
*blocks your armada* edition

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>117 posts

It's MIGRATE thread haha

Not sure I've heard Hot Chip. I'm thinking of an American band, Hot something though. Or maybe it was one of their songs.


That's the band I'm thinking of. Great ensemble.
Fave track:

brexit means BREXIT


Rejection of

Let me try again:

Rejection of

Nailed it.


30,000 fishing jobs coming back boys. Get those anoraks on and fire up the trawlers. Britain is BACK!

brb getting papers to become a british citizen so I can be a sailor like Phileas Fogg

isnt fishing incredibly grim as a job?

isnt it exactly the kind of thing which poles or whatever would be the ones to do - like being a guy picking mushrooms or processing meat in a factory.

how is it grim to do something dangerous and exciting with the lads desu?

brexic means brexic

We have an army of unemployed people with the skills, and the gear lying dormant. they just want to get back to work after the EU literally destroyed their industry, purely for the benefit of fishermen in other countries.

The Hun is the plague. We are the cure.

Deffo. The EU was just a "pen is mightier than the sword" effort to do what Germany always does: Try to take over the WORLD. Glad it's collapsing, just like all their other efforts.

We should finish them off this time.

gimmick idea: photoshop the name from "Gaz" to "Janny" on the 'take the piss' image

Janny DOES take the piss.

business idea: democratic voting for thread deletion for when janny is off gallivanting around with his real doll or whatever he does.

What would Drake think of Brexit? I think he'd be on board.

Get it? On board?

gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang


Getting dark. Time for the lamp to go on. Another wasted day (so far).

On the third day of christmas my jew love sent to me
Three muslim neighbours
Two refugees and
A husband in a cuck shed

have at it lads



this but unironically


Don't like niggers on my television

what did he mean by oh wait i got it nvm

there are 60 million horses in the world
and you havent had sex with one of them

Television is a means of production (entertainment) so it must belong to the state.

>say "black people" in the presence of the yank girl at work
>you can visibly see her twitch and try to contain her rage because I didn't say "african american people" or "people of colour"


well, actually...

things that never happened the post

Why on earth would I do something like that? I'm not Matthew Broderick.

If it meant no niggers on my television I would not mind it

would you do it in space

To clarify...

Got to do another online test for a job haha.

watched a horror movie right there on my t.v.
horror movie right there on my t.v.

Is me shagging a horse a prerequisite for me going into space? I'd shag a horse for a trip to space, but being in space wouldn't make me more likely to shag a horse.

Stranger Things spoiler: Hopper nonces eleven and Dustin dies

which do you use?


How you goin' Brucie?

TIL the only reason pepper is a spice paired on the table with salt is because wypipo thought anything else was too spicy

Any Deutsch-Südwestafrika man in?


>rwanda 1994: school full of children gets macheted to death
>cambodia 1975: every single person with glasses is marched from their home into the countryside and summarily executed
>Darfur 2000s: Janjaweed raiders burn down the crops of the furi people leading to their starvation coupled with rgular raids from the janjaweed
>North America 1760s: British distribute small-pox infected blankets to native americans they had previously displaced leading to decimation of entire tribes
>Turkey 1913: Turks starve millions to armenians to death deliberately
>Britain 2017: 4 adverts had mixed raced couples in them

ahh yes,.

1 mile

>long face = horse

but her face isn't long, her eyes are just close together

can't wait for british stranger things in the 70s-80s to watch them all get nonced desu


I think you'll find Family Guy or South Park or something demonstrated that she's a horse by making a joke about it.

inches, feet, metres, miles


bus driver is driving sow recklessly that I'm getting nauseous lol

never seen stranger things

the tv show, not things that are stranger

>there are people who still trust westminster after they protected this guy.

shake my head


stock market crash in the next coming days lads

>the babysitter's arrived!
>it's the man in that pic
wat do?


read it and weep wypipo

business idea: dig up cyril smith, smash his remains to pieces and flush them down a toilet

At the pure gym lads

if britain leaves the eu and jeremy corbyn becomes PM there'll be no eu regulation stopping him from turning the uk into a multicultural socialist paradise

what computer should I buy?

what makes you say that?
are we overdue?

this but with "paradise" in scare quotes

The good one

feel like space would be incredibly grim
not like sci fi at all

feel like i'd actually enjoy a corbynist britain.

3 days of work a week
no more keeping up with the johnsons becasue everyone will live in a tower block and will have barely any possesssions.
only food is chicken/kebab shops

i'd give it a go

compooter more like

is it the one Apple makes

I reckon it would be comfy if Elite: Dangerous and EVE: Online and 2001 are anything to go by.

if you want a realistic depiction of space just imagine being in a submarine but even more dull.

shall be just leaving this here sweaty xx


WB you leg (pronounced ledge)

don't like being infantilised

>corbynist britain

awww sweaty xx

oh for sure. if it were like all that id be front of the line. problem is we'll probably never even reach that point as a species. think i would go crazy spending a year on the ISS with that freezer food and no gravity

fukin whitey destroyin da earth

sucking a nigger

last night the housemates were blasting music in the lounge and i just had to bear with it even though i was trying to read, so they think im a cool easy going guy hahaha

yield curves are flattening
junk bonds crashed this week


*infantilises you*

there will be an abundance of food.

off to therapy
lost cause really haha

erm chicken... thats the old thread

please just give up

Uh oh... looks like we're going back guys.
Oh well. See you there.

I'm ask them

you know these sorts of posts are incredibly obnoxious please don't make them

business idea: compulsory state acquisition of land from the nobility and distribution of it to the unemployed

not I'm

soon lads, the ultimate goal

alri comrade