think they're trying to distance themselves from the concept of the Sith) is bad, and there is no wiggle room or openings for interpretation.
they didn't digitally render Tarkin
I just realised if Disney really does make a star wars every year forever then we're soon going to have to deal with Roman Numerals when they start getting retarded
>Laser dome already fitted into place
>Iconic shot from Rogue one has it put in place again
Lucas really wasn't thinking ahead trying to tie in Revenge with Hope so fucking much even though there is 20 years difference
Seeing the Death Star and blockade runner so much at the end of Revenge was cringey rather then entertaining
Switch RO with 7 and we can start talking. Otherwise flush your fucking tongue down the toilet for such shit taste
>not looking forward to "Star Wars Episode DXCII: Darth Maul's Estranged Cousin"
Nice pasta
Not pasta. Try again apologist.
>Star Wars already brought out Mauls estranged half brother so the idea of his cousin appearing is no longer ridiculous
Fuck, they did? When did this retarded monstrosity come about?
Here you go. As ridiculous as it all sounds, I really liked this arc:
While it doesn't look awful it kinda' looks... silly. As in it really feels like someone kinda' liked the design they had going with Darth Maul, but couldn't drag it out because he was dead.
Also that might be the worst Christopher Lee impersonation I've ever heard. I know they probably weren't willing to dish out the dosh to get the guy to voice the animation (and that's understandable) but there are people on YouTube who do better imitations than this.
This is my biggest issue with the PT.
It doesn't specify when those shots take place though. The death star shots might be a skip ahead 5 years or something.
>seeing the blockade runner so much at the end of sith was cringey
Pretty much this. In ANH Alec Guinness speaks with such fondness for Anakin and everyone knows about the "good friend" line. They should express a lot of brotherly love and compassion/friendship for one another, but in the prequels this is condensed to a few small moments of Obi-Wan saying "you did a good job, Anakin" and frankly I can only remember one of those moments off the top of my head.
Fuck off faggot
>oh annie hold me like you did back on naboo when it was all so simple
simple. when she was just a queen turned senator hiding from assassins and he was a young horny jedi torn by guilt over abandoning his mother. so simple.
do you legitimately have brain damage?
In the moment things were simple. Have you ever been in love? Not trying to defend prequel dialogue too much but you clearly don't know what you're talking about. When you fall in love with a girl, those first moments where you hug and kiss each other are pure passion, nothing else. It is simple for those moments.
From my point of view, the Jedi are evil
It's over anakin, I have the high ground