"Uh... David Duke
>the Sup Forumstard begins to chuckle
"All women are whores. They only care about money"
>the Sup Forumstard laughs out loud, spewing tendies crumbs all over his desk
>the Sup Forumstard can hardly contain his full bellied laughter as chortles begin to fill the room
*white character gets cucked*
>The Sup Forumstard starts convulsing on the floor, gasping for air between spasms of laughter
>the Sup Forumstard's heart explodes and he dies
"Uh... David Duke
when did they mention moonman?
*Sam Hyde exists*
>the redditor gets triggered and has to post on Sup Forums about it
OP what are you doing out of your cuckshed? Tyrone will be upset when he hears this
You're only responding because you know it's true
*sam is right wing*
>alt sodomright laps up anything he shits out
MGTOW skit
I know it's true that op is a redditor?
I love a good dose of liberal humor.
Good show *tips*
Hi drinze
>MGTOW skit
huh? Wasn't it the one where he was trying to get the disabled kid laid? It's the opposite of mgtow
"Uh... David Duke
>the tumblard begins to jiggle
"All women are whores. They only care about money"
>suddenly the jiggling turns into a triggering, how could he triger me in my own home like this
>the tumblard can hardly contain the foam from their mouths, as full bodied tantrum ensues
*white character gets cucked*
>quickly proceeds to load up Sup Forums a kind of safe space for their ilk
>the tumblard complains about Sup Forums constantly on Sup Forums and /q/
Sam was basically a libertarian and voted for Ron Paul in 2012.
That's pretty sweet.
Why does /r/ShitRedditSays get so upset over the fact this board is center-right?
that'll do it
what did he do to deserve this
>"All women are whores. They only care about money"
Would you like to provide some counterexamples?
Are we going to pretend like Pretty Woman was never made?
>>suddenly the jiggling turns into a triggering, how could he triger me in my own home like this
top kek
leftists hate free speech and love censorship
except when it comes to images of two guys assfucking
but if it's speech they want to censor it
>Would you like to provide some counterexamples?
this t.bh
Let me say it in a way you'll understand, Denzel.
Prove me wrong nigga. Prove me wrong.
>obsession with conspiracy theories about Jews, visceral hatred of minorities, BLACKED and cunnyposting
This place is exactly like Sup Forums
You can only be painfully unfunny for a two years tops before the twatter police shrek you
>visceral hatred of minorities
more like a nonchalant comedic hate of minorities.
ofc a non-white would take that as "visceral"
so ... go be a nigger somewhere else
Sup Forums knows who runs Hollywood and the media (mostly Jews).
I wouldn't say Sup Forums hates minorites, it hates minorities wanting free shit, like "give me an Oscar because I'm black." If you want an Oscar, be the best actor in a year, compete.
Blacked is just spam and trolls.
And that last thing is also popular in Hollywood.
But by it's very nature, TV and movies are more liberal and degenerate. And people imitate what they see/hear in the media. So Sup Forums is arguably more conservative than Sup Forums. Sup Forums wouldn't be okay with many of the depictions of degeneracy that Sup Forums denizens regularly expose themselves to.
I started browsing Sup Forums in 2010
It hasn't changed
you have basically been complaining for 7 years, let that sink in
>it's a "/poltv/ gets baited by this pasta every single time" episode
>This is still relevant.
Sup Forums is filled with white guys who complain, bitch, moan, make posts about Rooney Mara's feet, when someone comes in with a decent post they are told stfu faggot, it's racist, sexist, and full of Sam Hydes with Sam Hyde mentality, edgelords who are teenagers or manlets/manchildren, odd occasional posts about shitty shows like the Flash or Supergirl or fucking Smallville. Has no taste in film.
The only redeemable thing about this place is that people make posts about Bane and that's cool because I loved playing that character.
Much love Sup Forums
why do you cucks have to whine about sam 24/7
that may be true, but absolute disgusting farleft blobs like patton oswald still get to be on TV
Pasta doesn't matter. Bait doesn't matter. Truth matters.
"Oh no! I've been tricked into speaking the truth!"
>The only redeemable thing about this place is that people make posts about Bane and that's cool because I loved playing that character.
You have to be at least 18 to post here kid.
And yes it is me. A friend referred me to here and I've been looking at this place when I have some dt, I had heard of Sup Forums but once I saw the Bane-posting, I had to see it for myself. desu, I do not even know who or what is an edgelord or know much about Sam Hyde but I have been reading up alot and Tom is a agreat guy, I have not met grant or the other actresses name, just venting guys.
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