The Leftovers

Does anything good ever happen to anyone on this show? I'm halfway through season 2, and it's just unfortunate occurrence after unfortunate occurrence. Every once in a while it fools you into thinking that things will finally go well for a character, and then boom, just like that whatever good they accomplished is made irrelevant.

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The season ends on a somewhat positive note, if that's what you're looking for.

yea S2 ends pretty positively? but youre a bitch for hating depressing, sad & horrible shit. thats my jam

I don't hate it at all. I actually like some of the characters, which is why I want to see good things happen to them.

I mean yeah the show is often depressing but it's also heartwarming and often fucking hilarious. The season premiere was the most fun I've had watching TV this year.

youll be in for a treat, then

one of them just has to die first lol

season 2 is a bit jungle for me why do they have to trigger me this way

I used to think season 2 wasn't as good as season 1, but when I went back for the rewatch before the new season I appreciated how it was putting out gold week after week. Maybe the peaks didn't feel as high as in season 1 because in season 2 it was all good.

The orchestral music that plays on this show is pretty good. Does a good job of setting a tone

Also in season 2. She's not going to get BLACKED is she? Because it looks as if it's going to happen.

Oh yeah, big time.

she does



She doesn't really, even if she did it would be a shitty reason to miss out on the back half of season 2 which is fucking God tier.

she does & then an international assassin kills her

not even joking, but its cool tho

kinosaur here
s1 + s2 are shit but I binged them anyway
the last 2 eps of s2 however are absolute kino and actually stopped me from dropping the show
stick with it just for the last 2 eps of s2


But what if I thought season 1 and what I've seen of 2 was kino?


>kinosaur here
its bad enough that people on Sup Forums say "kino" unironically, but you just took it to a whole new level. kill yourself, beta retard

then you're a dumb stinky idiot
s1 was near unbearable, literally only watched both seasons because I was streaming them for people
do you get it

wow kys my man

What did he mean by this?

pls not in this thread, Rick and Morty marketer

dumb stinky idiot detected

The premiere reminded me how much the rest of TV has fucking sucked this year. Can't wait for next week's episode.

Opening sequence alone was CINEMA

>tfw the new season revitalized leftovers threads

I'm glad you guys are watching the show

Rick Grimes is invincible... so theres that.

Kevin is like the way more handsome and likable version of Rick.

>haha xd i am kinoseur i have the absolute sophisticated taste
>posting on Sup Forums
>Sup Forums

just admit that you're a dumb hipster white annoying faggot and kill yourself for us thanks

Yeah, great to have the show back.

Did anyone else prefer season 1 to season 2?

I used to, but on rewatch season 2 was way better,

The back from the dead part put me off. Also, I just don't get why those teenage girls would join the guilty remnant, hell I don't see why anyone would join the guilty remnant, but them especially.

>le self loathing i hate Sup Forums so much but i lurk here anyway faec
>l.eddit formatting
dumb stinky l.eddit pleb

I liked that the show leaned into the supernatural side, keeping it ambiguous like they did in season one wasn't going to work in the long run. Luckily it didn't undercut the drama because the supernatural is so inscrutable that the characters can't help but feel lost and bewildered in the face of it. As for the girls, Evie's family had violence and abuse in its history, that is probably part of the reason. In general people gravitate towards the GR because they think that ordinary life has been rendered pointless by the Sudden Departure. Like Senator Levin says in International Assassin
>On October 14th, attachment and love became extinct. In an instant it became cosmically, abundantly clear that you can lose anyone at any time.

She does not get fucked by a nigger (despite desperately wanting to). They do kiss.

Season 2 is better but Season 1 has a much better opening. Like they aren't even in the same planes of existence. Season 2's is just so fucking bad for no reason.

couldn't get any more Sup Forums pleb than by instantly linking me to reddit plebs

once a pleb, always a pleb. don't breed.

This, just started second season and what the fuck is this regina spektor bullshit?

I liked the intro.

>All these plebs just now watching the Leftovers

If I have to hear that goddamn Pixies song one more time...

actually tired of all the somber music montages they do.

Do you think they'll ever actually explain what the Departure was?

no of course not.
its a metaphor you cunt.
its like lost.
it will end ambiguous with an existential element.

Not that guy and i am totally okay with this.

We have known since season 1 it was never getting answered.

I do think we'll actually get some answers.Not that I personally care or even want to find out but the way Lindelof and Perrotta make such a big deal about "IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED, YOU'RE GOING TO BE DISAPPOINTED LOL" so often in interviews, I think they're hoping to surprise everyone.Like in the trailer when Nora gets a phone call and is asked "would you like to see your kids again?".I think it will somehow tie in with the ending of the S3 premiere.

Think about the people who get angry at those who are completely content just watching tv until they die when there's more important things they could be worrying or thinking about. It's like that.

Got my money on it being abductions by ayy lmaos

It doesn't actually matter.

What the fuck is she doing?

I fucking miss Holy Wayne lads.Why was he so based?

Will they meet that Australian guy from the hotel when they all go to Australia?

DUDE this show is like LIFE. LIFE doesn't give you answers and THE LEFTOVERS doesn't give you all the answers.

it CHALLENGES you. LIFE isnt all happiness and rainbows and the LEFTOVERS reflects that

also dude cigarettes and not speaking LMAO

Just a prank by god

>magical negro

Thankfully and against all odds, she doesn't

top kek

>Kevin, you're asking me why I didn't tell you about the magical black man who lives on the outskirts of town? That's borderline racist.

I miss Patti, but I don't want her coming back.

Fantastic trope, one of the good ones.

Is Kevin literally the anti-christ?

>not liking the 2nd intro better

Blows my mind that there are people this pleb.

>not liking the supernatural shit

Hoo boy, you picked the wrong show. Hope you're not put off by shapeshifting dogs.

They literally showed Matt talking to him in the previews

Feels like a melancholy circlejerk to me. Don't really see the appeal.

Yeah but is that in real life or in the hotel?

Outside the hotel. Australian dude was mentioned on TV in S2E2. The reporter says that he claimed to have come back from the dead and was in the hotel.

I watched first 4 episodes, when does it get not-shit?
So far it's just sad cop being sad and a cult of BBC

Why can't Netflix of FX make shows this good?

If you didn't get hooked by episode 3, I don't think this show is for you.

That phone call Nora gets is a scam.

Daily reminder Aimee is superior non-BLACKED leftovers waifu

Amazing show. I didn't want Sup Forums to find out about it though.

Aimee probably got spitroasted by the twins after Jill left

post the webm lads, you knwo the one

Wrong. Nora is best waifu.

I thought the opening scene of the second season was leagues above the premiere. I was confused at first, but it was touching and visually gorgeous. On top of that, it emphasizes the show's themes and gets followed up in a sense in the finale with Nora shielding the baby from being trampled when Miracle gets stormed.

Napoleon Dynamite dance.

A major part of the show is that the Departure is without concrete explanation. Not being able to assign blame to any thing or principle is the cause of most people's anxiety or brokenness.

Guys was there a music intro with credits in the first ep of 3? The torrent I downloaded didn't have one

It blows my mind that people on this board can't understand that very simple point. It is baffling.

It's the burden we carry, user.

>DUDE this show is like LIFE. LIFE doesn't give you answers and THE LEFTOVERS doesn't give you all the answers.
>it CHALLENGES you. LIFE isnt all happiness and rainbows and the LEFTOVERS reflects that
>also dude cigarettes and not speaking LMAO

>the leftovers is a series of unfortunate events, but for adults!

>there are people who will deny lindelof is a hack

in the event people can't assign blame where it belongs, they'll just assign blame to something random. They won't just remain in a state of unassigned blame.

I'm glad Evie is dead. Her face was punchable

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I'm so hype for the rest of the season.

Holy Shit.

>tfw Kevin will get glassed for our sins


>he thinks she is dead

reminder kevin died at the beginning of season 2 and everything since has been a fever dream of him coming to terms with his own death.

Evie was hot, wish she'd been around more.

no, kevin died at s01e01, as his wife's son blew kevin's brains out, mid-thrust, for cheating on laurie

no you fucking idiot, kevin isn't dead, his wife's son shot him and damaged 2% of his brain, just enough to put him in a permanent vegetative state, and all the physical suffering hes gone through has been dream-interpretation of real world trauma as a result of his wife's son abusing him, spraying windex in his eyes, suffocating him with a pillow, waterboarding him, etc.

then fuck off if youre bitch