>Be liberal comedian
>Stress the importance of punching up, not down
>Trump wins
>Mercilessly mock struggling Americans who voted for him in the hopes of bettering their lives
What did Patton mean by this?
>Be liberal comedian
>Stress the importance of punching up, not down
>Trump wins
>Mercilessly mock struggling Americans who voted for him in the hopes of bettering their lives
What did Patton mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm assuming he channeled that grief he has into anger, and now he's just a bitter cunt at the world.
>vote against your own self interests
>get mad when people make fun of you for it
What did people with double digit IQ mean by this?
mad people found out he killed his wife
He made a deal with the reptilian deep state to further their agenda in exchange for them not prosecuting him for the murders.
>a bunch of dumb hicks from Nowhere, USA who hate every lifestyle but their own voted for a babbling retard
Beats me. Trump supporters are a stupid crowd.
>punching up, not down
they just mean it's ok to hate white people and men
why believe their bullshit
>people in NY and CA hate everyone but their own shitty states
>wonder why they lose almost every part of govt
If i could chose one d list celeb to just tee off on I would pick the little annoying manlet fuck. I get mad when I see him waddle on screen and crack some awful corny joke.
>implying most poor people didn't vote Hillary
>implying multiple studies haven't shown that most Trump voters did it out of racial fears
>implying anyone who voted Trump doesn't deserve to be mocked mercilessly
It's not like Trump didn't build his entire political brand off of generalizing and insulting peopleOH WAIT A MINUTE
>dude stop making fun of Trump and his voters
What did Sup Forums mean by this?
>It's not like Trump didn't build his entire political brand off of generalizing and insulting people
Isn't that what Hillary tried too? Politicians like to fling shit. Who knew?
I know you're joking but I seriously think there's more to that story.
>The poor demographic in America is black
>Black almost voted 9 to 1 for Hillary
>Buh only poor people voted Drumpf
You can only have so much sympathy for a segment of the population that literally REEEEEEE'd in the non-internet world.
>still this deluded
Because the people who voted for him in hopes of bettering their lives are stupid enough to believe that having voted for him will better their lives.
The countless poor trailer trash paying literally zero for Medicaid but hate Obamacare because it has the name of a black dude in it come to mind.
how do trump supporters rationalize the fact the majority of his supporters are uneducated?
how do Hillary supporters rationalize the fact that she never stood for any liberal principals despite the fact that their ultra SJW?
user pls. This is neglecting every single time Trump spoke publicly or tweeted. Part of the reason people liked him isn't he wasn't afraid to speak his mind which often included insulting someone.
Why are liberals so hateful? I used to think conservatives were the cruel ones. But this election has shown that liberals have a real mean streak.
Quit crying faggot.
yeah he would say a naughty word sometimes along with an hour long rally complaining about trade, jobs, wars, immigration etc.
lefties can't fart without calling someone racist etc. but they don't consider that an "insult" since they think it's a fact
When does the statute of limitations on Hillary deflections run out?
>we have to vote Democrat so that we can help all of those disprivileged working class and underclass people because muh Marxism
>wow those fucking bigoted rural and suburban retards voted for Trump unlike us smart people we should kill those poor uneducated idiots that voted Trump but also we still need a class revolution because despite being a middle class college student I've deluded myself into believing that I'm somehow part of the proletariat
I don't like Trump, but these SJW types who supported Bernie/Hillary are objectively idiotic.
how do the educated rationalize their trillion $ in student debt?
>muh education
When will you stop generalizing all Trump supporters as morons and racists?
Isn't making fun of low IQ retards punching down?
>Because the people who voted for him in hopes of bettering their lives are stupid enough to believe that having voted for him will better their lives.
Yes they should vote Hillary who literally declare in elected she will make their life living hell.
I mean it is just so much better. Why do they vote against their own interests?
The following are logical reasons for a person to vote for Trump, and by extension, Republicans:
You make over $500,000 a year
You have Republican politicians in your pocket
You own a company dealing with fossil fuels, defense contracts, or banking.
Otherwise, you're voting against your own well being. If you're in a situation where you hate some minority, and you believe Rs will pass some kind of legislation that screws them over - that same legislation is going to screw you over too.
Did he murder his wife?
Blacks are more impoverished by percentage, but by pure numbers there are more poor whites than any other race. This shouldn't really be a surprise given that whites are the majority.
The Clinton Foundation will hopefully someday be investigated for their crimes against humanity (smuggling money to war lords, selling uranium to Russia)
But Trump and Russia amirite?
>Trump supporters only voted for him because they hate minorities
When will this meme die?
Yeah he did so he could finish her last book the right way
>call Latinos rapists, threaten to ban Muslims
Nah, we have to have some standards.
>yeah he would say a naughty word sometimes
Dis nigga. You'd be hard pressed to find a major speech he gave where he wasn't shitting on someone. This of course when he wasn't trying to incite violence against political detractors. Or mock the disabled. Or the parents of a fallen veteran. Or possibly suggest we should assassinate Clinton (what the fuck was he suggesting second amendment people do?).
Out of curiosity what would have been the logical reasons to vote for Clinton?
When I'm presented with one solitary example of a Trump supporter who isn't a moron and/or a racist.
Note I didn't say Trump voters. I know a ton of the people who voted for him were solely casting their vote against Hillary. The people who unironically believe Trump is a capable and qualified leader who is actually doing a good job though and publicly share those beliefs are quite possibly legitimately retarded.
>Hillary who literally declare in elected she will make their life living hell.
What did he mean by this?
Who cares, he murdered his wife
Hey. I'm a liberal democrat and even I hate Paton Oswalt.
We're not all hollywood elitists who hate the middle class.
>when they go low we drag out 10 women to make bogus sexual assault claims against them
What did Michael Obama mean by his?
>We need to drastically reduce illegal immigration as it drives down wages and job opportunities for Americans
Meanwhile 35% of latinos voted Trump because they don't like illegals getting citizenship after hopping over a fence while they worked their ass off to apply for a visa
Well considering we have literal data to back it up I'm gonna go with never.
>Or possibly suggest we should assassinate Clinton
this is bad because?
Peter Thiel is a moron and a racist?
>Washington Post
>We need to drastically reduce illegal immigration as it drives down wages and job opportunities for Americans
>implying Trump said that
Try again:
>When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. ... They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people
Lol, he "assumes". We all know the rich were more likely to vote Trump, why would people who already have money and jobs vote for more jobs...oh wait. Because it wasn't about jobs at all was it? It was about putting the brown people in their place.
There's a grammatical error in your quote
>sticking your fingers in your ears
Numbers don't lie.
Lol, have you actually read that article? Because according to that """data,""" if you agree with the statement that "Irish, Italians, Jewish and many other minorities overcame prejudice and worked their way up. Blacks should do the same without any special favors." you are a racist. That is the criteria for being a racist according to your "literal data."
>selling uranium to Russia
Literal fake news, and even then the uranium to Russia debunked claims never had anything to do with the Clinton Foundation. It's like you just paste memes together to form your interpretation of the world.
>Numbers don't lie.
But the Washington Post does.
As it stood, It would have been another nothing-gets-done Obama term. I'm not even confident the Senate would have allowed a Supreme Court justice vote for 4 years.
Clinton had more foreign policy experience than anyone else during the primaries.
That being said, Clinton was still a terrible candidate. The fact that she, with all her credentials, got trounced in 2008 by a young black man was when she should have retired. I'm not confident Bernie would have won. But neither of the other two bastards would have.
>They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people
But that's not false
Do you honestly think Mexico doesn't smuggle drugs and people across the border? Out of millions of illegals that jumped across the border you would think that a good amount of them had prior convictions.
>why would people who already have money and jobs vote for more jobs
Do you honestly think America is prosperous right now? 50 million people are on food stamps and unemployment in rural areas has drastically increased thanks to companies going overseas.
The real unemployment rate for America is 9% rather than that 3 percent shit the government tried to gloat about
Hillary never gave a shit about the working poor, she would leave them behind faster than you can say "email"
>our own self interests
your a dorable
"Symbolic Racism Indicators"
Hahahahaha. Do you really believe that is an actually metric that can be measured? Do you really think that this "symbolic" data is in any way scientific? Are you literally retarded?
>Since 1988, we’ve never seen such a clear correspondence between vote choice and racial perceptions. The biggest movement was among those who voted for the Democrat, who were far less likely to agree with attitudes coded as more racially biased.
>Finally, the statistical tool of regression can tease apart which had more influence on the 2016 vote: authoritarianism or symbolic racism, after controlling for education, race, ideology, and age. Moving from the 50th to the 75th percentile in the authoritarian scale made someone about 3 percent more likely to vote for Trump. The same jump on the SRS scale made someone 20 percent more likely to vote for Trump.
>Racial attitudes made a bigger difference in electing Trump than authoritarianism.
>it's racist to not want blacks to be welfarebabbies and pull the race card whenever they don't get what they want
So called "people of color" only voted for Clinton because they're racists and they hate white people and wanted to hurt them
The other side does the very same thing.
Why would the right be crying. They won. Sounds like you're the one who salty my friend. Keep it flowing.
Lol I wasn't counting billionaires with the ear of the president who can personally influence White House staffing and stand to personally benefit tremendously from having said unusual influence.
but user whites can't be racist because they have privilege. my female (male) university professor told me so
>Stress the importance of punching up, not down
when did he ever say this. his standup has always been about mocking rednecks.
>moving the goalposts so quickly
keep moving those goalposts
cmon man, not even close to an argument
>But that's not false
Illegal immigrants cause less crime than legal citizens.
>Do you honestly think America is prosperous right now?
Prosperous? No, but we're on the right track after Bush nearly tanked everything.
>and unemployment in rural areas has drastically increased thanks to companies going overseas.
So what are you going to do? Tank wages in a futile attempt to win them back? Hint: those jobs ain't coming back. Better to start working on educating people and working on growing job opportunities like renewable energy.
I'm a democrat whose happy about the Trump victory. We need him to tear down the corrupt Democratic Party so we can start again. Our entire party has been high jacked by extreme liberal crazies. Race baiters, antiehite racists, globalist shills, people who hate our country, people who hate working people and the middle class. Just look at this thread and you'll see what I'm talking about.
Even Bill Clinton objected to his wife's courting of these extreme leftists. And that's why she lost and will never have a political career again.
Hopefully wise Democrats can learn from the mistakes of his era and rebuild our party
There's nothing to argue over here. Both sides are equally guilty of this and I wish they would just stop.
>This election
Being an Asian who voted Trump I really hope the Asian community in US would wake up soon about they need to stop enable the left.
They will benefit nothing when the damn country is 50%+ Hispanic and black. and everything to gain to keep the nation as white as possible.
both suck.
just wait til the next election (or likely the one after) when the pendulum swings the other way
>Illegal immigrants cause less crime than legal citizens.
lol what? literally being there is a crime.
Majority of college educated whites voted Trump. This is a white man's country user, or do you think we actually give a fuck about what an immigrant's first generation latina daughter who took federal money to waste 5 years at State thinks?
But don't take my word for it, just look at who the President is.
>Trump voters still desperatly trying to convince people racism wasn't a major contributor to his victory
You know what I meant smartass:
>Studies show that for the most part, people who migrate are a self-selecting group who want to better their lives, provide for their families back in their home countries and who don’t want to risk getting in trouble with the law, said Kubrin, the criminology professor at University of California, Irvine.
>The American Immigration Council, a pro-immigrant nonprofit, analyzed data from the Census’ 2010 American Community Survey and found that about 1.6 percent of immigrant males between 18 and 39 years old were incarcerated, compared to 3.3 percent of the native-born population in that same age group. (The Census does not specify legal status.)
>Why are liberals so hateful?
>literally voting for a guy whose entire platform was based on hate
>Trump voters still desperatly trying to convince people racism wasn't a major contributor to his victory
Well technically it was, in the way that he was the only candidate who wasn't anti-white and spewing racist hatred towards white people.
I think you've missed my point, which is that the questions they are asking aren't actually a metric for measuring racism. It doesn't matter what the historic correlation is, because the metrics themselves are nonsensical.
Even beyond that, if anything this seems like this """data""" would be counter to what the article is claiming. If a higher percentage of "racist" people voted for the Republican candidate this election than ever before, logically that means that Clinton got a smaller percentage of "racist" votes than any other candidate in history. Of course this would mean that a higher percentage of "racists" voted for Obama than for Clinton, and I don't really see how it makes sense to claim that more racists would vote for a black man.
I was gonna craft some witty response to this post, but then realized it would be over your head. So I guess i'll just sum it up in a short, concise phrase you can comprehend.
Whether or not they cause less crime is not the case. The fact that they can just hop over a boarder and stay here while some of them end up raping or murdering people causes a huge uproar over how the Democrats keep handling the situation (Giving illegals free College and permanent citizenship)
>Prosperous? No, but we're on the right track after Bush nearly tanked everything.
Bush did fuck things up but Clinton is just as responsible for repealing the Glass Steagall Act which mainly cause the housing crash of 08
>So what are you going to do?
Encourage companies to build factories rather than flee to China for cheap labor
So what are you suggesting? Let the illegals stay and the ones that rape/ drug mule are just part of the collateral?
>gets BTFO
>b-but disregarding the fact that they are committing a crime, they commit less crim-
>(The Census does not specify legal status.)
literally what the fuck are you trying to argue
Sorry, I don't believe these polls. Racism is all but dead in this country. Nobody cares anymore. What little racism that remains only exists because people like you won't let it go, already.
He meant he's a fat wife murdering fuck
Education is a meme now. Take your 4 year gender studies degree and shove it up your cunt.
>Numbers don't lie.
What about election predictors? Seems like a lot of numbers in the election process seem falsified especially those coming from the fucking Washington meme.
I wonder how the Trumptards feel about their supposedly isolationist, "America First" candidate turned out to be just another sales rep for Lockheed Martin and McDonnell Douglas? Shit, the fucker has reversed so many of his positions that I fully expect him to be holding Trudeau style welcoming parties for Syrian refugees by Christmas.
If crime is what you're worried about you start with the ones committing more of it, otherwise you're just scapegoating brown people because why the fuck not right? If you don't like them that's fine, just say so. Don't try to hide behind bullshit though, that's when you'll get called out and have data shoved down your throat.
Not everyone here is a yank and yes, liberals have shown themselves to be full of hate and channel it towards "acceptable" targets, making their holier-than-thou act even worse.
Bernie would have won.
He wouldn't have got shit done, but he would have won.
>If crime is what you're worried about you start with the ones committing more of it,
You mean black people?
>people are still upset Trump won
Maybe if people would shut the fuck up about it goddamn. Both sides are fucking retarded but it's been 6 months now, actual racists weren't this upset that Obama won