What's wrong with jews

what's wrong with jews

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Literally everything

Read Culture of Critique



Nothing. They're simply doing what they do. Is it harmful to other races? Yes.

You already made your "Muslims or Jews?" thread. You don't need any more of this bullshit, Hasbara. Go away.


There is literally nothing wrong with Jews, Sup Forums just needs a scapegoat. Kind of like how BLM blames white people for all of their problems.

>BLM is Sup Forums for niggers

Thay arent human.

yeah but why

The problem is jewish culture and religion. They are very organized and have worked their way into incredible influence in the world. A singular jew, outside that culture, is basically just a white person. Mormons are working their way up to do the same thing, only with the added "Convert everyone" aspect. They have a ways to go, but are actively promoting service in key areas like military service and intelligence agencies.

Why use that pic ?

fifth post?

Am I the only one noticing the peeling skin?

Paid shills. Everywhere. This board has a pleague and it's name is JIDF


there is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.

You mean the sunburn, user? I know most of us avoid going outside, but damn.

Don't even know where to start.

In America and Europe the Jewish hegemony over banking, politics, media, and news has led to a complete takeover of American and European foreign policy which has cost, at least America, trillions and tens if not hundreds of thousands of deaths.



Yes you are, Hasbara.

>BLM is Sup Forums for niggers
mein gott


literally asking what's wrong with them while naming what's wrong with them
>what's wrong with jews

Why Are Jews Always Persecuted?

Jews Banished From Countries 109 Times Since 250AD

They actually do what white nationalists are too cucked to do.

suck baby penises?

no thank you

Am I the only one disgusted by skin peeling off due to sunburn?

I'm not gay.
I'm not non-white.
I'm not a race traitor.