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gives you one less thing to worry about

these faggots forget that millions of people skip going to the doctor because they are worried what it will do to them financially

What rich people say so they don't feel guilty

What poor people say so they don't feel bad

A meme

This is completely true.

Neither is being poor and sick.

You dont think about robbing and stealing, and doing things that could lose your life just to get a slightly better quality of life when you are rich.

Also, no one ever frowned on a jetski, as one faggot said.

Go ride a jetski and tell me you arent happy.

>being rich and successful doesn't make you happy
>even though people make fun of me for being poor and a failure every single day

really catalyzes cognitive processes

Once you have enough money to live comfortably, having more money won't really make you significantly happier. Like if you compare a millionaire and a billionaire, they wil probably be about the same

As someone who was never super wealthy or super succcessful, but reasonably rich and successful, I agree.

The money and success are great up to a certain point, but beyond that, it doesn't kean much. That 'point' seems to be different for everyone, but it's there. Less well-off folks might claim otherwise, but I assume that's because they haven't experienced both sides.

Money doesn't guarantee happiness.

This, and nothing else. Being rich doesn't make you happy, but it sure as fuck helps.

Only conquest of the Holy Land can bring happiness.

It's better to cry in a top of the line mercedes and in a $700,000+ house then next to a dumpster outside of burger king with the only thing you own is the clothes on your back.

Achmed, go to bed.

yeah but being a poor failure is sure to make you unhappy.

No, it gives the other things to worry about that you didn't have to worry about before.

There is a small limit to where money's benefits rapidly decline

Really makes you think

is missing

but fucking a bunch of wannabe 18 year old super models does

I really can't think of another thing I want to buy. Of course, it is married dudes that feel the need to keep getting moremoremore to please the clam they married..

Then why was he so obsessed with an Oscar he was willing to get raped by a bear on film.

I'm sure winning an Oscar would make a person happy.


Money and power only goes so far.

must be depressing to think of all the starving african's as you're getting your dick sucked from 9 b-list models on your rented yacht off of south italy

A homeless person would never say that.

that limit is higher than what most people have.

He should try being 5'4 ugly and poor for 28 years and then tell me his opinion

Wealth alone doesnt make you happy. what makes you happy is what you can do with that wealth and how many problems wealth helps resolve.

No one can be continuously happy.
The word happiness would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.

Total bullshit because money directly equals happiness.

Says the multimillionaire actor who fucks his choice of 10/10 models any time he wants.

oh wow i ve never heard or thought about this before
thank you for the revolutionary idea

He's rich. He doesn't have to worry about shit like can he afford to take his sick kid to the doctor, can keep the electric on and afford gas for his shitty car to get him to work.

I don't know what DeCaprio thinks about, but I read once that Paul Newman, a very successful actor, worried about whether or not he was successful because he was a genuinely good actor or because he had such a handsome face. Talk about rich people problems...

I'm happy to get enough overtime to keep up with my bills and mortgage and not getting sick to keep me able to work.

I could really give a shit less what some rich guy's complaints are.

He is right. Low intelligence is incurable. He is destined to be unhappy.

lying fuck

You needed him to tell you this ?

Success should make you happy so long as you don't regret what you've done.

Life is striving for success, reaching victory, and enjoying it. The hard work that pays off.

Money can't buy happiness, but it sure as hell can fend off desolation caused by poverty..

Wealth don't make you happy is something the poor tell themselves to feel better.

Says the rich actor who gets to fuck supermodels on the daily
fuck that, money is definitely the secret to happiness

Then give it all away you stupid faggot, it obviously serves no purpose for you right?

*the south of Italy.


Tell me, when you take a look at, say, George Soros, do you see a miserable man? I see an old Jew having the time of his life screwing over goyim.

I'm a minimalist at heart; my power bill never goes over $30 a month, I spend about $100 every two/three weeks on groceries, even less on fuel. Give to charity (ASPCA and JDRF, mainly), grab some beers, shitpost, read. If I go out, I go to a national park, typically about twice a week. It's peaceful, no hell, no drama. If I want pussy, there's a bar around the corner where the fruit hangs low and cheap.

Throw a bitch into the mix, and it all goes right down the shitter - finances, peace of mind, all of it. No thanks.

No they don't make you happy but they make it a shit load easier to be happy.

Let me know how he likes eating cereal with a fork because "you don't need the whole spoon"


/pol is filled with literal niggers

It doesn't make you happy, it's true.

But it does keep you from being miserable.

They might to make themselves feel better, but in the back of their mind they'd know it's a lie.

Constantly having to worry about money and failure make you unhappy.

Can confirm. No details though


This dude fucked Rhianna
I don't want to hear that bullshit

I'm not obsessed with money and supermodels/women I just would not like to get ridiculed for being poor and unsuccessful ok thanks

Easy for him to say

He has the same brain problem Robin Williams did, look up the stories from his housekeepers about him weeping and begging imaginary people to leave him alone.

While this is true, it's better to be wealthy and unhappy than poor and unhappy.

That way you don't have to worry about the fucking rent.

He's saying that to make him look cool. He always says stuff to look cool.
I don't think he actually believes that. Its just he's a liberal and the liberal PR person tells him he's supposed to be liberal as fuck or he won't be working for jews for long as their boy.
That said he said 'money and success', now money is the focal point for most of the people here because statistically if you are here you're poor as fuck, but success? Success he's had for a long time. To someone without success in their lives, are you really going to say that it won't make them happy?

not finding anything

hes been rich and famous since he was a child, he knows nothing outside of that realm


Is this like a mental illness or a brain tumor

absolutely true. We're humans we find other things to worry about. You might have all the money in the world or be the most successful person alive and it still wont mean you have the perfect soulmate in your life. Also happyness is a deeply fairy tail like thing, we spend most our lifes chasing it just to find out somethings missing,

He killed himself because he was going senile.

Do you really think thats true or is it all made up so we can openly talk shit about him and feel better than we're not 10/10 cultural icons who have to hire people to keep pussy away from us?

Those women are horrible people. You ever date a 10/10, I have, the sex was amazing, everything else was living fucking hell.

Nah. I grew up in a wealthy family, but mom still did the cooking and cleaning. I had friends that had 3 nannies/caretakers that tool care of all household duties 24/7. One man lived on site and just kept up the yard/cleaned the pool etc. A total of 7 people lived on site.

Once you get into the "wealthy" social circle, it's a non stop pissing contest. Who's boat is nicer, who has the biggest house, best Vacation spot, etc.

Bullshit. It depends on the personality. Personally I know exactly what I want from life, and having money would allow me get those things and make me happy.
When you're a shallow person who doesn't have goals and doesn't know what to do with his life, then yes money doesn't help.


does gf make you happy?

>doesn't have financial worries which allows him to avoid a myriad of issues the average citizen faces
>been rewarded for doing what he loves his entire life
>highly regarded in his field of work
>has the opportunity to do whatever he wants
Money doesn't make you happy, but it can certainly help you avoid plenty of things that would make you miserable. People here are bugged because he isn't saying anything new and insightful, just regurgitating what every other celeb says to make themselves feel better.

He might actually be miserable under all of that, but I guarantee you he isn't as miserable as a majority of people in this country.

Anyone who's wealthy but also unhappy is just shit at spending money.

Feeling down? Go fuck a supermodel while skydiving.

Feeling unfulfilled? Donate a big bag of money to medical research or start up your own charity.

These people are so autistic that it's a miracle they were born with natural talents that are in high demand financially. They'd probably be janitors and hookers otherwise.

Food, clothes and shelter don't make you happy either, but they sure work towards establishing the possibility for happiness.

Rich people need me, but poor people have me in abundance. If you eat me, you die. What am i?

No, women can be great or a living hell.


how the fuck are you gonna eat time and how would time make you die

Lame riddle

>No, it gives the other things to worry about that you didn't have to worry about before.

No, it fucking doesn't.

Money gives you are safety net where you aren't doomed if one thing goes wrong.

It also gives you the power to go places and do things that other people are simply unable to do.

Checked and wrecked.

Error thyme can make you sick...?
Everything that's born is already dying?

I tend to read this shit a lot lately. Rich people saying that money doesn't make you happy.

Don't listen to that BS. These people don't want you to be rich, so that they keep the wealth to themselves and continue to subjugate the poor. That's why they want you to think that becoming rich will make you miserable.

stop being a faggot

>read Aurelius

Nice meme, I have that in paperback in front of me

Pretty much this

If I was rich as Fuck I'd just spend all my money on the ultimate NEET Otaku experience

how about bf then?

your a dorable

What can you put in a bucket that makes it weigh less, and yet would sink the barrel if you put it in water?

but wealth buys me things that make me happy

>Money doesn't make you happy, but it can certainly help you avoid plenty of things that would make you miserable


Then im sure he wouldnt mind donating all his wealth to me.

yup some mexican dude got cut from 50 hours a week to 40. dude was devastated. sucked because hes a genuinly good person/one of the hardest workers and makes me realize not everyone grew up with 2 white parents, with good jobs and grew up ina big suburban house.

How old are you user?
What's your background and story?
What do you do and how much money do you pull in?

Your situation sounds solid.





No, but it guarantees freedom.

What can stay in one corner as it travels the world?

No it doesn't. When you get money, it is a full time job managing it so you don't lose it.

That all depends on what you mean by freedom.

He's wrong. If you have your own place and some disposable income, happinness is easier to achieve.

I agree with the sentiment though, being a mega millionaire doesn't add much more to that

>money doesn't bring hapiness

True, but it sure helps alot