Level 1-5 all belong on level one, in no way are Every Frame a Painting or Martin Scorcese films any more than entry level pleb shit.
I assume whoever made this was trolling or literally believes spending more than 0.5 seconds looking for movies to the the unmistakable marker of an outsider film buff.
>in no water Every Frame a Painting or Martin Scorcese films any more than entry level Pleb shit.
I remember being 15
The problem with pushing the le angry cynic angle is it makes you come off as an angsty twelve year old just discovering the internet
RLM and every frame a painting belong in level one
Step outside your internet bubble. People look at Half in the Bag and think its fucking weird to watch to guys sit there for forty minutes.
As "le edgy" as disagreeing with this pic seems at first, it's unreasonable to assume that stuff like Martin Scorsese films are "weird", even by the most stringent normie classifications. Pretty much every frat-bro type I know likes Goodfellas, Coen brothers films, or at least one Stanley Kubrick movie. It's far less likely that they'd be aware of Jeremy Jahns or Chris Stuckman.
level infinity would be pretty accurate if marker and jododrowsky werent there
Aside from Niel Breen's placement and Freddy Got Fingered is high art in quotes, this list is absolute shit.
Both 1 and 2 are pleb shit. Level 3 almost qualifies
Where is Wetmovie1 and Coolduder on there?
Its not edgy to disagree, just to call anything "entry level pleb shit"
>Japanese erotic new-wave
eh, I've seen the uncut version of In the Realm of the Senses on tv. Virtually everything in this list belongs in tier-1 or 2. Infinite tier is somewhat accurate at least, post-ironically enjoying pleb-fodder is the highest form of patricianship.
I enjoy the films of Chris Marker. And everyone knows who jodorowsky is.
>Level 6
>Ingmar Bergman
>Lars Von Trier
>Harmony Korine
These guys are pretty entry level arthouse filmmakers dude
>People look at Half in the Bag and think its fucking weird to watch to guys sit there for forty minutes.
People don't watch talk shows anymore or remember At The Movies?
>any of that
Tarkovsky should be deeper than Chris Marker
List progresses to fast
>IMDB top 250
>The fucking academy awards
>youtube garbage
>big lebowski, Fargo, shutter island and goodfellas
Fucking awful. Kys
>Scorcese, Kubrick and the Coen Brothers
No. Scorcese is as normie as it gets (not that there's anything wrong with that). He is probably one of the first people that would come to mind (if not the first) if you were to walk up to a random younger guy them to name a director. Kubrick and the Coen Brothers aren't quite as mainstream but there pretty close.
if you dont think Freddy Got Fingered was pure Kino and/or are not extensively familiar with the Neil-Breeniverse and have seen all of his movies, unedited, start to finish a minimum of 5 times in an attempt to understnad his subtle breinius
then GTFO Sup Forums you goddamn pleb, Facebook is thataway
Max please go
Not normies, no.