I should have spent more time arguing with adolescent boys and autistic man-children on a shitty image-based bulletin...

>I should have spent more time arguing with adolescent boys and autistic man-children on a shitty image-based bulletin board.

>I should have left those digits unchecked

>tfw you will die without getting .dubz

>I could have spent more time selling my time to a system that actively oppresses me, so that I can continue spending more of my time selling it.

You laugh, Sup Forums has both entertained me and refined my mind as nothing else could have. To hell with dinner dates and polite conversation, company ladders and golfing, "best friends" of proximity-necessity and only casual shared interests and passions.

I will never forget the things I have seen here, have lived through, have watched the occurence of right in the moment.

Kill yourself, schizo.

my only regret is not killing myself yet

>I should have posted more images of my waifu

Don't do it (unless you're white)

you in 5 years

Old people are disgusting.

I like this thread. I'm going to duplicate it on /r9k/

>implying everything in life isn't just a form of escapism
get out of my head, old man me. You'd still be old and useless whether I'm jerking off 24/7 or not

>I should have collected and posted more photographs of prepubescent girls in revealing outfits

>I shouldn't have bought 1000 classic films on DVD

maybe i'll take a few punks out with me

You really should have. You can remedy your regret right now!

you are correct

cunny cures depression

>I should have spent more time clicking on just one more link, hoping for surprise gold, getting instead just one more link to click



all those
will be lost
in time
in rain
to die

I didn't mention any animosity whatsoever towards women, I think you just need everyone around you to feel insecure to keep from hating yourself, even when you're just screaming into the void of the internet. Tell me about your accomplishments, user.

kill yourself

Almost nobody on this website knows what movie that image is from.

>all these normies that think life is some precious thing you are wasting

Little Big Man

Your total mental dependence on mutual group self-loathing is a defense method every bit as pathetic and transparent as Tumblrites screeching in groups about how "strong" they are.

Luckily for us, you're one of the refined elite.

Kill yourself

>you didn't check these dubs

It's not like I'm going to do it and stop pointing out your insecurities if you repeat yourself, user. If you don't enjoy your time here, leave. Don't give me any of that psychological addiction bullshit, just get the fuck out, faggot. Otherwise, quit crying about the horrible meaningless of enjoying film discussion online.

posting on Sup Forums is better than my childhood of throwing a tennis ball against a wall for 5 hours while my mother neglected me

Well, that's that.

>being this autistic
Tell me, how are your Mom's tendies?

That's all you can summon in your defense? Recycled /r9k/posting?
Yours is truly a miserable lot.

You can summon this dick, you colossal faggot

wanna hear about my big yearly life event of getting a new ps1 demo disc?

Wow, it's like I'm at a rap battle but the urban youth figured out how to use a keyboard, stunning!


unironically this
but Sup Forums will stay distracted with its meme wars with SJWs to really ever understand

Tell me how you as an individual are oppressed by the system.
Is it because the need to exert time and effort to secure food, water, and shelter has not suddenly and magically disappeared?

>I should have gotten into more internet arguments about politics and kino on a weeb message board