Latino / Hispanic is a meaningless word


* There is no such thing as a Hispanic or Latino race.

* Nobody outside the USA uses the terms Hispanic or Latino to refer to race.

* A Latino is anyone whose recent origins (paternal or maternal or directly) were in a Spanish or Portuguese language country.

* All these women (I used famous personalities that at appeared on American TV at least for some time) are considered "Latinas" under the meaningless US definition.

* There is nothing in common between the so-called "Latino" peoples. Latinos can be of any race. The racial demographics vary wildly between different countries and regions of Latin America.

* The word Hispanic is not used outside of the USA. It was made-up by the US Census Bureau in 1970 because referring to most Mexicans as Mestizos or Mixed Race would have been non-PC.

* Most so-called "Latino" immigrants in the USA are from Mexico and Central America which are Mestizo-majority regions, thus the American misconception that all "Latinos" must be brown. The majority of those going to the USA are indeed brown.

Don't fall for the kike race mixing scam.
Call Latinos for their individual race.
The US is getting browned.

Calling Central American Mestizos under the umbrella word "Hispanic" obscures what is really going on.

Thank you for reading.

Other urls found in this thread:

Thanks paco

Reminder that the based colonist would have been considered "Hispanic" today due to their spaniard genes.

Not all hispanics are brown

100% correct senpai.

I moved here from Mexico when I was 11.

It was the first time I heard those words and hated them.

Also fuck Univision for promoting that shit.

Hispanics For Trump!

Most who move here are mestizo, yet many will call themselves white on the census, and they are not Spaniard

Thanks bro

I personally use "latino" for brown central american and mexicans and "spaniards" for non-mestizo americans of spanish descent

A lot of us have been instructed to put down our race as white. I distinctly remember being told to check off white during school enrollment after I asked which box to check off.

my brain can't handle nuance so your just all spics to me sry

In the same vein we should introduce the Spanish word "turba." A turba is a paid political riot meant to physically intimidate the opposing party. What happened at the Trump rally in San Jose was a turba, facilitated by the mestizo and La Raza member San Jose police chief. Turbas are normal in Central America.

I agree with you that beaner mestizos are not white but that doesn't mean there is not any white hispanics.

White Hispanics like Spaniards should be labled white

Brown mestizos with indian genes should be labled as mestizo

Mestizos are more indian than hispanic seeing that hispanic means Spanish descent

I've never been to Mexico so I don't know how they label races there but in America, you could be 100% Spanish and still be labeled hispanic

Nigger they MAKE you sign as white. There is only white, black, and Asian for the most part. So they make you put down white, even if you're a black hispanic


The foreign language will have the undertone of America being under attack from within.

I don't know about school enrollment, but on the Census you can choose "Two or More Races" ever since the 2000 Census.

I'm a white male

Native Americans including Mayans are genetically Asian.

I'd be surprised if Selena is 25% native. Of course you can't tell by just looking at someone. Genes are either passed down or they are not--they aren't diluted. That said, Selena and many of the women up there that are said to be 50% white look whiter that that chart indicates.

>100% Germanic White

Are you kidding me?

I think she's more native than 25%.

I'm a bit over 25% and this is my family, me under the arrow:

>school enrollment
Any paper. Just any paper that for whatever reason would require racial information or even those that simply ask for it for no real reason, they have three options. White, black, and Asian. Some have native American as a choice. Some have pacific islander. Rarely, a form would have all of those as a choice. Never was there hispanic. So they made you put down white. Every form I've put my name on has only had those options and I've always been told to put white. My birth certificate says I'm white. I don't know if things are different now, but I'm only 23, so the changes would have been very recent.

Point is, its not Mexicans trying to jew the system by pretending to be white. There was simply no other choice and officials made you choose white. And again, even if you had black skin. Friend of mine, Hispanic, black skin and curly hair, officially white

>outside the USA
literally where?

one drop of beaner blood = Hispanic.
1 post by this ID Argentinian shill.
Post moar Selena

Hispanic is technically Spaniard blood you retard

Latino could be beaner blood but hispanic is spaniard blood

Beaners are injuns

Use your brain for once

wew hispanics #1 immigrants

Spics are the worst.

Oh my bad, Hispanics aren't beaners, only Latinos can be called beaners.

Learned something today, Beaner and Spic aren't interchangable. Thanks for the diversity lesson Raul

I'd add a few more white percentage points to Selena, if you catch my drift

>Genes are either passed down or they are not--they aren't diluted.

That photo proves this point. There is a range of mongloid/native features of the people in that photo, especially in skull structures.


>Selena Gomez
>not mestizo india

>Nobel prize
Why is everything they do a joke?

Meszito beaners weren't even considered "Hispanic" until the 80s, It'd be smarter to call them beaners or Mestizos instead of hispanic seeing that there's much whiter hispanics and that hispanic is a very broad term that includes Euros.

>* There is no such thing as a Hispanic or Latino race
>* All these women
>* There is nothing in common between the so-called "Latino" peoples
Look at the top right one. That's the only white woman. All the rest are 'something else'. Give them any name you want, here its latina. If you can't tell who's who by skin/hair then I have bad news for you

Hispanic refers to language. Brazilians are not hispanic

This is a TMZ photo that shows her parents. How native do you think she really is?

How come her last name is Gonzalo and she is Germanic? Topkek

>e her last name is Gonzalo and she is Germanic?

her mother was it, and the mother of her father, and so...

brasilero bruto tenías que ser

Pretty sure in murica we just use "latino" to describe anyone whos origins are Latin America. Black, white, native, mixed, foreigner, whatever. If youre from latin america youre considered a "latino" in murica

U're now less cucked,

>to describe anyone whos origins are Latin America. Black, white, native, mixed, foreigner, whatever. If youre from latin ameri

well, we know how bad is your education, don't worry

"her mother was it" what?, her father isn't germanic, her grandfather (on father's side) isn't either, and so on, she is not 100% germanic

Go away latino

That's stupid

Why should white Latinos be blamed for whatever crimes the brown Latinos do?

well, we can expect you understand the percent in genetic

además, muchos apellidos germanos cuando llegaban al puerto de Buenos Aires eran castellanizados

Sigmund, era transformado en Simón

read a book nigga

I don't even believe she is not perpetually 14 years old. How is she not Sup Forums loli material?

I agree OP

I married a colombian. She has green eyes and light skin, nobody thinks she's "hispanic" until she mentions her heritage.

Hey lad how is Falkland's weather today?

Nobody should be blamed for the crimes of anyone else you retard.

safer than your favelas, and not as beautiful as the north of Corrientes (territory taken from brazil en XIX century)

In terms of racism, people always go "Those fucking criminal Hispanics" or "Fucking scum latinos" when in fact they only mean the brown mestizo cunts

I'm confused bruh. What does the census count as what? Who is counted as Latino in the census? What is this creature? What are most of the illegals that are crossing the border?

Maybe white people shouldnt do that then... Maybe blame the person and not their entire race?

You only need one single Spanish-surname person to pass down the surname. It's common here to have Spanish or Italian surnames with more Nordic looks.

I'd guess she's about 75% Germanic and 25% Mediterranean, her phenotype manifests as Germanic.

Most of the generic browner border bouncers are mixed between white colonists and natives

your judgement pig

Here's my solution

Instead of "Hispanic" we'll just call them by their real backgrounds

Spaniards will be called Spaniards

Mestizos will be called Mestizos

The end

Thanks for sharing. It NEVER fails.

Am Castizo will likely marry white, At what point do we return to being white?

A simple google search shows that's her step father. He's a cuck

>What does the census count as what?
Anyone from a Spanish-speaking country (first or second generation) is counted as Hispanic regardless of their actual race.

>Who is counted as Latino in the census?
Latinos are Hispanics + Brazilians, Haitians and Quebec people. The word is not on the census.

>What is this creature?
Looks castiza (About 25% Native)

>What are most of the illegals that are crossing the border?
Mestizos, but the word does not exist in the US census so they are forced to check White Hispanic or Native Hispanic with nothing in between.

I understand that, considering Gonzalo wasn't germanic, it might still be that she is mostly germanic, but it's harder to verify. I don't see why someone would make their germanic name look "castellanizado". Furthermore, even people that have germanic names, many times don't show many germanic characteristics, because though their ancestors have mixed with other countries (even if other europeans like mediterranians).
The thing is, here is south america the odds are that you will only be considerably germanic if your grandparents, or their fathers, came from Europe, otherwise people will be a huge mix of different countries in europe, or even indians/nignogs/arabs

Have you heard her speak?

So mestizos and natives? At what point do they have enough white in them to become white acting, as in they can live in a white society? Most of the people I've seen like on the left are incredibly stupid and smell lmao.

You wouldn't call the Chilean one white?

In the UK, Arabs, Pakistanis & Indians are called Asians

No, mestizos are mestizos you retard.

>white = mostly european blood
>mestizos = mix of european and native blood
>natives = mostly native american blood

The actual mestizos who are in Latin america are good hard working Christians. It's the illegals here in America that give them bad rep.

>White Hispanic or Native Hispanic with nothing in between.

I thought the mestizo beaners had a regular "Hispanic" choice while the hispanics from europe get the "White Hispanic" option

>Arabia = on the continent Asia
>Pakistan= also on Asia
>India= also fucking in Asia

Also daily reminder that Pakistan is not a real country and Pakistanis are just Indians in denial.

Thanks to the colonist I can drink all the milk I want

>he doesn't know about the one drop truth

>but it's harder to verify. I don't see why someone would make their germanic name look "castellanizado". Furthermore, even people that have germanic names, many times don't show many germanic characteristics, because though their ancestors have mixed with other countries (even if other europeans like mediterranians).
>The thing is, here is south america the odds are that you will only be considerably germanic if your grandparents, or their fathers, came from Europe, otherwise people will be a huge mix of different countries in europe, or even indians/nig

of course today anyone wants to "castellanizar" it's name.
It was different back then, in 1800 a 1900

>* Nobody outside the USA uses the terms Hispanic or Latino to refer to race.
Noone in the US does either
The hispanic category is not a racial one, but a broad "everything from south of the US" category

I know, and I agree with most of the OP, just find a bit curious a "gonzalo" 100% germanic. We've got to remember, though, that plenty of blond women here, even the considerably white, dye their hair tough, but the OP is right, the idea of "all people in south america look like mestizos" isn't true at all.

The infograph says 100% European
The phenotype is Germanic
And she's a natural blonde according to the Wiki

Agree with the rest of your post though

Good find. Her real dad looks like a stereotypical beaner.

>Maybe white people shouldnt
>Maybe blame the person and not their entire race?

Why are liberals such hypocrites?



This is what I do.

but how do you know they are "spaniards"?
because most people I know carry really different surnmaes, like, russian, german, french, italian, portuguese and so on.

Is the same in the US I guess, you can't call all the white northamericans "anglos" because there are a lot of germans, and slavs and europeans in general.

I prefer to be called by my nationality. I'm not white, nor black, nor mestizo, I'm just uruguayan.

And I think that is the biggest problem US has.

They did not asimilate all cultures, they divided them acording to their ethnicity, and now they cry because they aparently have developed their own getto culture or tugh culture...

I mean, never any state official asked me about my race or ethnicity, there is no ethinicity info in our identity documents.

we are just male or female, ruguayans or not uruguayans. that is all. the rest is irrelevant.

but hey, who am I to talk about a correct integration in a society, the americans are the ones who knows best, right?

>The actual mestizos who are in Latin america are good hard working Christians. It's the illegals here in America that give them bad rep.
t. Paco Gonzales III

No they'd be European you fucking spic. Even the term Hispani yo describe central and South Americans is insulting

The cognitive dissonance of leftists is amazing.

thanks for bringing our IQ average down

dat bitch ain't no chilean nigga

Welcome to my world.

When motherfuckers just label biggest european group as ''slavs'' and act like every country is same

What is the correct terminology?

If someone's ancestors came in 1800 is quite unlikely that all their ancestors just married other germanics, unless they were in a germanic colony or something, but I get your point, I do know some people with funny germanic names written in a wrong way because somewhere in the past they didn't registered right. Even my grandmother changed her first name because it sounded too difficult here in brazil, so yeah.
And it's not like I'm saying Argentinians aren't white or something hahaha, I don't have much against Argentina at all. Ate some bretty gud picanha when I went there.

If it's brown, flush it down

Thanks to the Eternal Colonist, I can infiltrate pure White Americans seamlessly and Whiten away the sins of my forefathers.



BTW the kek thing isn't just fags that got bored with lel, it's fag satanists and their ignorant tools who want pain and suffering because they're pathetic shitbags. Don't buy in, watch and and make up your own mind. Also look into Albert Pike's freemason plan for 3 world wars, with the 3rd being to instigate war between islam and christianity.


colombia = coke
argentina =/= white
argentina = wachiturros

Slavs is correct, but it refers to language group.
All slavs share some minor things but in the end its just 3 big groups that are similiar Western,Eastern and South slavs.

What would this girl be considered then
