Moderating based on your personal politics are against the rules rapeape and hiro set for you.
Moderating based on your personal politics are against the rules rapeape and hiro set for you.
what'd you post, ban evader?
le purple palm tree man
Which politics are you alleging they have user? Because deleting the flood of Sup Forumstard right wing garbage we get here every day isn't a political agenda.
anyone have a pet snake?
>i'm telling Mom!
no, because that's a shit tier pet.
I'm not even sure if that is against any rules
>off Sup Forums for a few hours
>come back
>see a designated shitposting thread on front page
>200+ replies, 1 hour old
>click on it
Is a Sup Forums mod IP-stalking me? Why do you delete the good threads as soon as I check Sup Forums?
Such a cute little snek :3
Whats his name?
Mod naptime was probably just over.
surprisingly it is. Sup Forumsacks managed to get a long time mod fired for the same thing.
>muh Sup Forums
>muh right wing boogeyman
No politics belong on this board. Not even your retarded libtard crap. If you want to be a child and talk about Sup Forums all day, fucking go there.
gingermod/invisibro/swaglord doesn't follow the rules because he's an admin and doesn't have to
Fuck off. The world would be better off if everyone was progressive.
thats a strong term concerning something they do for free
Yeah cause you know, people are just flooding this board with liberal left wing posts all day. Such a problem.
get a grip
Most Sup Forums threads are liberals or anti-Trumpers pretending to be conservative in an effort to make them look bad.
>op confirmed for butthurt Sup Forumstard who got his shitty thread deleted
He's an actual shill
>memelord sold us out
Yeah right. I suppose the "real" Trump supporters are a bunch of educated intellectuals with well thought-out political positions
swaglord is a faglord
swaglord is a faglord
swaglord is a faglord
swaglord is a faglord
swaglord is a faglord
swaglord is a faglord
swaglord is a faglord!
They need to make the site more ad friendly, that means silencing conservative views. Capturing the millennial crowd is key.
Nothing to see here.
>Trump supporters are knuckle-dragging mouth breathers deserving of constant ridicule
This elitist attitude is why Trump won and it's why he'll win again.
Think about how unnatural memes are on this board
It all makes sense
>muh strawman argument
You get mad that Trump supporters are treated as cretins and then you immediately confirm yourself to be one.
It's true. Every time anyone says something politcally incorrect "gb2 Sup Forums" in all of its variations can be found soon after. Libtard shitposting is comprised of a 24/7 witch hunt to accuse people of being from Sup Forums. It's annoying and just as off topic as political posts.
Pretty sure that's a tubebro not a snake.
>constant forced memes from the latest shlock pumped out
>shill threads for DC/Marvel never EVER get deleted
>muh free speech is being infringed
Truly you are the new SJW, actually you are far more whiny than they ever were. There is a whole board dedicated to your infantile politics. A whole fucking board! Go there.
saw one of the fags got on and deleted a lot of threads.
why did he leave up garbage like
Aww you poor thing. Did someone say your post sucked? You need a safe space.
or maybe it just sucked
why do you care? quit crying and hide the threads or leave this website and find another forum that takes itself super serious
The first two go back It's the hot new thing with "millennials" right now.
Why should he when redditors did the same thing so YOU could make this post here today back when /q/ was up?
Well yes, that's exactly what happens as well. Those threads don't go to their limit by themselves.
>threads about the latest big films don't get deleted on a board for films and tv REEE
>but muh pol threads are being unfairly targeted
wow. what an outrage
i havent got a clue what your trying to say
Show me the liberal politics thread that reached limit on Sup Forums. You're high.
>no one mentioned Sup Forums but you, the redditor with the 149XXX filename
He's probably the OP of all those threads. That guy is a chronic shitposter and is in literally every cancerous metathread with the same post.
Honest question: Should everyone who's NOT an Sup Forums refugee be banned?
This is what your post implies. This is what every liberal response to a conservative view on this board implies. You're right, we're wrong. You're smart, we're dumb.
This is a Sup Forums thread now
If you say so sport
Its been mentioned several times in the thread. Check your persecution complex user.
you still brought it up in reply to completely unrelated post, instead of one that actually mentioned it
check your Sup Forumsobession, redditurd :^)
Is it really that wrong that I want my wife bred by a BBC so our children won't be evil whites?
>new IP already
I wish the mods would interact with us.
raymond chandler
fuck drumpf and fuck white people
There, I said it.
frumpftards can GTFO. This is our board now :)
you're talking to different people and you're clearly butthurt about being laughed at for being a Sup Forumstard. Lucky for you though you have a safe space to run back to
that was my first post in the thread but thanks for correcting the record, tourist :^)
This thread is proof that Sup Forums isn't the problem
Hey tumblr is here.
>Libcucks are this bootyblasted about getting exposed
are mods deleting threads exposing drumpf and conservatards again?
things that crazy people say for $100
Is this CUNT?
typical 12 year old """""young republican"""""
both of these posts were me btw
No, this is your mother. I haven't spoken to you in a while, and the truth is I just don't know how to anymore. You've grown into such a disgusting little beast. I love you, son, but why do you insist upon making it so hard for me?
I can't tell if you're a trumptard or a sjw or a trumptard pretending to be an sjw or an sjw pretending to be a trumptard.
I fucking hate white people
Yep! This is CUNT, alright.
reddit will always have opposition faggot
Fuck off sill
nice photoshop
Do you still go to #waifu?
I didn't make that post, that's not (you)
>check your Sup Forumsobession, redditurd :^)
Sup Forums == reddit
lol 3/10
Sup Forumstards are the cancer killing this site
you literally cannot prove me wrong
>it's a "r/thedonald nu/pol/tard is butthurt his off-topic bait only made it to 200 replies before being deleted instead of the usual 350" episode
>Mods will wait another hours to delete this thread and trumpies will still play the victim card
I got banned from #waifu years and years ago. I look in occasionally but it is like this board - unrecognizable. The people on Sup Forums, the people on #waifu, they are completely different to the people who were there years ago. It is sad but things change. Life moves on.