No job

>no job
>no friends
>still live with parents
>21 y/o hugless kissless virgin
>have no idea what I want to do with my life

why should I not kill myself?

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You can't masturbate with one hand, and eat tendies with the other, if you're dead.

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because then you'd be an eternal pussy rather than a temporary one.
just stop being a bitch, go out and find your purpose kid.

do whatever the FUUUUCK you wanna do

I dont see how I'm just supposed to walk outside and magically just "find my purpose"

force yourself to talk to people

I've literally never approached anyone in my life. I dont even know where to start. I hate the idea of walking up to a girl at the store or something.

You want friends? Is that it? Join some activity. What do you find even ok? Painting? Cooking? There are gatherings for that. Religion? Hobby? Do you like or might be interested in hiking? Snow boarding? Surfing? Come on make an effort to figure out what you might actually enjoy and do that.

You do know that's like the first step to getting over a fear is to do the said fear. Like I used to be Alpha AF and get laid all the time, but stopped and am now back to the stage of my life right after the divorce. Only thing stopping me is myself, same for you.

>no job
>no friends
>still live with parents
>38 y/o hugless kissless virgin
>have no idea what I want to do with my life

why should I not kill myself?

I'm not the OP but the not wanting to just walk up to a girl could be less a matter of fear and more a matter of it just being weird. nobody does that lol.

At the store I mean. Just imagine it, she's shopping and some dude goes up to her. "Hey, I think you're cute, wanna date?". Sure it can work if he's cute enough.

You're a prisoner in your own mind. The fact that you label yourself as a "kissless virgin" means you set certain limits to yourself. You act out a part you think you are. You don't know what you want to do with your life? When a little kid is first asked the question "What do you want to be when you grow up", how many of them say "Well, I don't know what to do with my life". No, most of them instantly think about what they want and say that. Even if it's unrealistic, they don't have any self limiting beliefs. So while their goal might be really hard to attain, like being an astronaut or a movie star, if they were to pursue that dream, the very act of pursuing it gives them purpose. And that's what it's all about. Or you think it's only about reaching the goal? When we were young, we didn't question ourselves... We didn't hold a distorted image of who we think we were... We just WERE, with no shame or regret or sadness about anything. And to tell you the truth, you are exactly like that, like when you were a child, completely free, only you think you're not.

I'll give you a purpose to strive for. Seek release from the bondage of the mind. You can start with reading what the Buddha said.

Because there is no harm in “not knowing.” Go out and find it

again I dont see how or what I'm supposed to "find". theres no direction.

cus you can still smoke weed nerd

I'm sure if I still did I'd at least be happier than I am now.

could taking a psychedelic possibly help

you should

You would miss all the cool animes
If that's not enough then idk what to tell ya

Them figure it out, go get a part time job at least, you parasite

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You don't just walk outside. You have to put in effort and learn to grow from failure instead of letting it beat you. Every successful person is where they are because they failed and learned. That's the only way you get shit done. Trial and error. The only people who don't work hard are those who were born with rich parents, but even they fail at grasping the concept of trial and error. They have everything handed to them, and they get so spoiled by it, that when shit hits the fan or when they lose all their money, they don't know how to live. They don't know what needs to be done to bounce back because they never set themselves up to fail.

This is an important thing that a lot of people dont understand. So many people are afraid of rejection and failure, that they just pussy out and do nothing and watch themselves remain a loser until they die. Don't be a pussy. Go get your ass beat, go try something and fail at it. You'll survive. You'll learn how to do things right.