Is there a greater friendship in film history?
Spielberg and Lucas
Kinski and Herzog
Except when Spielberg threw Lucas under the bus and put all blame on Lucas for Indiana Jones and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, then offered Disney to direct a Lucas-less remake.
They're robably not the best of friends right now.
>tfw under so many layers of irony we pretend kingdom of the crystal skull is good now
What a time to be alive, chaps.
they're not really friends.
its almost entirely business.
>implying hollywood people are actually friends with eachother
>not understanding the inherent narcissism in hollywood and what happens to celebrities
>you think you wouldnt be the same way
>you have no fucking idea
>I'm incapable of forming close personal relationships with people so everyone else must be too
>implying im not an informed person with actual insight into this particular situation and the phenomenon in general you fucking plebian
Please. Most people in Hollywood don't have friends.
They have tag-alongs who cling to them and leach off of them for a place to live, drugs, etc.
And they have business alliances that are generally called friendships.
>I keep up to date with TMZ, that means i know everything about the film industry you pleb
>Everyone else just has to be as freindless and lonley as me, I refuse to even consider anyone else has a genuine friendship
>ratto and piggu
haha alright loser
enjoy your delusion
yourre gonna be a good big famous guy just like mommy said
fuckin fag
Then explain Spielberg throwing Lucas under the bus with the last Indy movie.
Now you're just projecting
All I'm saying is that your jealousy-fueled delusions about the industry probably aren't completely true
Are there a few top-earning stars an producers that don't make freinds with anyone that doesn't stroke their ego? Sure. Does that mean everyone in the industry, without exception, is a self-centered narrcist who never had a real friend in their lives? Of course not. I'm guessing you had one bad experience and immediately assumed everything is like that.
Del Toro and Cameron probably.
Cameron paid the 1 million ransom too the Mexican cartel when they kidnapped Del Toro's father.
Also had Del Toro sleep in his house when Linda Hamilton left him to keep him company.
nah i just know the lucas family.
but i know a lot of famous people in general.
and you start to notice trends and realities.
you just dont get the business or how celebrity works.
its not super clean but it works. its kinda gross for the most part.
maybe youll be lucky one day and get to see, but probably not.
It is, it's just not great.
>t. George Lucas
Should have stayed off the net.
Again, I'm guessing you're taking isolated incidents and using them as a generality. Either that, or you're guilty of exactly what you're disparaging.
The 70mm bros
man i live in it.
i think i understand it a bit better than you, celebrity-worshiping delusion-oid who doesnt see what hollywood is, one of the biggest art/media scams of all time.
its a big dying game with certain rules.
Watching tmz doesn't count as "living it" user
And it sounds like you're projecting again. I don't doubt there are quite a few cases of what you're taking about, but I doubt they're limited to any more than the very top, actors and producers directing the next half-billion dollar shitshow. Anyone out there making real movies isn't as petty as that.
Dying game? Nigga you just went full retard. Hollywood is dying at the same rate the earth is, shits gonna be around thousands and thousands of years.
ugggh thats not hollywood you airhead.
you can make movies and not be in hollywood.
but hollywood is so phony you have no idea.
its like literally what eyes wide shut is saying in metaphor.
but you probably dont even "get" movies.
you probably think theye just fun times made by fun guys.
fuck off retard.
t. a real-life famous person
no it's not.
are you serious? it hasnt even been around 100 years and its already dissapating.
>t. A real-life famous person
(Insert Sup Forums heading here)
>it's like literally what eyes wide shit is saying in metaphor
And you missed the point of EWS, too. Sad!
well i consider myself famous because people recognize me and i get invited to stuff.
but im not like a star. dont get me wrong.
no i definitely did not.
it's about a bunch of stuff.
but mostly it's about society.
yes sex is a big part of it, but so it is true in hollywood and politics.
dont try to talk down to me you fucking pleb i could run circles around you with this shit.
Lol ok. That's why apple is considering spending 218 BILLION dollars to own disney. Ya know Disney the big dick of hollywood. It's also one of the only reasons California as a state is able to stay afloat, despite all the stupid shit they put themselves through. Don't forget about Asia either. China is buying up a lot of Hollywood right now, because they know it's worth a lot. Entertainment controls American society right now. If you think it's a "dying" industry just look at how some hot pile shit like fast 8 made over half a billion dollars in just 3 days.
I'm guessing you're an actor then, but a c-lister. Protip; If the biggest you've gotten is working for Netflix or CW, you're not famous.
>I could run circles around you with this shit
>"It's about a bunch of stuff."
Well gee you certainly showed me
ooooh big money!!! i wonder if people have spent big money on dumb fruitless long-term endeavors in the last 2000 years???
man im not your fucking lit teacher.
but i've done the reading.
movies are generally pleb tier to me.
kubrick is hardly "deep" to me.
You are famous if you're on Netflix or CW. Sorry but people recognize the flash, the supernatty bros, daredevil, Jessica Jones in the street. I'm fact Netflix is becoming a more sought after revenue for actors then Hollywood movies. I mean damn, Brad fucking Pitt is about to star in a Netflix series. You telling me Pitt isn't famous now?
>movies are generally pleb tier to me
An I'm sure that CW capeshit show you have a supporting role in is the epitome of art
Post your acting reel right now, faggot. I bet you think Stanislavski is a brand of vodka.
fuck you man.
im rich and youre jelly.
im more of a literature guy.
movies are fun. that's about it.
occasionally you see some sparks of genius.
not often.
people like you, the audience for CW shows, are part of the problem.
Are you trying to tell me that, because some people made bad investments over the past 2000 years, it means that all of chinas big investors and apple are retarded for investing in hollywood? Even though entertainment has been one of the biggest businesses in the world since....well forever? Man how do you think you're spebeing you're time now? You clearly watch movies and TV or you wouldn't be here. So you're biggest Hobbie is a waste of your own time, according to what you just said? You must be woman for how illogical you think.
Different guy btw, just saying you're dumb if you think cw and Netflix actors aren't famous.
>movies are fun. that's about it.
Also, no acting reel. Figures.
that's not what hollywood is though you fucking moron.
movies arent going anywhere but the idea of hollywood being a big budget fun crank-machine is clearly in decline.
originality is scarce and it doesnt appear to be resurging, especially not in that realm.
yes. they will make money, but it wll be different i assure you.
the idea of hollywood as the career caste-system is dying.. it''s opening up.
dont let big money fool you. these are dying companies people are buying who dont fully understand the level of ennui thats settling in the west
that was my point dummy
Kurosawa, Bergman, and Tarkovsky
I agree that Holyrood is over saturated at the moment, but that doesn't mean it's not going to be around for a loooong time. You underestimate the vast mindless stupidity of today's people. transomers is able to make a butload of money, and are on their fifth film. This defiantly shows how easy it is to make money in Hollywood once you get one piece of shit movie out their that sells well to make infinite sequals. You're right that they make shitties to the shut right now. Shit sells whether you like it or not, and as long as it's selling Hollywood aint going anywhere.
No one here ever said it was good, it actually has a fresh RT score so that shows you how "reliable" they can be
Also still better than the fifth one
once again you miss the point.
people will make movies but hte way they release them as well as the way studios produce them will be approached very differently.
we will continue to see star wars and transformers but they will wane in financial gain.
the industry WILL crash evenually.
you need to stop using the last 30 years as a reference point, its not really fair to the real trends that are taking place.
people are dumb and they will always be dumb but dumb people are the most fickle. they have no true loyalty.
i dont know why im explaining this to you, you clearly are confused about whats really happening in the world.
I didn't even know they knew eachother
Refn and Gosling
First post best post.
why is this friendship never mentioned anywhere? Sup Forums loves Jim
Quentin's best friend is Robert Rodriguez if anyone
Kubrick and Spielberg is more genuine
Hollywood talent are more like coworkers who have the same passion for films as you do. But Rea
Friendships are rare to come by there.
Pegg went Hollywood and ditched Frost.