I love the edit they gave her tonight at the tribal merge

I love the edit they gave her tonight at the tribal merge

>Of course I would want to if I had to
>Brad is just a cisscum pretending to be the provider when he is really only doing it for his game
>No I won't do it I'll let the gay Asian in front of me do it


she has a vagoo no?

He identifies as a male.

It is irrelevant if he has had SRS.

It is irrelevant if he presents as a male (which he does)

It is irrelevant if he passes as a male (which he does)

He is a fucking male because he is a male.

how'd she get her chromosomes changed?

That fat, doughy faggot can't go soon enough

Chromosomes are meaningless. They never get tested and they have no affect on your personhood.

Genetics are not meaningless take your politicised pseudoscience and fuck off

Nice bait.

This thread is EXTREMELY problematic.



BB is superior because you don't have to watch the tv show to follow it.

>BB is good because it has no substance



desu the worst part about it is that I wasn't able to tell she was a she.

I thought I had excellent trannydar

its kind of unfair how ugly women can make attractive men

but ugly men can't make attractive women

i've never been here but i am askinng what is the most scary movie ever. like i will pee my pants and i'm 33 or so
exorcist is good , supernatural is best. slasher stuff is for children. ring is fine, grudge is great


kys cis scum

I don't know about all that

hes like a 5 or 6/10 at worst, if he lost weight could probably easily be a 7-8/10

but as a girl and with the stature he has its like a 3 or 4 /10


She is a female

>what kind of mustache would xe like?


dont fucking lie to yourself, you had no idea that he was born a woman

so what difference does it make calling him a he

>insufferable personality
Actually I realized she was a she by the second episode of her first season.

Regardless if I didn't it doesn't change the fact her chromosomes are female

>passing as a female makes you a female

Thats not how biology works honey

straight up lie

Dude there where threads last season about people calling out on her hips and jawline.

Not him but i assumed Zeke was trans after ze started talking last year.


>jawlines/hips/arms are capable of lying

Actually I think his point was that they are not.

prove it

I didn't save any archives but there were countless threads (general survivor threads and tranny specific threads) commenting on the fact that Zeke was obviously a ftm tranny.

Go look at some recordings of episodes and look at her hips arms and jawline.

It was extremely obviously to anyone who knows what to look for.

haha you didnt save archives of random threads months/years ago on the off chance you'd need them for an argument, tough luck kiddo looks like i win

Congrats buddy.

I'm still going to call him a dude what kind of japanese basket weaving board do you think this is?

yeah sorry i ment to quote the guy saying prove it to show what a cunt he was being

It doesn't matter what you call her.

prove it

>someone who fooled millions of cis people being called out for having women features shatters my illusion.

>cis people
*Good and normal people

show me your boi pussy you filthy tranny

Is it gayer to have sex with this thing or Bailey Jay?

I was ripping on the tranny you guys.

By Zeke not passing this tranny who is getting butthurt doesn't pass


Who do you root for to win?

I hope my nigga Culpepper pulls trough, but it's a very slim chance

she has girl teeth

the first episode everyone talked about how gay and annoying he was. turns out it was just a girl that's gay and annoying

has this site legit been ruined by Sup Forums and stormfront fags? i'm not an sjw cuck/reddit leftist but they seem more appealing than Sup Forums nazi autism a lot of the time. zeke is a good survivor player. zeke is a dude. yes zeke is female sex. he has female chromosones and genetics.

but he is clearly zeke, a dude. stop comparing him to psycho autogynephile possible rapists from tumblr for no good reason. you don't understand how autistic and sad it makes you. just grow up please. or at the very least don't breed.

>he has female chromosones and genetics
you don't understand how autistic and sad it makes you when you say this

mate just because you have never had a social life in any normal sense doesn't mean the rest of us are like you.

just because most trannies are insane people doesn't mean you have to be an asshole to all of them. it just doesn't make sense unless you are stuck in some form of stormfronter ideology where you obsess about muh white accomplishments while accomplishing nothing but jerking off to anime and posting on Sup Forums. and/or you were bullied and ostracised because you are a weird cunt so now you are ultra petty.

your bait is weak

If I knew Zeke in person I would call her a dude.

However we are talking about her on the internet. And technically she is a woman.

It's like if a tranny personally asked me to call him a woman I would do so. But when I come on here to talk about it I would use the factually correct pronouns.

>he has female chromosones and genetics.

>female chromosones

Pick one

Zeke is socially and culturally a male.

Ergo if I were communicating with her in person I would call her a him.

However I am not communicating with her in person ergo I will use her factually correct pronouns.

>Sup Forums home of the bait thread

i'm not baiting i'm genuinely (drunkenly) trying to get a point across that you gain absolutely nothing by being autistic about muh dna/technically a woman, to people who are clearly someone that is seen as a man and not a woman. you get nothing but a wrong sense of feeling right. if the person presents and acts like a man, and is seen as such by practically everyone around you, and is not some psychotic person (eg the autogynephile men) then what are you gaining by being so adamant to call him a woman? how on earth is that something you conclude to be your sword to die on? cos its fucking stupid mate. nobody is going to look at you as if you are being reasonable because you just aren't.

idc about how you personally use the pronouns in this context. way i see it is there is a social environment context that autists want to ignore. zeke today isn't a woman in any way bar his dna and vag. if you're an average enough person personality wise, if you pass and you don't want to be see as a tranny like zeke then i can't see any reason why you (not you personally poster) would decide this is the sword you're going to throw yourself on. why is it so hard to just treat trannys like zeke like normal people. you have to give them props for not being one of the many insane trannys in some way imo.

it's a chick you faggot. look at how long and dumb your stupid post is trying to convince yourself that a girl isn't a girl

No I do. Like I said in person I will call a passing tranny whatever pronoun they like (ignoring non-binary and gender fluid people)

But we are talking about her on the internet. I highly doubt she is reading this right now.

you're just starting to sound like you are upset that a woman can be more of a man than you while keeping their vag

>zeke today isn't a woman in any way bar his dna and vag.

So you mean ignoring her genetics and genitalia Zeke isn't a women?

I guess I can agree to that if you agree that an orange is an apple if you ignore the citrus orange filling and orange skin

your bait is so weak you have nothing to do but project

haha xd ur just baiting and projecting!!

>you are upset that a woman can be more of a man than you while keeping their vag
yes this is projecting

zeke is a biological female yes i have not denied that

your analogy is retarded which is extra fail because analogies are proven to be weak at convincing people of your argument

i already explained why in the social context of todays world and zekes own appearance/personality that he is a man and you do nothing but insult him and appear autistic/stormfronter to say otherwise

>and appear autistic/stormfronter to say otherwise
I identify as a flying bear GET IT RIGHT

>insult him

I wasn't aware she was reading this thread?

>people actually think like this

>stop comparing him to psycho autogynephile possible rapists from tumblr for no good reason.

But that's who CBS and Probst brought him on the show to normalize. You could tell they had been waiting for last week's revelation to come for quite some time.