I tried asking this in /his/ to no avail, you are my last resort for information Sup Forums

I tried asking this in /his/ to no avail, you are my last resort for information Sup Forums.

SERIOUSLY........okay I mean SERIOUSLY.

What went wrong for black people in America?

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Slavery ended

they were black

C'mon huh


they got stuck on the democrat progressive marxist socialist liberal communist plantation

if only we cut taxes and banned gay marriage, blacks would be doing as well as whites.

t. republican

The institution of slavery and language barriers forcefully divided africans from american culture preventing them from assimilating. Once slaves were freed, resentment of africans and institutionalized segregation again prevented successful assimilation. By the time all institutions of segregation or discrimination were done away with, a bastardized version of African culture had existed within the US long enough to make it a "legitimate" auxiliary culture - which gives them the "right" to not integrate and essentially fuck themselves over.

Blacks in America are much more aggressive than the ones in Europe because they were bread to be more emotional. It was better for work apparently. Now though, it is bad, because they do not have a whip at their back.

A lot of racism and then the welfare state and drug war.

When black men sought equal rights with whites and acted more like them, they behaved a lot more.

Now that they've been enabled to act like thugs, don't have to be afraid of getting lynched, and have democrats providing welfare.

They have no reason to act civil so long as every single action they do is rationalized as being "part of what it means to be black". Or being "against da white man." Until the day they start to shoot at democrats we're not going to see anything change.

enjoy your blac niggers.

mexico dont have this monkey, darkbrown ppl have been domesticated a while ago now, you failed to domesticate your inferior blood. thats what you get.

Enjoy the blackness. also we send our best shit to you, so be greatefull mexicans are not lazy like you little shits.

I love it when I'm just about to post a detailed explanation and some guy already posted everything I was going to say

At least the niggers shoot each other instead of everyone else

they stopped working.

there are plenty of jobs but the Democrats have made it more profitable for them not to work at all.

cries of racism, discrimination, and barrier to entry are hollow. most employers will hire a less qualified nigger simply because it makes the HR department hard.

the projects

to add to this, this is what happens when you allow government, and not the people of each community, to take control of your citizens' rights

They were taken from the stone age and plopped in the middle of the agricultural and early industrial revolutions. If you take a dog breed for fighting and then try to teech it to herd sheep what do you think I'll happen?

Deadly, honestly, actually seriously: culture.

They let a corporate entity fabricate their culture for them and what they did was basically make black people as identifiable as possible, they gave black people a golden hexagram that they actually wanted to don out of sheer collectivism. Everything about black culture is made to set them apart as the other.

Furthermore, this culture wouldn't be as powerful if culture was transmitted from father to son as in other cultures, but no, absent fatherhood is common and so black boys have to take to the streets to find male role models.. and what kind of nigger is on the streets as school ends?

And /his/ is weak.


The same thing that happened to blacks everywhere else on the planet. They are low IQ animal-humans that only understand "possession is 9/10ths of the law" as the basic tenant of their moral compass, the other 1/10th is rape.

>What went wrong for black people in America?

What went wrong for black people in Haiti?

What went wrong for black people in Brazil?

What went wrong for black people in Africa?

African americans are taught to be victims, they are all loser fucks.

it goes back to the 19th century and the debate between Booker T Washingtion and W.E.B Du Bois

If Washington's ideas had won out (or maybe if he didn't die so much younger) the problems the black community faces would have disappeared generations ago, but instead they have gotten worse.

you mean what went wrong for blacks no matter where they settled?

please name one stable, peaceful, technologically and economically suitable black governed society. Haiti? Ghana? monrovia? nigeria?

how about american cities ruled by blacks? chicago? baltimore? macon? savannah?

its simple, blacks cannot govern themselves much less any one else....

matriarchal family structure and nonexistent impulse control combined with a distinct lack of empathy are not helpful to living in civilized societies

underrated post

listen to this >fggAT OP

The deep south.
But it also gave AmeriKKKa it's culture

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This post has been marked as /redpill/ doctrine. In order to fully accept the mighty redpill, you MUST subscribe.

but racism is gone why do they continue to complain that it is there?

This then
This then

Results in

What's terrifying is their breeding rates. Look outside the walls of our countries and you'll see a brown hoarde army amassing. A massive extinction is needed for first world safety reasons and soon.





Because black people in America were sistematically discriminated instead of trying to integrate them.

Do you think it will be a race war in Cuba for example? No, because Spain (even with slavery) treated them way better than you.

Hey, what can I say.

I have literally nothing better to do.

thanks for the input person who has literally never met a nigger

Why did a time of less social upwards mobility(i.e, pre-civil rights) have higher rates of black business ownership and lower illegitimacy rates?

Black people weren't allowed to write and reading was limited to the bible (select scripture that reinforced servitude).

That is so stupid. Shove your "kind Spanish slavery" up your puta ass.

Black people want privilege, power, and handouts, and will never be placated. They don't want to assimilate, they want to be dominant, to compensate for feeling insecure and inferior deep inside themselves.

No. Spaniards treated blacks and indians way better, so better that they used to married and have children with them. Mestizos and mulatos existed for one reason.

Spain was probably the only country who can handle multiple races in the same country without causing a race war, because there is no sub cultures like nigger guetto bullshit or chicanos in the US. Everybody has the same culture basis.

Well am I wrong?

There are black people here, mostly Sudanese Somali and Kenyan, and there's not a single thing wrong with them until they start emulating American black people and even form gangs like "apex." This isn't African culture, this is our blacks doing their best to act how they believe western blacks should act.

It's not just blacks either. White people who act like niggers are equally offensive and degenerate, it's quite literally and honestly the culture. What the fuck do you expect from a culture that glorifies crime and acting like a dick to the out group? I've never met a hip hop listener capable of forming an argument without emotional appeal, completely brain dead cunts.

Hip hop is literally in the top 3 things wrong with the world, not even black people. You are a complete degenerate if you have anything to do with it.

Hip hop needs to end, you can't even reform it. It is an honest cancer on society.

Changing their culture would be a good start for assimilating the ones already injected into the countries. But it's going to take a long time.

An interesting and relevant documentary

Spanish colonies took the majority of all slaves sent to the Americas, and they were exceptionally brutal to them because they were so cheap

If only blacks would get out and work and not be trash instead of blaming whites.