Is it even possible to change someone's mind politically...

is it even possible to change someone's mind politically? it seems like a genetic trait that people are predisposed to "not want to be wrong", so people will go down defending even in the face of incontrovertible evidence, because then everything theyve based their beliefs on is called into question.

how do we redpill liberals who generally want good for the country, but do it the totally wrong way? we can ignore the pure retards in pic related. also ignore the pure criminals like hillary, they are just in politics for their own wealth and narcissism

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no? seems like a simple question with a complex answer

You're thinking like one of them.
If you knew, you'd know how to change their minds.

Stories, everyone is open to stories, those who argue stories are open to rationale and reasonable discourse.

Wisdom is not oft found among Westerners anymore.

only the truly wise can spin a tale to convert even the staunchest opposition

why is it that women only know to protest something by getting naked to some degree?

>how do we redpill liberals who generally want good for the country, but do it the totally wrong way?

Have you had the same beliefs all your life? How did you get "redpilled"?

It's the only way they know how to get people to pay attention to them.

I have an overwhelming urge to grab those big saggy tits.

>is it even possible to change someone's mind politically?


In high school I remember being an insufferable liberal. I was pro abortion, pro faggots, atheist and liked left leaning economics/politics. Then senior year came and my views did a complete 180° turn.

Now I'm about to go into second year of uni and I'm really conservative. I don't smoke nor drink, against abortion in most cases, I hate faggots and I even became slightly racist. I was really misinformed and oblivious I guess.

I moved from left, went to center-left, and recently I'd say I've gone straight to the center and I've stopped identifying as a liberal entirely.

Lennon reportedly went right wing later in life.

The only thing that can possibly alter a person's world view is their own life experiences.

Genetic differences. The more intelligent you are, the more you are able to see through the veil.

This is also why so many intelligent people are depressed because they see how much shit happens and how powerless they are if they're also not born into riches or can benefit from the system.

The answer is both yes and no.
You can never convince someone, simply by trying to outreason them with facts.

In simplest terms, people believe what they want to believe. And they want to believe things which they find useful to them.

No one wants to believe anything which, if they believed it, it would be a kind of punishment.

A homosexual for instance, cannot believe he will go to hell for being a homosexual. He will either reject such a belief system altogether, or he will search for beliefs and meanings which justify his desires.

To convince someone, it doesn't do that much good to appeal to facts or logic. The only way to change someone's opinion, is to give them a reason to want to believe. Basically, to give them a reward for believing.

and wear them like a scarf, right?

mostly this.
give people the tools to discover the answers themselves, dont shove the answers down their throat.

this is a provocative question, exactly what i was hoping for. no i grew up in a liberal house, was taught nobody needs an assault rifle for hunting, republicans are racist, etc etc. i got redpilled when i realized the steretypes i was taught were wrong, and the logic of how conservatives handle fiscal matters was easy to see. the fact liberals support a border shitshow with zero control on who gets into the country, the fact liberals deny islam ever has anything to do with hate. my family has changed from liberal to conservative, and i basically initiated it. i think most of my interest in politics started when i saw i had a tangible stake in the situation, on my first real paycheck. i saw 30% of my hard earned money subtracted to taxes, and then shit started to really matter to me. because i realized i was paying into a lot of wasteful spending

Yes, but you need to know why the person has that opinion before you change it.

There are people who care about the truth will always change their opinions based on arguments and facts. These are rare.

Then there are people who don't really care about the truth, they just want to look good. So they will have their political opinions based on the group they are trying to be friends with. So, for example, some cuck who goes to art school that is full of liberals will probably try to be a liberal too, to fit in. To change their opinions you need to ridicule their opinions and have all of their friends do the same. Maybe find them a new group of friends.

Then there are people with low self steem who see themselves as being opressed and will chose whatever opinion that protects their feelings. For example, some mexican guy with low self steem will be anti thrump because he doesn't don't belive in himself and can only identity himself as part of the mexican group. To change his opitions, you need to have him belive that he is a special mexican, a "legal" mexican who is different from the other mexicans, who are a strong and important part of society.


lol. what made you change views. im sure it was a lot of things and just life in general but anything stick out?

i would argue that you stayed center the whole time, and that liberals in politics have shifted radically to the left in the past couple decades

Sure it is, but you have to lead them through stages of thought so that they feel it is their own ideas, and their own decisions (which it is, but you facilitate it, help them along).

You show them, stage by stage, the information, and speak of the possible responses/choices in a neutral way. Make sure to make the wrong decisions clearly shown to be flawed, but in a way that they figure out for themselves, while presenting the new, more desireable outlook in a way that isn't in political terms that are contrary to theirs, or ticks any taboo boxes. You can show them the better ways in their own language, gradually, until they eventually stop caring that the new outlook developing isn't in line with their former political outlook. At this point, they freely discard it.

I'm a master at this. The key is though, I'm not cynically pushing just whatever, but what is right.

*freely discard their old affiliation.

Need more pics.

Post more images and I'll tell you.

You seldom see nekkid protesters that look this good.

I agree. For me it was using public transport. Black people would get on the bus without paying and pushing other passengers.


The people being "red-pilled", are people who have a natural inclination to believe what is being presented to them. Not merely because it is the truth, but because it is what they already want to believe. It serves their interests, and is a "means" to the desired "end".

Basically, what you want from this life, and what you do for a living, creates your world-view. Not facts.

Facts merely support what you already want to believe.

but when you wake up one day to refugee camps in your neighborhood, its too late. germany is finding this out currently...

i think there are also people who react or vote entirely on emotion alone, because thats how they get through day to day life anyway

i know. but i kind of cherry picked the images, there were literally only 4 or 5 semi decent girls in that entire herd, and that one chick was easily the hottest

I have no idea what you guys are talking about, I've changed my political views a lot since I was a kid. Whenever I'm confronted with new information I take it into account and change my views accordingly.

Seems like a lot of projection by stubborn people in this thread.

Little of column A, little of column B.

I grew up in a troubled impoverished family run by a single mother, who used a small business to manage to keep a roof over her families head. She was an extreme leftists because she used handouts like mad because she wasn't getting child support. When I was finally old enough to understand politics we were in the middle of the Bush era. That man was fucking hilarious even if you weren't political, but I started watching the daily show and became a left-identified liberal. Liberals helped my family and fucking George W Bush was the face of conservatism at the time. I learned how corrupt the republicans were.

I became more right because the right became more sane, the left more insane, and as I grew up I started to get exposed to a lot of the rights viewpoints and realized I agreed with them. I saw how their policies helped people, realized how they confronted issues like government waste the left didn't even discuss. I learned how corrupt the democrats were, but instead of being corrupt by taking away things like regulations, they corrupted the system by ADDING them.

I guess haven't really changed at heart and basically just see my past left-wing viewpoints as more naive. But given my history I still believe in the social safety net the left creates, I just believe it's the right wing that keeps it intact.

Humans are social creatures and our beliefs are part of what builds relationships and communities. Without these we would not be a successful species. It is advantageous in terms of survival to follow the general norm and be accepted rather than fight against these views and be ostracised. People then apply these ideals with little research all for acceptance and improved chance of 'survival'. Of course it's not necessarily life or death anymore but what controls our actions hasn't changed.

It's not impossible but logic and reasoning won't really overcome what they perceive as most beneficial to their survival.

Can't really back up any of my claims with one reference but I feel these are generally accepted traits amongst humans as a species

good shit user, well said. im inclined to believe thats true for the majority of people, but i think there are some exceptions. i know people including myself who dont have an "end" to certain decisions. because they affect people across the world. case in point, i support philanthropy projects to give clean water to villages in africa, but im not expecting anything back. i guess you could argue i feel badly for innocent kids who die from easily preventable disease and maybe philanthropy is a way to wash away guilt i gave myself.

i also support charities in america, but thats maybe more selfish because i have a preference to see this country succeed

One of the first issues I was political about was the Iraq war right? The right pushed for it, the left in leafland wanted to stay out. The left were proven right by history. It seemed like the right wing was completely retarded, but now I realise it probably has a lot to when I started to become political.

Rampant degeneracy.

I went to high school with tumblrites believe it or not and once believed all their bullshit. However, in senior year I realized how fucking crooked and full of scum our societies already are without those edgelords trying to push their faggot-loving agendas down everyone's throats.

Then I began visiting Sup Forums. After seeing how fucked the Western world has become in places such as Sweden I really began despising SJWs.

Needless to say I cut off all contact with my blue-pilled peers. My social circle consists mostly of people who share my views and want to make something out of their lives. Liberalism is cancer, this coming from a former liberal.

Wait so how the hell do you get hordes of women to take off their clothes? Just say you are an artist?

in america a lot of the left, including hillary, supported the iraq war. the problem was our leaders made decisions on intel without corroborating with other sources, because they thought their few sources were foolproof. then it turned out they werent. in your country, it was more about the right trying to support an allied nation and the left being wary of a war they had no stake in

yep, art is cultured and refined. who wouldnt take their clothes off to be an intellectual social justice warrior?

The left spend a lot of time in online communities where, if your opinion doesnt fit, you are ostracized. Ive seen it time and time again, where people dont actually agree with something but they just go along so they dont get called out. Its like how all of a sudden a shit load of women are "gamers". They will follow whatever is the current fad, their opinions arent constructed from reason, its whatever everyone else is doing.

The problem with dialects is you can only make a bad decision if both propositions are bad, the only good decision is not play with dialects sometimes. Take the current US election for example, it is apparently a foregone conclusion things will get bad in the US post election. That's just one obvious example, there are thousands if you open your eyes and learn to recognize them, Islam Christfag - both bad, ...the dialect is what has made modern life insane and best not to play at all. Life is not black and white, it's grey and should be looked at as grey. If not sooner or later some clever people will turn you into a radicalized tool at their disposal.

What I'm saying is, everyone has a "confirmation bias". And based on your experiences and goals, you interpret new information in a way which supports your interests and goals.

A good example is "god".

I often ask, Why would anyone want to believe in god? What benefits are there to believing in god?

In simplest terms, god is like a father, and he doesn't want to reward you(at least not in this life). He only wants to tell you what you cannot do, he wants to limit you. And at the same time, he wants to tell you what you must do. He wants you to sacrifice yourself, your time, your money, for something, which for many people, has no immediate benefit.

The people who want to believe in god, are people who find benefits in believing in god. And they will seek new information to support what they want to believe.

Many of the people here are turning to Christianity, not because they, through reason, realized that god was true. But merely because they hate the degeneracy, and want to find decent women.

On the opposite end, you have young people, who want to be "free" to have fun. To have casual sex, and do drugs, and just generally be a self-centered a-hole. And they reject god, and religion, after searching for the facts which justify what they already want to believe.

The only way to change what someone believes, is to give them a reason to want to believe something else.

My dick needs those nipples.

You still have an "end", or an "interest".

With that said, I think everyone supports "doing good". The question is how much they are personally willing to sacrifice to do good. And more importantly, "What is good?"

And moreover, why is this necessary to begin with? I mean, haven't humans spent the vast-majority of their existence in primitive-tribal conditions?

Are you even doing good?

It's totally possible for political views to change. I think a lot of it's growing up and joining the real world eventually tends to start a shift to the right. I was a borderline douche ass Marxist in highschool because I believed human nature could be overcome. But then I joined the real world, went to Afghanistan, and realized most "humans" are shit and human nature can't ever be fixed, which leaves conservatism as the only plausible option. The most useful will be the most successful because they've either earned it through hard work, have some great natural talent, or got lucky with Social Darwinism and were born into a good family. TL;DR: I was a libtard but got redpilled by life and turned conservative.

The lefts rallying call in Canada more than anything was "No war without UN approval". Hans Blix claimed the Iraqis were being more cooperative, and people in the IAEA were saying they didn't believe that Iraq had weapons. Being outside of burgerland, burgerlands intelliegence agencies were considered more just another opinion, so they didn't have as much sway here.

Canada has always been very anti-military spending but I don't really think "Not my problem" was really the main thing people rallied behind. If the war got UN approval I believe Canada would have gone in.

In any case, the Canadian government made promises to the US to support the war covertly anyways, and did, and was already putting in a decent effort in other wars freeing up troops for America. Not that I realised that at the time because I was still pretty delusional about the left.

your babies would come out hillary voters tho

not particularly, nothing spectacular anyway. but im the kind of person who just wants to live and let live, and mostly be left alone from the govt


>Is it even possible to change someone's mind politically?

Yes, but not by arguing with them. You must be more likable than the opposition. Politics are irrational, as is persuasion.

i see, well heres to hoping we dont go to war with iran or let them develop a nuclear bomb

yeah pretty much what happened to me, like i said in an earlier post it was when i started paying taxes that i turned conservative

i think this is the key. you cant win over everyone, but if you are likeable people will value your opinion, or at least be more likely to

I think this board is full of people who grew up on the left.

In case you haven't noticed they seem pretty salty about it.

Its completely possible. It really requires the right circumstances.

I think it really starts with realizing that being white isn't some kind of life long commitment to blind guilt. ....then the narrative usually sheds pretty quick.

They need to learn to be more critical of the presentation of the world.

>Black people really do have huge fucking problems that aren't because of white people.

>Women really do behave irrationally and are dangerously naive.

>jewish people really do control the media, entertainment, and hollywood and even the simplest person can be talked through it and begin to recognize the pattern of constant white bashing and completely false representation of minorities. Every fucking commercial has racial undertones, every fucking movie, every fucking tv show,

>The media completely censors/minimizes black crime in the US. Its no different then the way the media in europe will attempt to bury stories that relate to migrant rape and violence. Its completely corrupt and shameful. All you have to do is show someone and then ask them why? Why is it so fucking blatant? Let them draw their conclusions.

Once you get someone to identify the pattern they learn how to spot it and the rest they figure out themselves.

The media completely censors/minimizes black crime in the US. Its no different then the way the media in europe will attempt to bury stories that relate to migrant rape and violence. Its completely corrupt and shameful.

You will never get in a discussion with someone and make such a compelling argument in one sitting that their political affiliation changes. You can however quite easily plant the seeds of change. People are just too impatient with each other. As soon as you make things adversarial they will disregard anything you have said.

Well, as I said, I think everyone wants to do good. They want to help people.

But as the linked quote explains. The problem is not that we want to do good, its that we want to do good for a worthy purpose, and for worthy people.

The "left" wants to do good, but they don't understand the futility, and the counterproductiveness, of the methods they are trying to employ to do good. They don't see that, sometimes the path to hell, is paved with good intentions. And that is exactly where they are leading us.

The "right" wants to do good, but they tend to be more realistic about what they can accomplish.

My grandfather was a high level member of the Republican Party and worked on many successful senatorial campaigns and one presidential.
My grandmother's father was the head of an influential liberal agriculture Union.
One of my parents is a (European) liberal immigrant and the other took after my grandfather and is a central leaning republican.
I've had the luxury of growing up in an upper class household but also be around minorities my whole life. I can say that I've formed my opinions in an intelligent way after growing up surrounded by pretty much every political ideology.

It's these experiences that made me hate Mexicans and liberals with a passion.

Well Liberals ...I fucking despise. They make my skin crawl. Its one thing to observe a black or hispanic voting democrat but it a whole other thing to watch the white people eating kale wearing horn rimmed glasses and talking about bernie sanders.

I fucking despise them. They have bought the guilt narrative in spades and their behavior is regressive and embarrassing. They are additionally extremely intolerant of other opinions, Hysterically, they talk down to people, Many have lived very comfortable lives and because of this think they must live in a constant state of virtue signaling. From the cloths they wear, to the music they listen too, to the products they buy, to the places they go, to the people they associate with. Extra points for having a black or asian friend.

I get embarrassed just watching them. Then I get sick. Then I get furious inside.

People tend to entrench themselves. Only world experience changes opinions.

>a white fucking male

love the misquotes

this is verbatim:
"fucking a white male"
learn the fact

You're delusional if you don't think Conservatives aren't also guilty of virtue signalling.

Ever notice how a shitton of conservatives wear suits despite suits being impractical for anything other than virtue signalling? You think every conservative politician really believes in Christianity as much as they say? You don't think there are conservatives listening to country to fit in? Marketers have long abused conservatives fear of appearing effeminete to repackage womens products in more masculine looking packaging and selling them for a premium, plenty of men will pay a dollar premium to get dove shampoo in a grey bottle instead of a white one.

I really don't see conformity as being more exclusive to liberals. It just presents itself in different ways. Plenty of posts I make on Sup Forums I modify or rephrase my actual opinion slightly towards one Sup Forums would like more because I know if I say something too radical it will just result in shitposts. Everybody conforms, its how society works, not recognising that you conform too just makes you more susceptible to conformity.

What these people want is to be right, you are right. I couldn't explain this better than Based Ben. Smart guy..

It's possible. Believe me I was brainwashed into thinking that capitalism was bad and I was a full blown communist. Then I learned how the real world worked and I became a conservative. Now I'm borderline fascist.

Videos like these also help:

>Ever notice how a shitton of conservatives wear suits despite suits being impractical for anything other than virtue signalling? You think every conservative politician really believes in Christianity as much as they say? You don't think there are conservatives listening to country to fit in? Marketers have long abused conservatives fear of appearing effeminete to repackage womens products in more masculine looking packaging and selling them for a premium, plenty of men will pay a dollar premium to get dove shampoo in a grey bottle instead of a white one.

This is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever fucking better be 15.

The fact your notbpart of the purest redpillers, the Alt-left, proves your point.

Not an argument

What kind of rare are you?

Super easy - be more "them" then they are. For example:

Arguing for a strong border because you want to bad mouth all immigrants (illegal and legal alike)?
> You're a racist.

Arguing for a strong border because you worry about how US criminals smuggle weapons to Central America, where it destabilizes those nations, as police forces cannot compete?
> You're a concerned neighbor.

Arguing the NAFTA is...

...responsible for a wave of Mexican suicides (our subsidized crops were cheaper than local food - so mutli-generational farmers were suddenly unable to provide - and "traditional, hard working men" often killed themselves in despair for failing their families.... while others turned to growing illicit crops to sell in the US)...

...responsible for opportunistic corporations exporting American jobs to maquiladoras, where men are routinely denied employment because "women are more docile" - where women are thus at higher risk of abuse - and all in a society where men are traditionally the bread-winners (destabilizing the home, as women are forced to work to provide since their husbands have seen their previous livelihoods destroyed)....

...favoring big corporations and arms traders and human traffickers, as any attempt to improve security is seen as a hindrance to trade and movement, thus allowing illicit cargo to cross the border hidden in the sheer bulk.

> Well good god, I want a strong border because I love my Mexican neighbors and dread what the big corporations have done to them. A vote for Trump is a vote to help Mexico regain it's independence.


See the difference?

Most people - right or left wing - are self-centered idiots. So they argue with what matters to them. That's dumb.

To convince someone, empathize with *their* point - woo them by suggesting your solution is more (them) than their current stance.

"Facts merely support what you already want to believe."

To some degree. In high school, My group of 10 friends consisted of a black, a jew, a arab, an asian, and a few white guys. We used to joke about wanting a native so we could throw drunk native jokes at him.

Now I'm a race realist. Do I recognize differences between races? Yes. Do I think all Jews should be gased? Hell no, I think of my childhood friend being killed like that.

I was pretty forgiving and a #notallmuslims kind of guy before the Nice attack happened. That really left me angry, confused and a proper white supremacist

>how do we redpill liberals who generally want good for the country, but do it the totally wrong way?

beheadings. you can learn a thing or two from those ISIS faggots: Beheadings, and goat fucking. And we're all out of goats.

Give us an example of how you would tell a story to change someone's mind, user

reverse psychology might work.
>be red pilled
>act like a blue pilled fag
>be an extreme libtard who will defend anything that can harm society
>spread nonsense

I think I read somewhere that people are more likely to double down when proven wrong.
Something about a survival instinct to stay your ground when confronted.

>hates "faggots"
>thinks he's informed

wew lad

>Emotionally-charged anecdotes, everyone is open to emotionally-charged anecdotes, those who argue emotionally-charged anecdotes are open to rationale and reasonable discourse.


r/k selection theory

They know their value is in their bodies

We just tell them how the Jews are manipulating everything. Bring up how Palestinians have been mistreated by the Jews then go from there to merchant bankers, film/music, the slave trade, etc.

Swimmer's body looks terrible on women.

Timothy Clary the photographer also takes pictures for the timesofisrael.



>they are just in politics for their own wealth and narcissism

Trump is a Zionist and a old school new Yorker. You think he's not in it for profit? And with the christian evangelicals present such as Pence, y'all shouldn't be surprised at the show of female opposition such as this. But then again, you surely don't understand the meaning of it, hence you dismissing them "retards."

>thinks men sucking dick and getting butt-slammed is natural.

Degenerate filth, get gassed.

was liberal through college, got out, awakening John Wayne was right, become conservative Constitutionalist with heavy nationalistic leanings, retrospect my college profs were ignorant cunts with no real world experience

What's this from I need to fap

Read the bible. Read how Jesus with parables convinced people of his shit. Try, then, to do the same, realize you do not possess the skill and fail. Wait, then, for someone who does.

If they listen. I listened to reason and became a militant communist and SJW

I wonder the same. Racists to me just seem like really stupid people who will even never realize how stupid they are.

And they have no arguments. Their holy grail is "muh IQ averages" but by the same logic you should exclude 60% of whites from society.

I think turboliberals like to be that way because they feel it's the "safe opinion" and nobody can criticize them. Turboliberals usually don't even care about politics, and most of them change their views very quickly when something like Nice happens. Apart from politicians ofc, they never change - it's their job.

But racists, racists are just dumb.

>is natural.

read the sticky my dumb friend

pick one and only one

one of the ways is to create conflict

one of ways to create conflict is to go to websites where are likeminded people, everyone as foolish as another, pretend to be one of them for weeks or months, then when you get to know the community better, choose subject that will most likely divide the community.

and on that shitshow, when they argue against each other, bring up facts that eventually lead to politics

you also need to know the fundementals if it ever comes down to explaining them. most important for human is to explore the unknown and in galaxy there is plenty of unknown. other important thing is to avoid disasters, such as sun burning out and taking us with it. hedonism is cancer because it wont teach you anything when you only have pleasure. socialism is dangerious and leads to position where more and more people demand socialism until everyone sits on their ass and let the system itself collapse on the people. humans of today are not capable of perfecting socialism, possibly never will be.

nothing creates more arguments than drama between perviously likeminded people

I used to be very far left so it is possible to change someones mind BUT I don't think most people will. Communists for example should be genocided

Except there are plenty of people here who that their political views radically altered. I'm one of them.

Y'all niggas need Haidt:

>ny Jew supporting Hillary

no ty. It's one thing to be Jewish. It's another thing to be from New York.

supporting Hillary is stupid too

it is possible but it is a fairly long process outside of cataclysmic events with personal effect.

Yes, it is. Take it from me, I was a lefty up until just a few years ago. I was raised as a liberal. I don't really remember how I got redpilled, though.

Already answered it one of the other 300 times you spammed this post.

Do you even know any humans?

You can't change somebody's mind about something directly. You need to lead them to believe they came upon the idea themselves.

I wanted to do social work, I even went to school for it. Then I did an internship with the city of Portland helping find housing for poor folks, which was like 90 percent blacks despite the whitest major city in America.

I changed majors in a week.

I'd literally operate the gas chambers that exterminate most blacks in America today. I'm not even fucking kidding.

>inb4 lol edgelord

Working with people who don't deserve to draw breath teaches you just how bad things really are. Lazy, whiney, entitled, bigoted (ironic I know), ignorant, I could honestly come up with adjectives for a month.

I started out wanting to help, I ended up wanted to kill.

Life experience is always the best tutor. Not books, not professors, not parents. Going out and doing and seeing is, for better or for worse the best way to learn to change one's mind.

you guys changed my mind politically.

>is it even possible to change someone's mind politically?

>what is the redpill

You know we ask ourselves the same thing about you dumb fucks too, right?

And the key to changing entrenched beliefs is being a borderline sociopath & manipulating them. Don't let on what you believe. Build rapport with them, share unbiased facts, and let them come to the conclusion themselves.
That last part is the most important.

You can't change people (directly).
People change themselves.

He has valid insights on morality. He's basically a liberal who admits he's morally deficient.

>hitler without a mustache

>Racists to me just seem like really stupid people who will even never realize how stupid they are.
>But racists, racists are just dumb.
What part of your """theory""" is falsifiable. What is the standard of evidence that I or someone else can provide to disprove your sweeping generalization?

Sup fellow social work user. Everything they try to teach you in class comes unraveled when the first nig nog opens their mouth.

ive always been skeptical, so I was once a leftist for a short time, just when lefitism started getting real insane it seems, I was hugely skeptical, especially when I had my first couple of girlfriends and it didn't turn out as I expected with the leftist ideology. I was "depressed" (i.e. babbys first nihilism) and came here because I was just angry at life looking for answers. Found Sup Forums and was in absolute shock. Life changed when I found Sup Forums, but the biggest reason I'm open to new ideas, is that I understand I can and am often wrong, even now with a rather conservative ideology, sometimes even absolutist, I still doubt my views at times.

I thank pol everyday for showing me the truth, all my problems are my own.