Trump? more like DRUMPF! Am I right ladies or am I right?
Trump? more like DRUMPF! Am I right ladies or am I right?
Other urls found in this thread:
You sound triggered
bot posting killed Sup Forums
More like Donald Duck
*auduence laughs and farts*
We both know you're going to vote dem next time.
Stop making these threads, stop being in such denial.
>trump is president
>alt right pussy babies still cry about media shitting on him even though it "doesnt mean anything"
We both know the Dems are a marginal party that can't win outside California and possibly NY
>4 years of SJW crying.
Why do you keep making this same bad thread?
Why are you using this joke ironically? Did it really upset you when people make fun of his name?
>le alt right is 'epically triggered'
>post a half ass forced meme and kick feet back up in victory
>leftists are triggered
>eternal chimpouts across america
and that's why your vote counts
>asking women for their comedic opinion
Are there any liberal comedians who are actually funny, like Bush era Colbert/Jon Stewart?
back to pol and the donald, shill cuck
Finally, been looking for this Colbert for days.
Go back to lgbt and the rest of reddit you cuck shill
if they are in hollywood they are liberal.
so if you think literally ANY comedian is funny then you just answered your own question.
There might be a few exceptions LIke Adam Corrolla
Grumpf btfo eternally!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks white men for throwing this country to the garbage bin
kek, what was he talking about?
I miss republican colbert, when he was a likable guy
>We both know you're going to vote dem next time.
i keep seeing articles about people regretting voting for trump but i havent seen anything like that irl. everyone i know is ecstatic and think trumps done better than expected.
He was.
Back then politics was something most people didn't want a part of but felt like they can laugh at bush(who was easy target)
Now both sides are each others throat.
>Based Chapelle refusing to shuck and jive on SNL
Name ONE (1) funny comedian.
>Hillary standing without 3 bodyguards to prop her up
norm macdonald
Jim Norton
Louie CK
Daniel Tosh
Bill Burr
Trump would probably have a heart attack from climbing that wall anyways desu
Smug Hillary thread?
ITT: Triggered Drumpftards
Colbert should be excommunicated for his support of the Democratic Party and receiving religious faculty from heretics.
these type of threads contain 4 types of people:
1. Actual republians and people who are right leaning and voted trump
2. Actual Leftists for some reason
3. Right leaning people who pose as leftists to troll for (you)'s.
4. The radical centerists that think they're above it all while providing no better alternative and being as neutral as mountainniggers
You must've missed the part where it said ___funny___.
>Everyone I dont like is from Sup Forums
>a board all thinks the same meme.
Dave Chappelle
Bill Burr
Chris Rock
Eddie Murphy
Patrice O Neal
Richard Pryor
Which is more embarrassing: the constant egging of Trump, or seeing how fanny flustered his most hardcore supporters get?
When exactly does he say this?
Lena Dunham
>Here is ALex Jones looking less like a parent, and more like a coked up football coach in a police standoff
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA who writes this stuff?! Epic!
What are you then?
>tfw #3 & #4 combined
Is he still doing the same thing?
I remember when Sup Forums was a place to talk about Television shows and not a place where every board was a place for Trump supporters to cry and cry because they got their widdle feelings hurt
God how boring
That was only because Hillary was an awful candidate that people had to be fearmongered to vote for. We Democrats will easily win next time. It won't even be a challenge with the stage Dump is setting.
you have to go back
>We Democrats will easily win next time.
You have to go back to drumpf shack
The irony of the Alt-Right: they call liberals condescending, meanwhile their mascot is literally a smug frog. Your days are numbered, Pepe.
we need to reclaim pepe from the nazis
Sam Hyde
The real story here is how bad Colbert's show is.
His trump material is his best stuff and it's fucking awful
>be famous late night host
>do several bits on several episodes making fun of a harmless crackpot no one takes seriously
>mock him during the worst part of his life, a bitter custody battle over his children
>flat out say that the man should have his children taken away from him
>but "Tee hee, it's okay, he believes things that I don't"
>and the worst part of all is that even though Alex Jones is the lowest hanging fruit of all time, it's still not funny.
what threat does Alex Jones represent?
Samantha Bee
John Oliver
Bill Maher
Jim Jefferies
he said funny not sad
thinly veiled Sup Forums threads are so shit
Bear in mind any prominent right wing figure is dubbed as dangerous by these retards
So he's just like David Letterman?
Yet you post in them every time
Why are there so many liberals and NeoGAF tourists on Sup Forums? It's by far the most liberal board on Sup Forums. Is it because Hollywood is inherently liberal and young, dumb people being indoctrinated by movies?
Did Letterman ever make fun of nobodies from the internet?
>post facts how racemixing is bad
>omg, go to school
Sup Forums is also literally the dumbest board on Sup Forums.
Does Colbert actually say "Drumpf"? I thought that was only ol' Greentooth.
No, they're just combining memes.
Current Year Man's show is infinitely better than Colbert's by the way.
"Buy my Vitamins!"
Sup Forums is still not as bad as Sup Forums yet.
>it's another "I used to be a fan of this person but now am not, mainly because he said/says bad things about this other person I am currently a fan of" thread
Sup Forums is around 6 years old, Sup Forums is almost 14. It was created during the Bush 2 years, and populated by geeks, nerds, weaboos, mangafags, animufags, gays, beta girls, etc. What makes you think Sup Forums should be conservative? Cause newfags, redditors, and tryhard contrarians think Sup Forums should be a fold to reddit? Suck a dick.
>tfw you realize people even having to acknowledge "president trump" makes them uncomfortable
lol i voted for him
I don't know who to feel pity over anymore, Alex or this fuck.
A lot of them are bongs that are still butthurt over brexit.
When did you realize that Colbert's Republican caricature on Comedy Central was actually a better person than the actual Colbert?
Alex Jones enables and serves as proof to militias and other such deviant anti-government individuals. Also, did you not pay attention when that retard shot up that pizzeria cause of pizzagate? Alex Jones is an asshole because he basically tells crackpots what they want to hear (and I bet you a number of them are mentally ill, not just stupid) and profits off of them. It's one thing to be like /x/, totally another to cater to people who can and will react to whatever the guy says.
It's getting ridiculous how far contrarians will take shit nowadays. Alex Jones, for fuck's sake, is seen as a credible source and is defended online. I'm getting old and I'm barely 27.
I haven't actually watched a single episode, does he really open EVERY episode with Drumpf jokes? does he ever go a full episode without mentioning him?
But I'm an Actual Leftist that thinks I'm above it all
>did you not pay attention when that retard shot up that pizzeria cause of pizzagate?
Alex Jones never propagated that. That's a lie.
you know, every time I hear people recommend comedians, Norm Macdonald is one of them.
Every video I've seen (some standup, some cameos, a few episodes of the norm macdonald show) he seems like he has a fucking concussion
he talks like a retard and acts like one too
Start with the classics.
Nah, he's just playing another persona. He'll switch next time power changes hands between the two parties
no fucking thank you
that garbage is and has always been anti-comedy regardless of who stars in it
But Norm is the epitome of anti-comedy. Hence, being anti-comedy in an anti-comedy show produces comedy.
>It's an op never actually watched this show but is somehow still butthurt about it episode
Do you think its funny? Link a segment from a recent episode that was funny
and sad ;_;
He spread it and for some of his viewers, him just addressing the conspiracy made it true. Did you not also notice how Trump does the same shit? He makes a statement, it gets a response from alternative media (breitbart, alex jones), and he uses that as proof. Alex Jones has proposed so much shit and has a reputation for knowing conspiracies that people think some of that shit must be true.
Anyways, he clearly did spread the pizzagate shit. He even apologized for it. Don't tell me, that was "fake news".
We don't need TrumpTV. We already have it. He's got all news networks and all talk shows reading his tweets and narrating his daily activities.
>Alex Jones is inspiring people to shoot up pizza parlors!
>Let's bring in hordes of poor people from countries where their holy book inspires them to fly planes into buildings!
Checks out.