Where are all the nationalist libertarians who believe in strong borders and the importance of ethnicity/culture...

Where are all the nationalist libertarians who believe in strong borders and the importance of ethnicity/culture? Why is the modern libertarian "movement" stuffed with sellout corporatists like Gary Johnson?

College I was full Johnson Libertarian.

It wasnt until the last few years that I realize libertarianism is either impossible or destructive without a strong patriotic and nationalist base.

If we go full libertarian we will all end up at the lowest common denominator of Iraqi goat herder and then the long centuries slog to a better future.

fuck that

give me back my phone

Need to sell that weed

Ignore shill threads.

Because the libertarian movement requires open borders to be logically consistent

This is what happens when you let autistic teenagers create a political party.

Right here. I'm still torn on whether to vote Johnson since I support most of his ideals, or voting for Trump because Hillary is Satan incarnate.

I just want someone who will legalise weed, lock down the border, not give a shit about gay marriage, fix the tax code and entitlement programs, and force cities/states to abolish occupational licensing.

Because Libertarianism is for college kids who want to be more alternative than liberals.

They do not have the balls to go full nationalist and risk ostracizing themselves entirely, so the stick to DUDE WEED style libertarianism.

>vote Johnson
>lock down the border

contradiction in terms

Libertarians are too pragmatic by nature to support a third party. Instead they control the fiscal side of each party's main platform because that's all libertarians really care about anyway.

I don't know. I've always wondered this too. I don't get the jump in logic that libertarianism has to include blank-check-to-the-jews economic policies or open borders.

The same way I don't understand why nationalism+socialism HAS to be strictly authoritarian.

Here. I believe you don't need a strong state to have a strong culture. After all, in the West it's been the state that's been actively subverting and corrupting western culture through government schools and the welfare state.

Paradoxically enough, libertarianism is impossible without strong statism.

If you go the anarchist route of libertarianism, you ultimately fracture your nation into its base components; the individuals.
Any associate and culture between them is ultimately coincidental, and open to invasion and subversion.

If you go the authoritarian route of libertarianism, however, you will find a clear cut chain of events that will lead to liberty.
Peace must be assured by the sovereign/state; if there is no peace, than the state's authority is in question.
Once there is peace, there must be order; the state must have the ability to enforce its will in the presence of peace, otherwise it may as well not be the state at all.
Once there is order, there must be law; the state must direct its authority and power in a defined and logical manner. Anything else is either benevolent or malevolent tyranny under a dictator.
Once there is law, then there may be freedom; the state, through whatever mechanism it is governed and designed, can trim and prune away unnecessary law. If it truly has the best interest of the people at heart, it would recognize that bureaucracy, while necessary, is also an inefficiency that ought be eliminated.

Through peace, the state has order.
Through order, the state has law.
Through law, the state can protect freedom.
Through this, the state has the collective power of the people to protect their borders and their culture, rather than be subject to the slow and gradual corruption, treason, and subversion of an anarchist nation.

Where do you think western culture came from?
It sure as hell wasn't dinky little Germanic tribes and chiefdoms; it was powerful kingdoms and empires that advanced the west to its glorious future.

Its rough for me. I've listened to Gary's interviews and it sounds like he's done great things for his state at the time. I still think he's a tard though

I'm not advocating for anarchism, but limited government. In the 19th century, the UK was a bastion of classical liberalism and in that century they reached the absolute peak of their power and influence. I agree that you need a state, you need a military, and you need police: all are necessary to protect the rights of the people and provide the fertile soil for economic development. I just don't believe you need the state directing people's everyday lives and "educating" them.

Ironically enough, in order for the state to protect the rights of the people, the state must be stronger than the people.
The state and government must be small out of restraint, not out of structural constraint.

> I just don't believe you need the state directing people's everyday lives and "educating" them.
Perhaps, but the issues with that comes simply with having the wrong (((people))) filling those positions of authority, and the lack of power to justly remove them.
Personally, I believe that public education is very important for a nation, and leaving it up to states/districts/provinces is to risk letting them avoid temporary expenditure at the cost of disadvantaging their people in the long run.
Standardized, public, national education (if administered properly) is one of the greatest things a nation can do; it puts the entirety of the incoming generation of common people on equal footing, perhaps even more than their parents could provide, and allows them to succeed or fail by their own merit.

How is that ironic?

One of the only two things required for a state to even exist at all is monopoly on the legitimate use of violence.

We've met before haven't we?

Is it just me or does he look like Sammy Sosa after he bleached himself?

>importing poor socialists will create libertarian society!

Johnson is a Moran and so are his followers

Oh, sorry, I thought you were one of those people who confused freedom with sovereignty.

Apologies, user.

johnson looks like jigsaw.

Dude weed lmao