What are some good movies out right now?
What are some good movies out right now?
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what a fucking retarded bitch, seriously. no one understands the nuances of Sup Forums anymore, its all about my fee fees
>seven seconds ago
What are some movies about screencapping your own lazy bait?
I don't either, I always assume people are intelligent and everyone is using 15 levels of irony but then there are people on Sup Forums that unironically like wes anderson
tell me about your life trouble Sup Forums
I bet you enjoy the films of Wes Anderson.
>Chasing Trane
As for pic, it's a decent explanation of Sup Forums from someone who obviously doesn't get it or belong here.
I don't bandy around the term hipster, but wes anderson is a hipster and so is anyone that likes his trash
>its all about my fee fee
I blame Sup Forums, those fucking bitchs will cry about literally everything
I mean, they literally create things that don't exist and cry about it for months
I used bitching about movies to distract me from the pain of their being no good movies out
I truly am toxic
she's not that far off honestly, Sup Forums has a pretty massive majority of people filling a void in their lives
but then again you could argue that other sites have a similar trend we're just more open about it due to anonymity
Rushmore was unironically a good film.
Agatha looks like shit now.
Are the dark areas under her eyes real?
Yeah, it's not that uncommon to see those, women just use a lot of makeup.
I actually have no trouble in my life at all.
Looks like puffiness to me
she's right but you don't really stay here for 9 years and think otherwise
ur a qt op I hope u find happiness
try me nigga going on 12 now
its truly a mystery for me.
I approve of Op's picture.
Disgusting I can't tell if boy or girl
Fuck off.
I don't have trouble in my life, I fucking love my life
jew isnt right just because she's pretty you dweebs
>Sup Forums bullied her into lesbianism
This website has such power, but it's channeled in such degenerate ways.
Blame the waifufaggots.
There are no good movies right now. Art form on pause.
You're supposed to like this site because it destroys everyone's ego. Everyone is brought down a peg, even the special classes that are worshiped everywhere else.
Say what you want about /r9k/, but tick tock posting is great.
>mfw all the videos of attention whores crying because of tick tock posting
>ywn cuddle with pre-r9k corruption Agatha while she mumbles sweet nothings into your ear
>mfw /r9k/ is a consistent 35-40% female according to nearly every 100+ person poll
Wow what a surprise. Women like to be shit talked and shit talk other women.
Don't be mean to aggy virgin-Kun
I don't know why you replied to my feel post but this picture is related to what you're saying
>all these unironic beta /r9k/ orbiters who know who this literal 5/10 who is
Can you guys fuck off
>What are some
Are these the code words for non-Sup Forums related threads?
women = redditors, not a surprise.
every female heavy board has a huge reddit and particularly tumblr presence
iirc, more than half of images posted on /cgl/ have a tumblr file name according to some autist on Sup Forums who keeps track of this shit.
/cgl/, /adv/, /soc/ and /r9k/ all have huge reddit/tumblr tumors. women were a mistake.
The Fate Of The Furious
>tfw no aggy gf
not a good feeling desu
Is that Annie Clark?
spoony is the best /r9k/ slut, you dumbass. There's more spoony nudes than some porn stars have.
Agatha looks like she's trying so hard not to look cute so she can fit in with her sisters/friends/whoever they are
Luckily she's failing miserably
Why did her parents adopt those other kids? That's pretty fucked up.
Pick one
Aggy is pure
she's a lesbian who told guys to stop watching her videos. "pure" or not, there is no reason to spend another second thinking about her.
>she just doesn't get our deep intricate culture!
Yall are just stupid as hell
>I always assume people are intelligent and everyone is using 15 levels of irony
Well that's the issue isn't it, you assume it's this way because that's what you do. You assume it's this way because you think the way some people see the world on these boards is so ridiculous they can only be saying it ironically.
That's not the way it is user.
>Ywn have a platonic relationship with Agatha
>Ywn confess your love to her
>She wn put you down softly and reassure you that you should still be friends
Please leave Aggie alone.
>he doesn't want to be trapped in a nuclear bomb shelter all alone with agatha and the only hope for the human species is for her to mate with you so she gives up her lesbianism for the sake of humanity
>he doesn't want to make mutant incest babies with agatha
hey white guy
She's right. The fact that you even posted this with her username intact in a piss poor attempt to get people to harass her for calling you out proves it.
>in a piss poor attempt to get people to harass her for calling you out proves it.
Mate, she's old news, people have been stalking her forever now. You can find her lifestory with literally 2 clicks because of /r9k/
>He wouldn't fail to get it up for her, realizing he loves her too much like a sister to have sex with her
>He wouldn't allow Oblivion to take over as he cuddles with aggy platonically
>You can find her lifestory with literally 2 clicks because of /r9k/
Do you not listen?
what's up with these dips?
was the site down?
Like every 'female youtube celebrity' her material and content is written for her by others
by her weird family disturbingly, her dad advises her on looking 'cute' and 'akward' as well as posting her on Sup Forums of all places for view
majority of her videos are about how good jews, refugess and lesbians are
she claims in her videos, she only wants kids and girls to watch her videos.. and then makes a video all about how she knows shes lesbian even though shes never kissed a girl
what in hte fuck is tick tock posting
I don't know who this girl is, she seems sweet enough, what's the deal
I'll be 14 for me this winter. I got linked to Sup Forums in like December of '03. If ever I get my old HDs up and running, I'll spam the shit out of this place with ancient memes.
I drank yesterday and now I have to attend classes with huge hangover
It's really weird whenever I meet someone in real life who mentions Sup Forums. It's actually happened to me a few times recently. They're always excited about the site, like they just discovered it and it's something to be proud of.
I'm not going to go overboard and say it's a curse or anything, but it's weird how awful it is to rely on this site for socialization. I just wish I could people as interesting as you all in other ways, but it's not easy to do that.
Why are you still here
reminder, she doesn't shave any of her body hair
her arm hair's fuckin black dude
She only gets like 1,000 views a video. What the fuck are you talking about?
It's the way it actually was for a couple years. Once ebin menes became a thing, the culture clearly changed as more and more people showed up and didn't get, no, weren't even aware of the joke, which is just the story of culture in microcosm, really.
>he likes waxwhores
The people I've met from here irl actually decent. It's only those that haven't been on the site or goes to r/Sup Forums are the fucking autistic ones
It was fucking marvelous for a while. I've never been a part of anything like that madness in the early days, and there still is a certain type of community and creativity here that doesn't exist elsewhere, though it's more Baudrillardian now than anything.
This fucking board is the toilet bowl of this entire site, i'm fucking leaving this shit.
I'm too fucking tired of this bullshit.
dont give me that look
must be like a bramble patch down there
>implying that's a bad thing
Only if the carpet matches the drapes.
Sup Forums is an integral part of Sup Forums, you nog.
Now you got it!
Sup Forums hasn't even been a part of this chan for the majority of its existence, how /new/ are you?
whats her name desu?