Now that's a Marvelâ„¢ Universe
Now that's a Marvel™ Universe
At least shop him onto the thumbs up yellow m&m with sunglasses, you lazy, meme forcing fuck
>despite the genre's rich history of creativity and diversity
you lost me there, DCuck
Stop stealing aesthetics.
No that meme sucks.
Proof that MCUck are no older than 15. You don't even need to look past Marvel.
>and despite all of this you somehow still shit out better superhero movies than Zack Snyder
Made because the Mark Hamill ones upset the Mouseshill. Don't throw rocks in glass house.
>capeshit is a genre
>superhero films aren't a genre
Are you going to say sci-fi isn't a genre either?
How do Mouseshills defend the death of creativity? Do they even enjoy film past the point of Disney's minimum wage salary?
>Complaining about stale films when audiences keep watching it all the same
They're just giving the audience what they want. Kids and adults alike. So long as we get our Deadpool's and Logan's though, I don't see what reason you have to get triggered.
They have conditioned the audience into this shit for a decade now to the point where it's pretty much impossible for an Marvel movie to diverge from their very tiresome formula. Marvel movies used to be pretty diverse, ranging from Spider-Man to Hulk to Iron Man, now with everything under Disney, it's all the same shit, barely distinguishable at all. No magic. No creativity. Just assembly-line movies pumped out at a rate that would make TV producers jealous. Enough. After 15 fucking movies of the same shit, enough.
Superheros are science fiction.
They are more fantasy than science-fiction. Or atleast depending on the superhero. A superhero like Aquaman or Spider-Man isn't even sci-fi. It's more fantasy.
I don't know much about Aquaman, but Spiderman has a scientifically explained origin story hence science fiction.
Ok Spidey was a bad example. What about Dr Strange, Wonder Woman, Spawn and so on?
The sci-fi is usually just a justification for having someone with superpowers exist in a world of normal people.
CW better than BvS?
lol. thanks i needed a good laugh
Consequence of the multiverse which can be boiled down to fictionalized science.
Damn, user, you're even funnier than him. We got some real comedians posting in this thread. You all should consider standup.
Do people honestly defend CW or is it all just ironic shilling?
Is it really that suprising that the greatest comic book movie every created should be a figure of controversy?
Not really, as they say in the movie "people fear what they can't understand"
Damn I love this line.
The real reason is financial, as I already explained in another thread. You see, WB can afford to take risks and so far they have paid off: they don't have flops, make a decent buck out of their capeshit and if it gets too hard to get real talent to work in kids movies, they can just stop making them and that would be that. As long as there are more money in than money out, everything is fine.
Marvel and Star Wars are different. They literally can't stop shitting out movies and they ALL need to be succesful, they have additional pressure on them, because those franchises weren't organically created by Disney but bought from someone else. According to the financial information we know from these capeshit movies, excluding outliers like Deadpool most of them make around $150 million in net profit all things considered. Make that double for Star Wars flicks, but also consider you can't shit out as many SW movies a year. When WB gets $150 millions for Suicide Squad or BvS, they cash the money, shake the hands of the shareholders and go on to do whatever new drug the execs enjoy these days. Disney on the other hand has to recoup an investment of 4 billions a pop for those franchises, $150 millions at a time. They literally can't afford to make anything new or to take any risk at all. That's why they fired Wright from fucking Ant-Man and made it the most generic, forgettable movie in that already generic and forgettable franchise, because without the $100m from that flick made they would have broken the stride and people would get nervous.
>b-but muh toys
Not as profittable as you think. Disney is closer to recoup their investment with Star Wars than Marvel, but they aren't there yet for neither
It's been 10 years and they're still in red? I guess for these people it's more about control than anything. Control vital IPs. Control characters. So the competition won't get hold of them and destroy you with it.
Still, Lucas sold SW below its value. He could've gotten a few billion more if he was jewish and didn't allow himself to be fooled by Kathleen Kennedy's mind tricks.
>Not as profittable as you think. Disney is closer to recoup their investment with Star Wars than Marvel, but they aren't there yet for neither
It's a $20 billion industry m8, don't even pretend it doesn't bring it a lot of dollars
I- I enjoyed Antman, user-kun... guess I'm a pleb...
But insults aside, can someone give me (with specific examples) the reasons why you all say that all marvel movies are the same/follow the same formula? Which formula is this?
I get that it's how the meme works, but these run-on sentences are just too much of a chore to read
i doubt he cared, just didnt want to be in charge of star wars anymore.
lol look at those marvel villians. marvel truly is owned by disney
Thank you. Now I understand it.
>OP tries to steal the limelight from the other user that's been posting actual educational meme-kino
>I- I enjoyed Antman, user-kun... guess I'm a pleb...
I didn't say it was bad, none of the MCU movies are bad per se. They aren't good either
Yeah but gross=/=net. Marvel merch sold around 4 billions in 2016, take Spiderman and X-Men off that number and then start detracting production, distribution and promotion costs. There is a reason you don't see studios buying franchises very often, it's not that great of an investment
Doesn't all non-movie Spider-man and X-Men stuff still go to Disney? Also it's not like they aren't making money from the things that they don't directly make themselves
No. In the Marvel v Capcom videogame, they're not allowed to use X-Men because it's owned by Fox.
Disney also had to swindle Bandai with the Star Wars plastic model kits too
You know this movie flopped because the action sequences looked weird. They stopped letting the directors doing action sequences after this one.
Which is funny because all DC movies look the same too.
I finally realized why I'm not a fan of marvel movies. Outside of pilot movies like Iron Man and Captain America, everything just feels like filler for the next one and there's rarely a sense of satisfaction. Thor was especially bad about this. Like the Winter Soldier did almost nothing in the end but introduce black wingman and establish Caps buddy is still alive. Shield is still there, every major character is still alive, ect.
I enjoyed the fight with the mutant dogs and desert tanks. It's bullshit that Ang Lee doesn't know how to direct action. He made fucking Hero.
not a marvel fan but you are simplifying too much
but it's true that at the end every movie has basically the same story and the fucking quips
3 movies so far
each one radically different to the other ones
Whoever wrote this sounds angry as fuck tbqh
Iron Man 3 could fit on the left side but I'm the only one that liked it.
Marvel needs to reinvent itself.
I think you're clearly missing the meta narrative that makes it obvious it's just shitposting. The whole point of the image is to illustrate how obtuse the arguments made in favor of DC and against Marvel are. That image is making fun of people who defend DC if anything
Keep telling yourself that friendo
>Dr strange is Sci-Fi
>not fantasy
i honestly prefer dc, so i might be biased
but i liked marvel too
i just want them to try new things, and i hate to see a new marvel movie comming out every 3 months
it ignores that both are shit. DC is not above marvel in anyway. It's horseshit Vs. Bullshit. DC is tryhard "baby's first existential crisis"
>DC is not above marvel in anyway
In every way possible you mean.
Why change a winning formula? Sure there movies have to many quips and are too light, but they're raking in money in addition to being highly rated so from a company stand point it's a great model.
You might want to stick with Zack "make everything dark like Batman" Snyder.
And the new DC villains have been better? They've all been shit so far.
>And the new DC villains have been better?
Objectively yes
Nobody is doubting their ability to make money. We're doubting their ability to make good film.
>And the new DC villains have been better?
Yes. Also when DC does female villain it actually feels natural and not forced pandering.
A good death....
The multiverse comes straight from science, magic is just science that isn't fully understood.
i understand what you say
maybe i'm just mad at the modern philosophy of money>quality
and i feel like dc is at least trying to deviate a bit from that
Lol sure m8
thought that was norm macdonald for a sec
Marvel has it right.
Capeflicks aren't supposed to be deep.
With the exception of Watchmen because it's Alan Moore.
That the movies are making money AND are both critically and audience acclaimed makes them good movies. If the movies were getting ripped to shreds by the critics and audience then you might have a point. But they're not, so you don't.
Critics are a minority. They are no authority on anything. They've fucked up so many times in the past they should never be valued higher than independent thinking.
As for box-office and audience reception, I heard that new Fast Furious movie is breaking all kinds of records. Is it a high mark in filmmaking never achieved before? Or what's your point?
Autistic faggot who pees in girls drink.
Mindless monster.
Campy as fuck sociopath.
horrible actress.
So far DC is 4 for 5. Zod was the only good villain. Marvel has pretty much the same track record.
Name me one MCU villain coming close to Zod and Faora. Just one.
Nah. You just aren't smart enough to understand anything deep or meaningful. You're the perfect marvel fan.
>lol orange slices hurrr durrr
All 3 factoirs for judging the quality of a movie (without having seen it yourself) are all saying it's a good movie. That's my fucking point you retard. You're saying that what the public, what the critics, what the money are saying doesn't mean shit. That the only opinion that matters is yours and yours alone. When in fact they are objectively good (for the most part).
Ha makes c list heroes great again,
Your Trinity OF DC is a shit.
I argue for individual thinking instead of relying on external outlets to validate my taste.
Is Avatar also the greatest film of all time that changed cinema forever?
Not really.
Red Skull.
>Is Avatar also the greatest film of all time that changed cinema forever?
Then perhaps you shouldn't say "we're doubting their ability to make a great film" and say "I'm doubting their ability..."
Because the majority has spoken. They're good movie (for the most part).
>Because the majority has spoken
The majority also like Transformers and Fast Furious films. But something tells me you're not as inclined to give them the same benefit you give Marvel.
Not true. As most of them don't have all 3. Money, Audience Score, Critical Reception. If they're making money and both the critics and the audience love it. Then it's objectively good.
The issue wasn't Feige. It was the head of Marvel that was causing issues, and pissing off directors left and right (and fucking him budgeting).
Feige finally said that he was going to walk, and Disney said "fuck that" because they like money, and said Feige and Marvel Studios no longer have to answer to the head of Marvel.
Age of Ultron was filmed during that power struggle.
Didn't I tell you to stop making these unfunny meme images? And you said you would OP. Why did you lie? Why are you still doing this? It's not funny, it's not insightful, and it's just plain cringeworthy.
At the end of the day, this whole website is just one big contrarian shitpile. That's really all that needs to be said.
That's hardly something to brag about.
Shield got torn apart and no longer exists, at least as far as the characters know. Fury fucked off to hunt HYDRA agents and nobody from the TV show has told anyone else SHIELD is being reformed.
Even the reformation of SHIELD didn't happen for like two seasons of the TV show, before that they were being chased by the government.
Like Reddit isn't?
>Complaining when they're making ppl addicted
>Unironically thinking you are smarter than (((marvelplebs)
You are stupid as a fucking rat user
DC films are not misunderstood, they are just bad, when critics, reviewers and audiences say "Why did this happen for no reason??" They understood, it's a rethorical question, they are questioning the decisions on the filmmaking, they are not questioning their own understanding
1= Bad
10= Good
Audience is 4 points
Money is 3 points
Critics are 3 points
Audiences like them a lot: 3.5/4
Critics like them a lot: 2.5/3
Makes a lot of money: 3/3
Audiences divided: 2/4
Critics divided: 1.5/3
Financially underperform: 2.5/3
Audiences dislike it: 1/4
Critics hate it: 0.5/3
Makes a lot of money: 3/3
Audiences like it: 3/4
Critics are divided: 1.5/3
Makes a lot of money: 3/3
(This is not a comparison, it's just a representation of the other user's point, if you agree or not, fuck off.)
i have no stake in this comic book faggotry
the dc movies all looked the same in a different way, but it was still there, that is mostly on snyder though. dc definitely looks better but marvel has some movies that are actually entertaining. first supes was ok, batman vs superman and suicide squad were awful.
But it's ridiculously better than BVS. Then again, the shit I just took is better than that trash
to latch back onto this, tdk is the only capeshit movie that is actually good. and that is only good because of heath ledger. if he didn't do that movie he might still be alive (simply because of different timeline not muh joker made him depressed) so ultimately as far as im concerned all capeshit movies are cancer that should be chemo'd.
This is true?
I heard he hates actresses with muscles, and we'll never see actresses like Jessica Biel in MCU
I remember watching a pirated version of this when it first came out, very good quality until he hulked out, then hulk was a solid no shadow green and he didn't have pants.
Ill defend season 1 arrow and season 3 smallville
>oppressive force to creativity and talent
And you retards have the gall to pretend snyderlards aren't out of their mind.
Also what's with the facebook memes lately? Why not just post the text on the OP?
Hello Rèddit
>muh Alan Moore
Fuck you.
yeah and then the c-rate television directors end up making better movies than every DCEU movie put together real weird that huh bro
Keep telling yourself that while pretending you are enjoyed by CW's CGI grey airports
I can't name one marvel movie that is better. Unless you count pre-disney marvel.