What's your opinion on Rick and Morty?
What's your opinion on Rick and Morty?
You really do need to get into the mindset of the faggot atheist Redditor to understand why this show is so popular. These people have never heard of adult animation in their lifes that wasn't stuff like Family Guy, it was completely alien to them. And they can't laugh at these shows because they consider these shows stupid. They want a show that isn't necessarily smart or funny or well-written, but that appears to be to appeal to their surface-level taste. Because these people live for that mindless self-validation. They don't actually understand what makes for good writing or good comedy, nor have they ever picked a book about physics. They want to pretend they do so and circlejerk themselves, that's what matters. Rick and Morty is just perfect for its demographic: these same college-age self-important Bernouts who "fucking love science". The entire foundation of the show is built upon the dichotomy between "silly sci-fi humor and references" and " things are super deep and tragic bro". This pseudo-intellectual "nothing even matters, I'm insecure about existence, we are all going to die" bullshit that R&M shits out in almost every episode is what appeals to it's audience. The show doesn't actually have the tact to even begin to offer an interesting presentation and discussion of any philosophy, so it spouts these edgy teenage catchphrases. Nevermind the bean-headed, noodle-limbed unexpressive character design, or how the story is non-existent and only comes up when the writers beg you to feel something for these characters so devoid of substance, or how the entire show is a trendy forgettable scenario of the week memefest with just enough sci-fi references to trick kids into thinking they are smart for understanding them, or how the characters have somehow been reduced to even more obnoxious caricatures than before, none of these things matter. What matters is that it appeals to the millenial redditor audience, and that's what's selling Rick and Morty
Atheist trash.
pretty funny and entertaining.
stopped right there.
Sup Forums is far more nihilist, pseudointellectual, critical, and catchphrasey than reddit, though
For you.
Sup Forums, what's my opinion on Rick and Morty?
really good show
The problem with Reddit is that it has a gay fucking karma system alongside user profiles where you can easily see a persons entire post history.
This means that dissenting opinions are quickly downvoted into oblivion, and everywhere quickly becomes some kind of faggot circle jerk where everyone tries to post the same benail jokes, tries the same queer quirky 'le monkey face' faggotry, or the same (and easily the worst) faux-intellectual smugness.
That is why Reddit is cancer.
Sup Forums is the polar opposite, everyone is anonymous, tripfags are usually hated so identities are impossible to ascertain. Dissenting opinions are publicised due to the (you) system, and most importantly, we're not liberal faggots.
Now fucking kill yourself redditor scum.
Translation for non-autist: "ctrl + v"
>redditors defending Reddit
The ONLY good thing about Rick and Memey is that it's an amazing pleb filter. If someone says they like it, they're opinion is shit.
I wish we could give you posters stars like the Nazis gave Jews so we could identify you fucking Reddit plebeians shitting up this board.
kino that triggers Sup Forums autists :)
Never been there, but I know the upvote system makes them more agreeable and personable which means less nihilism, critical thought, wit, and copypasta putting R&M more in line with Sup Forums which is hurtful to the ego of a collective of self hating critics because they hate seeing themselves reflected.
It has no passion, and is (I would argue) cowardly to an extent that is, in essence, unforgivable. It is denigrating to the human race (who have clearly evolved enough socially and geopolitically to appreciate the truly brilliant socio-economic commentary present in artistic works like Rick and Morty) that such a promising potential inroad against the tired, superstitious tripe that is Christianity would hold itself back from making the coup de grace. Seriously, the blatant pandering to Christfags is utterly disgusting.
It's just funny man, fun show to watch when you're coming off an acid trip. It's not that deep or whatever it's just got some novel sci-fi ideas.
>Redditor thinks silencing dissenting opinion means more critical thought and wit
Hahahah oh wow fuck off back there.
Name a better American cartoon.
Let's face it; Atheism is so 2006. It's been kicked to the curb by everyone.
Atheists just can't get over the fact that they lost the culture war.
Let me take you under 18s back to the year of 2006:
>atheism on the rise on the internet with their voices getting more heard everyday
>atheist leaders like Dawkins, Harris, and (worst) Hitchens are respected voices in the community
>r/atheism is one of the top boards on bleddit
>corporate stores trying to push things like "Happy Holidays" and having "Holiday Trees"
Cut to today:
>Dawkins, Harris, and (worst) Hitchens (may he RIP) viewed as complete psychos for their insane political/social views
>r/atheism moved to the basement of bleddit because it was embarrassing euphoric garbage
>things like "Reason Rally" draw less than a Hitler impersonator at a bar mitvah
>atheist communities tear themselves apart over things like elevator gate (giving rise to New Atheism, and Atheism+, which are less successful than just regular Atheism)
>constant rape and sexual assault allegations at atheist conventions (even atheist leaders like Lawrence Krauss are accused...by other atheist leaders)
>"Happy Holidays" and "Holiday Trees" are a distant memory
>liberal atheists in Britain crushed by Brexit
And quite frankly all this bad stuff wasn't even needed. All it would have took was one euphoric quote and a couple of fedora pictures. Christianity is still kicking 2000 years later, and atheism is at it knees because of a jpeg of a fat guy in a fedora. Sad
I specifically said it means less of all those things, dipshit.
>it sucks because reddit, everything that i dont approve of is shit and liking anything i dont means you have shit taste
well memed friendo
overrated, and fags on Sup Forums like to push it.
Out of all the other religions, Christians are the biggest crybabies of the bunch. They make up around 84% of the United States, but still will always bitch and fucking moan about how oppressed they are. They are happy to shit over everybody else's viewpoints, but if you ever dare criticize Christianity, you will be accused of being "disrespectful".
Christians love to abuse other people's space and privacy, it's their favored past time, so when the Internet was invented they boarded the Jesus train to dialup to begin their cyber Manifest Destiny of shitty propaganda. Since these times, more and more religious Christ zealots find their way online to secure God's position firmly on its grounds. These types of people inhabit almost every conceivable community that makes up the web and constantly through the day/night some asshole is quoting the bible somewhere in an effort to smite some e-foe. Luckily, Christians make up a large pool of easily trolled targets because if the Internet has taught us anything it's that everyone is a hypocrite. It's only fitting that the people who spend most of their time telling others how to live would be the most raging hypocrites out there. This trusty flaw results in massive ruin and has been a staple of dramatic events throughout history. E-Christians (aka Christfags) are no different from their offline counterparts, however, their large numbers and gestapo sects do not translate in any way online. They are weak cry-baby carebears who quit the Internet forever at the drop of their hat.
Well Rick and Morty is amazingly funny. I think it goes beyond every shows boundaries and I'm not talking about 4th wall shit even if there is some, I mean the show just excels in going overboard while being random (while using the same voice actor for some random in show sketches)
All of them Reddit
You're forgetting the evidence and scholars that support the story of Jesus
>His birth
>His teachings
>His followers
>His baptism
>His arrest
>His death
All without a doubt happened as the Bible states.
That all means that the multiple prophecies written (according to historical scholars) centuries before Christ was born all happen to be correct on the time, place, and person.
>let me guess: lucky guesses ayyylmao
You admit to being an Assy McGee fan and think your opinion matters to anyone?
It's fun to watch. Too many people analyze a show and the meaning behind shit. It's just fun to watch.
None of that exists outside of the various incarnations of the bible, though.
Mr Meeseeks was actually good.
You are JUST what I expected, this rehash post is nothing but a glib facsimile.
If Christianity was all I had access to as a child in terms of religion I probably would become one of those crazy Christfags, but thankfully I had access to Atheism from very early on in my youth years that my mental balance is very stable.
Seriously, if you have listened to Christopher Hitchens, you'd realize just how sophisticated atheism is and it blows away anything religion would have to offer.
A lot of people mention Richard Dawkins, which has just enough of sexuality in the mix to draw in the western audience I suppose but I must say Richard Dawkins is not even in my top 10 atheists, not even close, that's just how deep the world of enlightenment is.
Some Atheism is so disturbingly mature like Coughlin666 that I wish it would challenge the system and submit it as a literature category in the Nobel prizes just to bitchslap the snotty Judeo-Christians (nothing aginst Jews btw).
It's not just the level of maturity and sophistication Atheism has, it's also quite original, stimulating, and intellectually fantastic. I would regard Atheism as the highest form of philosphical art-form.
But hey, me preaching about Atheism won't do you any good, you gotta go out and educate yourself just to see how much you are missing.
Recent works I would recommend to check out is Thunderf00t which is light and easy to get into Atheism for the first time yet appreciate it as much, but if you want the heavy stuff right off the line check out Stephen Hawking in which the philosophical message is so complex and twisted that you'll need extra oxygen pumped into your brain in order to comprehend everything, and if you want amazing visuals and a gripping drama that also has awesome polar bear battles, Philip Pullman's Golden Compass is the shit.
Seriously, if you know Atheism like I do, Christianity looks like it's something for little kids.
>people are replying to this pasta
great show
At the end of the day, we should realize that fox could have easily picked this up and turn it into the usual animation run around they give most shows. The fact cartoon network gave Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon they're creative control and the show has crossed to another level. Even the people that don't like it have to know about it. Nuts.
I'm stoned so my opinion doesn't matter
The Binle is comprised of several texts and eye witness accounts. We've lost 99% of all historical documents, having hundreds of accountants of Christ's divinity is about as concrete as you can get.
There's more evidence for the existence of Christ than there is for Alexander the Great, who's biography and all we know about today is written by one roman source.
Rick is too much of a mary sue. He needs to lose at least ONCE and it should be to Jerry.
How did several suddenly turn into hundreds?
I think that's exactly what's going to happen
I saw Rick at a grocery store in Tel-Aviv yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “FUCK GOD, FUCK WHITE PEOPLE, FUCK CHRISTIANS” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen quips in his hands without paying.
The vegan woman at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Haha, you're fucking epic good sir!” At first he kept pretending to be a cartoon character and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the quips and started scanning it , he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any white misogynist conservative infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. After she scanned each quip and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by talking loudly about how price is just a tool to oppress the proletariat by white, antisemitic males
Maybe by getting thrown into a prison because of Jerry?
I found it to be really boring and too tryhardy. I went in with really positive hopes(unaware of the reddit shit, I just really liked community and it was by the same guy). None of the characters felt likeable and Rick annoyed the absolute shit out of me with his burping and stuttering repetition of mortys name.
>too tryhardy
This tbqh. Could've been a great show, but got ruined from the start by being self-conscious about who it's supposed to appeal to. Couldn't make it more than 3 episodes in.
Says the putrid newfaggot filth that replies to pasta. Fuck off back to rëddit, you'll be more at home there.
thanks for the freshly cooked pasta, friend :)
Both Sup Forums and Reddit are just two different sides of the same coin - social sites based on news sharing and discussion. And both are filled with shit and cancer, don't try and pretend that Sup Forums is any different.
Reddit's karma system means that you often get circle jerks and karma-whoring. It also means that you usually see the more thoughtful/funny/interesting content first and the worst shitposts are filtered out.
Sup Forums on the other hand, treats every response as equal. This can be great to get a variety of opinions/humour/memes, but it also means that shitposters get the same airtime as someone who actually puts some thought into their response. There's also samefagging, meaning that unpopular opinions seem more popular.
Basically, both sites have their pros and cons but they are ultimately the same beast. Any rivalry between the sites is inane.
why are you over analyzing people who over analyze a cartoon?
It's just something to watch, treat it as such. you're just as bad as the 'millennial redditors' you complain about.
Rick and morty is an okay show. I would say there are some really good episodes but they are outweighed by the bad so far
>Reddit and Memey threads bring out Reddit apologists
Another reason I hate this fucking pleb show.
Where is your god now?
worth watching because there is some actual humor in it, but the majority of the forced "comedy animation with a dark side" shtick always gives every episode some fucking bullshit
He's your God too faggot.
I have never met an attractive atheist. Don't get me wrong, I am a Christian but I am the type of Christian who believes God is love and that we should love our fellow man. This isn't a theist vs. atheist discussion.
But I honestly have never met an attractive atheist, even before learning they were atheist, I would think to myself, “That woman is ugly… jeez…”
Do you think that people are atheists because they hate God for making them ugly?
Jews from the mother
God fucking damn it I want Sup Forums to fuck off with their autistic words.
I've never seen a single episode of this show. Someone give me the basic gestalt on why it's a meme all of a sudden. Please somebody I really want to know.
>tryhardy = Sup Forums
No user you are the autism
There is no god.
It's fine. It's not the greatest show ever made but there are worse ways to pass 22 minutes.
>average Reddit and Memey viewer
>he thinks the atheist fairy magically exploded nothing into everything, for no reason, and had it magically form sentient life
Kek. Nice opinion kiddo.
>I once got downvoted for shitposting so now I hold a grudge against a website
>believing jewish lies
I have never used reddit nor do i give a fuck about reddit because im not a faggot
Attached is voting intention by belief. Notice how atheists and Jews are virtually identical.
If you allow people to think that atheism is acceptable you get moral degradation, communism, identity politics, etc. Things that directly enables Islam.
You should fight the enemy within with the same vigour that you fight the enemy without.
You might get faggots replying to this post saying 'hurr well I'm a red pilled atheist I voted for Trump', well how is that any different from Abdul from Syria saying 'I'm not like those other muslims, I'm moderate'? Stereotypes exist for a reason, and evidence dictates atheists are social poison.
>'I have never even been on Reddit' says the lying redditor
Why are redditors such disingenuous faggots?
Both are trash desu. Kill yourself.
Funny and creative with its wacky sci-fi adventures. Stil don't know if people are sincerely offended by it or just pretending to be.
Season 3 Episode 1 was released early as an April Fools joke.
I think I've seen maybe one thread about this show that's been made by someone who actually wanted to talk about it, and nine or ten by people who hate it and just post "GOD *BURP* DOESN'T EXIST, MORTY" autism threads. I'd understand them doing it if it was as a response to Sup Forums getting flooded with R&M threads or something, but it's pretty much just them.
You are the disingenuous one who keeps spam advertising you home page.
Im kinda surprised they have gotten multiple season out of a show that is essentially "Animated Back to the Future but Doc Brown is a drunk"
I can't tell if people are pretending to be Redditor plebeians or if we're actually infected with you cucks.
You are Reddit, user.
It's controversial. That means it's unironically good.
You a genuine Redditor or just a parody?
I am reddit. I am memes.
I actually started watching this recently because of all the retarded shitposting it gets. I've watched the first 7 episodes of the series, and honestly, I don't quite get why everyone is flipping their shit over it, both the side that loves it and won't shut up about it, and also the side that you see here on Sup Forums.
It's okay, it's only sometimes funny, it isn't anything out of the ordinary, if anything it's a little more well put together and written than what's normal for Adult Swim's garbage ass original series line-up. But aside from that, there's nothing that particularly stands out about it. I honestly don't get why it's such a huge topic of discussion.
I might watch more, I might not, I have no idea. But it's alright, though now that I've seen a good chunk of it, I'm not left wondering what the fuck is wrong with everybody around me, BECAUSE it's so whatever.
I will say though, I think I'd like it a lot more if the main character were Morty's dad, and the show was basically just about an overly insecure father/husband fuck up.
Watch more. Don't be a faggot.
The "retarded shitposting" is just pure advertisement. They make it sound worse than it is or annoy the shit out of you so you watch the show.
Reddit please kill yourself.
Quit spamming your home page we get it.
I'm a liberal faggot, speak for yourself
I don't get the whole euphoric meme. Family Guy was way more egregious about it. Outside of a throwaway line in the first episode there doesn't seem to be much euphoria.
It does pander to Reddit fags in other ways but I don't think it has anything to do with the brief fedora tipping moments.
le ok cartoon
Except Family Guy is actually funny
Based pastaman getting that early trigger
I have no opinions of R&M
I let the plebs and contrarians on Sup Forums decide for me weather or not I have an opinion on any television show or movie.
I obviously can't think for myself and that's why I post on 4 Chan.
I just fucking love Rick and Morty, in the way that I fucking love science. It's so random and cool - it's like the show was designed for us Redditors, see? My mom says I have an unhealthy obsession with the show, but she just doesn't understand how funny it. I wish I could live in the Rick and Morty world and be their friends. Everything would be really and cool and funny if I did. Rick and Morty are so funny and I'm so awesome that would make perfect sense, but it'd be even better if Bernie Sanders appeared. It'd be so awesome I'd turn up the TV in the common room of my dorm up all the way so everyone could hear the greatness of Bernie Sanders, Ron Paul, bacon, weed, atheism, and fucking loving science.
I run the Rick and Morty Club at my school - we come together, browse Reddit, make some Deadpool memes and watch Rick and Morty. We don't talk to each other but there's a cute girl there I'm gonna try and ask out. I'm a nice guy and I dress well (fedora + trench coat + brown-stained underwear + well-trimmed beard lightly seasoned with dust and corn syrup) so I just know I've got a good chance with her. I've already messaged her on Facebook, I just haven't got a response yet.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand: Rick and Morty! My favorite character is Rick because his style of humor perfectly reflects that of Reddit. I bet if I asked him "When does the narwhal bacon?", he'd know EXACTLY what I was talking about. Also, did you notice he looks like Bernie Sanders if you squint a bit and use your imagination? This can't be a coincidence; MLG Illuminati confirmed. Yeah, that's right, I look at montage parodies too. What good Redditor doesn't? Lenny face, Illuminati, and Doge are so funny. If I met Rick and Morty I'd be sure to show them all those funny and awesome memes and more!
Yours baconly, Atheist92
fuck off
Watched the pilot last night. Rick saying Morty ALL THE FUCKING TIME made it unwatchably annoying desu
like pottery
ebin sarcasm m8 I r8 8/8 :^)
The blatant improvisation in episodes like "Rixty Minutes" is my favorite part of this show.
How many times have you ever seen a fucking cartoon do improv? That is so ground-breakingly spectacular.
Haters can suck it.
to be honest the first one is the worst episode or one of the worst you might want to give it another try
Honestly Reddit and Normie show is an easy target because most of the fans are praising it as the next family guy.
>from reddit
ren and fucking stimpy.
waba luba dub dub
Old Simpsons
Old family guys
American Dad