Is there anymore news about the Sy Fy adaptation of Hyperion?
Is there anymore news about the Sy Fy adaptation of Hyperion?
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I hope not, the novels were shit. It is as watching patlabor or sailormoon. Monks in search of a four-armed robot, dull shit with fedora-philosophy.
If you didn't find an ounce of enjoyment from at least Hoyt's story, I don't know what to say.
What? I didn't know about this.
The first book has definitely some potential. It's my favorite as it keeps the autist hard-ish sci fi aspect restrained and its pacing is just brilliant. I just hope they don't exploit Silenus too much in typical SyFy fashion. I mean, any shoddy writer would make him spew quips in every scene.
The second book is pretty meh, not only because it uses a whole different perspective, narrative wise, but there was just too much of the faggy poet cyborg in it as much as stupid tweests.
The 3rd and 4th, let's just say I'd never bother with them.
Hoyt and the Consul had the best stories.
>tfw I teared up at the consul's story
I read it about a year ago and don't even remember who Hoyt was. It was all so forgettable. Just like a crossover fanfic from some schoolboy who pasted together all his favorite characters, tidbits of 'deep' philosophy, waifus, sex scenes and other shit he finds 'cool' without care for rhyme, reason or coherence. Babby's first sci-fi saga - and even that only if the babby is a girl.
I'm mostly excited/cautious on how they would do the Shrike and the Tree ship.
the desperation for attention is strong in this one.
Hoyt was the priest that told the story of his master going to find the Seven score and gets infected with the cruciform.
> june 10 2015
feels bad man
the guy with the shit in his chest
what kind of sci-fi do you like? or is this bait?
>some schoolboy who pasted together all his favorite characters
>tidbits of 'deep' philosophy
>other shit he finds 'cool' without care for rhyme, reason or coherence
You seem triggered. At any rate, if that's the best you can come up with in your """critique""" you seem quite the retard.
Just like in your fav hack Simmons :3
I bet you enjoy the films of Christopher Nolan
Cyberpunk stuff that doesn't imagine cyberspace as a place with trippy colors where you fly and talk to god
dweeb """""Transhumanist"""" detected
>Cyberpunk stuff that doesn't imagine cyberspace as a place with trippy colors where you fly and talk to god
Examples please
Inb4 Dune or foundation because those are every /lit/ tryhards safe staple answers
Are you really complaining about the Techno-core when the novel is more foccused on the characters?
Hoyt's story was pretty interesting, a form of immortality that produces a less perfect self every time you die and come back.
Also that one story about the father of the girl that is aging backwards is sad.
lmao watch, he's gonna say snow crash
predictable trog
Is that supposed to be the shrike? Needs way more spikes and glowy eyes.
Ignorants love over using your extreme tone.
>Babby's first sci-fi saga
There's a lot of other more accessible options (Asimov, Herbert, Niven, Douglas Adams, etc., etc.), at least for sagas. For stand-alone books, there's even more.
Not particularly.
>Dan Simmons
I think that is supposed to be the Templar that controls the Tree ship.
>that fucking ship
good luck animation guys
Hoyt's story is by far the best part of the series and the rest isn't worth the effort reading
I forgot about that detail.
Can't be the shrike, doesn't fit the description.
I can't think of anything close.
>Can't be the shrike, doesn't fit the description.
What!? Book covers from SciFi/Fantasy sagas not following the descriptions? Impossible. Totally unheard of!
It's the Shrike, obviously.
>thinking Herbert is more accessible than Simmons
That probably means you didn't understand either. Even the relatively 'pulpy' 1st book of Dune has deeper and more complex stuff in it than Hyperion's trite pseudo-Christian messages
> simmons wants attention
> writes a novel
> you want attention
> shitpost on Sup Forums
puts it into perspective, doesn't it?
Well, if I had free money (for writing instead of working) and clout in literary circles (for publishing and prommoting my stuff among the sheeple) perhaps I'd also write a long-winded series where my fav writer, my fav theologist (whom I barely understand), my fav relative, an amalgam of action heroes I find rad, my self-insert and a bunch of generic broads (whose main traits are wanting the writer's, the action man's or even self-insert's cock) go on wacky adventures and get to save the universe from another Satan rip-off (now with even more pointy protrusions!). Who knows, perhaps I could even get a movie deal if I include enough quips, songs and dance-offs.
Simmons is Literally ((that site))) the Sci-fi, search your heart, you know it to be true.
The shrike isn't satan though, it is literally a force of nature.
It's a tool made by AIs who literally hate God. For figting God.
>not having the broads want theologist's cock
Funny how you mentioned something about "deep" philosophy when Dune's ""depth"" provides gems such as:
>“The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.”
>“The mind commands the body and it obeys. The mind orders itself and meets resistance.”
>“Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.”
and my all time favorite,
>“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”
Literally fedora-tipping fanfiction for teenagers. But hey, I'm not gonna call it that because presuming a grown up well-established author would write fan fiction would make me sound stupid.
>He doesn't know thet 'I will face my fear' is a dramatisation of a millenium-old anti-anxiety and spiritual discilpine technique that gets widely discussed in psychology books even today
Again proving you're just too ignorant to get it. Even greatest philosophical works, like those of Kant or Hegel for instance, can sound like gibberish - to a toddler or a redneck. But that doesn't reflect on their inherent quality.
>the Sy Fy adaptation
Quickest way to make me drop something
>grown up well-established author would write fan fiction
'Paradise Lost' is Bible fanfiction. Shakespeare's plays are mythology/history fanfictions. The fanfic trend didn't start with Shades, you know. If anything, original stuff became the norm only in the latest 100-200 years, because before writers were a bit reluctant to veer off from the well-knowm memes and tropes that the small literate community was comfortable with.
In the context of a scifi book such as Dune it's worth as much as Simmon's 'deep' philosophy though.
One author cannot weave his favorite myths or poets into the plot, but for the other it's perfectly fine to write 8000 pages of bullshit philosophy. Right.
Don't worry, user, being biased against the things you don't enjoy is perfectly acceptable.
I am well aware of that. I mean, I've read the epic poems about 'evil incarnate' written by a spaghetti-losing basement-dweller Uruguayan nigger hauled as a surrealist idol without batting an eyelash, which is why demeaning something as 'fanfiction' without any further study is infantile and pointless.
Priest's tale was amazing and basically one of the best horror novellas ever written.
The rest of the book was garbage.
Agreed. Sci-fi authors need to leave more things unsaid. Often it's better than providing an explanation like DUDE POWAR OF LOVE LMAO
Has anyone read Altered Carbon by Richard Morgan or the other books from the Takeshi Kovacs trilogy? Netflix is currently producing a 10-episode series from it, without even asking for a pilot. Hopefully it gives us Cyberpunk junkies the fix we've been needing.
When do you think they'll start adapting SF masterpieces?
Finished the first one recently. Kinda edgy and not very original, but passable. The tech staff is pretty hard and modern, not too cringey. Overall it's basically True Detective Cyberpunk Edition. Could be good if done right.
I'm calling it a fanfic not primarily because of the borrowed characters. But because of its tematic shallowness and trite messages. Only tumblrinas think it's all about the characters. You can write a decent story even with stock ones, if you actually have something to say apart from 'Believe in God! Jesus will come again and save u! Humans=bad but not too bad like machines!'. For something like that I could've listened to my Luddite grandma instead of reading 9000 pages.
Only Altered Carbon is good (the scene where he gets raped in virtual reality as a girl really turned me on) and the other two were pretty bad. I don't even remember much of the last two apart from the last one having bird alien fossils or something.
>Well, if I had free money (for writing instead of working)
> free money
"Dan received his Masters in Education from Washington University in St. Louis in 1971. He then worked in elementary education for 18 years -- 2 years in Missouri, 2 years in Buffalo, New York -- one year as a specially trained BOCES "resource teacher" and another as a sixth-grade teacher -- and 14 years in Colorado."
how about you get a job, you bum?
apparently someome is working on a Forever War movie. But we'll never see Blindsight kino
Not so much to fight "god" as it was to drive the empathy component of humanity out of hiding.
As an avid Asimov fan, while he does have entry level sci-fi, it is mostly because of his good writing pace and teaching skills, not bland sci-fi elements.
>talking shit about the shrike
heresy, absolute heresy
oh, wow, i can't wait for a nine movie series based on the Foundation books.
> hero is a mathematician
> all space battles take place off screen
> go from one boring urbanized planet to the next
> big action climax is starting a library
j.j.abrams is going to be all over that shit.
lensman would be better
lensmen were pretty bad ass
It humors me greatly when people comment negatively on stuff they never consumed.
Hey, I get it, trolling is fun but this seems like the most boring form of trolling.
Probably never since most good sci fi lacks ebin space battles and blue lasers shooting into the sky threatening the end of the universe.
Not to mention theres so much exposition required for the setting and tech that it doesn't usually adapt well.
Compare i, robot to caves of steel for example.
If hollywood really wants to adapt sci fi, stick with short stories. Predestination was an OK adaptation of all you zombies (though by his own bootstraps is the objectively superior heinlein causal loop story).
I've had Hyperion sitting on my shelf for about 10 years now and not touched it
I'm not a huge fantasy/sci-fi fan
is it legit any good?
Patlabor is better than 99% of the shit on Sup Forums.
>why won't you tell me about the father
Its a space opera told in the format of the Canterbury tales with a heavy dose of Keats.
Its breddy gud entry into genre. Enough action, sex, and gore to keep plebs happy, and enough integrity to keep genrefags happy.
Its a pretty quick read, and the way its structured means its more like six short stories tied together with the framing device.
The less said the better so as not to spoil the charm of the original books.
I like the sequels a bunch too, got kind of misty at the end of the second endymion book, but the original is a legit sci fi classic.
who'll play the loli?
>book that features a Jewish chick being fucked by a Palestinian
>ever getting TV show
user, some forms of interracial couplings are just not acceptable
Hyperion was great but the rest really went downhill.
>not enough slposions
>Why doean't he just shoot dat guy
I hate you because you're right
The first tale (Priest) is the strongest, it also serves as a pretty good self-contained story, read it and see if you like the tone.
Simmons is great at setup, but peters out a little at the closure. Look at the illyum vs olympos.
>disliking Hyperion
You shut your fucking mouth, pleb. I bet you enjoy the works of Rick and Morty
>"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent" quips the protagonist as he blasts the mule's head off.
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhm rick & morty is literally aimed at the types of people who read trash like hyperion you pathetic reddit falseflagger
But, user, in Hyperion God is real, Morty
God is real
>reading fiction that praises abrahamic, especially catholic, theology
yeah and hyperion is fantasy sci fi
*teleports behind you*
heh, nothing personnel, Padre
*impales you on imaginary tree*
Danny Devito was born to play martin silenus.
You know that Emmerich has the rights to Foundation, right user?