ITT: Overrated sex positions/places

ITT: Overrated sex positions/places

My girlfriend and I tried sex in the shower for the first time. I imagined it to be well, literally very wet. But turns out skin thats freshly washed and just water provided more friction than anticipated. In the end we gave up. Neither She nor me could get the dick in, we also underestimated the different angle and our hight difference made it even more difficult.
What are your storys of intercourse that turned out not as good as imagined or outright disasterus? Share some greentext if you got them.

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This might be because I’m a cutfag (thanks, Jews) but I have never felt much pleasure from sex at all to begin with. I’ve had sex with five different women, and each time, it’s like “hm, I can feel something going on down there.” All of them but one were EXTREMELY satisfied, so I don’t think it’s a size issue. I just find I enjoy blowjobs and handjobs way more than sex.

Sex on the beach.

Found an isolated spot surrounded by waves and rocks. I sat down, laid back and she sucked on me until I was really hard. Then she pulled off her swimsuit bottoms and crouched over me. The cold water had washed away any lube and her labia were really, really tight. Eventually she pushed really hard and I finally went in lubricated by salt and sand. Not good at all. She slowly and painfully pulled back and stood up.

The view was nice, but that's one more thing the movies are really, really wrong about.

Oh man that sounds rough.

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>blowjobs and handjobs way more than sex.
For me its the same when the girl is too tight or I had no sex in a long while, it hurts rather than being pleasuring. Had that at the beginning of a relationship, we both had no sex for a long time. I was sore the next day despite enought lube.

In the hayloft, hay pile. Hay is even worse than sand (see ) Its scratchy, it gets everywhere and its covered in a gritty dust that sticks to every damp surface.

oral sex works well in the shower, op.

dicklet lmao

Doggy style. Its just so impersonal and boring. Can't kiss, cant feel her up without a lot of forward lean over, its basically pumping and staring at her butt hole.