Rogue One vs. The Force Awakens go
Rogue One vs. The Force Awakens go
how is that even a question
RO >>> TFA
it's better in literally every way
I'm not a Star Wars fan, but Rouge One held my interest more than Force Awakens did.
I'd fuck Rey but I'd marry Jyn
I think rogue one was more interesting but more flawed, while TFA definitely played it safe.
Overall I think I had a better time with TFA. The annoying parts of rogue one annoyed me too much
TFA was worse or as bad as the prequels. RO was better than Return of the Jedi, and better than all the prequels.
Rogue One, both shit thou
RO was pretty good. TFA was ok but had too much nonsense.
TFA was a better movie though
>TFA was as bad as the prequels
so it was good?
What if I really really really dislike both?
Rogue One because of the Empire scenes and almost piece of fan fiction making sense.
I said "or worse"
you have a functioning brain.
Watched RO the other day and must admit I was pleasantly surprised. Wasn't really bad to watch in any way and felt just like an action movie with an massive budget. Would I fork out money to watch it though? Probably not.
TFA on the other hand just annoyed me.
Is the Clone Wars worth watching or is it utter shit?
TFA is way better than RO.
show is good, movie is trash
>functioning brain
>show is good
>yoda takes 870 years to realise good and evil exists in everyone.
both are shit but i would rewatch rogue again for that action
Rouge one is more of a roller coaster in terms of quality. TFAs quality is more consistent with only the space pirates and orange yoda being stand out bad.
It was all bad you fucking pleb
>Force Awakens
>star wars shill fanboys allowed to make criticisms of others
>he watches Star fucking Wars for philosophy
>he is surprised that a cartoon has a moral aimed at children
how is being a retard serving you?
I watched it for more of the clone wars, fair enough if that was a lesson they wanted to teach but surely their was a better way to present it than the wisest of the good guys realising it after living 8 centuries, it's something most people come to before they reach their teens.
I rewatched Rogue one yesterday for the first time since release night and it's a fucking snooze fest. The score is a mess and barely syncs up with what's happening on screen, character's motivations make zero fucking sense half the time (Saw is going to show everyone how brave he is by anonymously dying in a giant laser explosion?), the characters are two dimensional as fuck, the "comic relief" in K2SO is cringey almost 100% of his screen time ("there's a problem on the horizon... There's no horizon!" is an actual line the writers left in the movie). Grand Moff Tarkin looks fucking ridiculous, Darth Vader sounds like he's rotting in a nursing home waiting for his 50th cigarette of the day, the references to older movies are forced and in your face to the point of distraction, and the PACING. Oh lord, the pacing. The first two acts don't know which way is up and they spend so much time jumping from place to place it's really hard to give a fuck about what's happening.
What was the point of making a big deal about the mind probing alien when the pilot recovers from it after being spoken to for like 8 seconds? Say what you will about TFA, it's far from perfect but it's a more enjoyable movie in every respect. The only people who prefer Rogue One are manbabies who read too many Star Wars books and have a dumb internalised idea about what Star Wars is.
It's funny how weak single reactor shots from the Death Star making big craters in Rogue One felt infinitely more powerful and terrifying than the Star Killer Base simultaneously obliterating multiple planets did in TFA.
Rogue One was better. Most Star Wars fans I know prefer it as well.
It's really interesting how divided people are on this on the internet, though.
>The score is a mess and barely syncs up with what's happening on screen
Giachinno only had a month to write the score, and it shows. He's afraid to use traditional Star Wars themes where they fit, instead using senile williams TFA-esque trumpet flares whenever something is supposed to convey an emotion. Jin's theme is good though, and probably better than TFA's painfully mediocre score.
But my biggest WTF scene regarding the score is the Vader reveal. Yeah, bla-bla pablo mexicano said the movies are supposed to be watched in release order, but come on. Rogue One is the first time we see Vader since his dramatic, absolutely god-tier exquisitely scored entry in ROTS.
Then, when we see him in the bacta tank, a great time for the emperor, prequel funeral (god tier) or Vader theme, a moment of grotesque vulnerability, Giachino decides to play the fucking TATOOINE DESERT ANTICS MUSIC.
Fuck you Michael. Your Into Darkness and Up scores are god tier, but come on.
>Most Disney Star Wars fans I know prefer it as well.
they did it like that because Yoda is a sage character, so message will be more impactful to kids when he says it. remeber that CW is mainly made for children, you can enjoy it as an adult when you like SW, but you have to filter out shit like that. get in the right mindset for it, expect some goofy shit and watch it with a pinch of salt. or just get high before watching
No, I mean Star Wars fans who literally worship the original trilogy as film Jesus and hate the prequels.
>or just get high before watching
I can't because of random work drug tests but i'll just stick to the original 6 movies and the old games. I don't like the rest of it.
Anyone else just love watching Empire stuff?
On this metric alone RO is better than TFA.
>literally worship the original trilogy as film Jesus and hate the prequels.
so many youngfags who wouldn't give a fuck about star wars if not for growing up with prequels now pretend to hate them just to fit in. fucking faggots.
The one with my sweet, beautiful, fuckbunny
it almost certainly didn't help that the film was being focus tested, edited and reshot more or less right up until release. Glad I'm not the only one who noticed, it was the most distracting part of my second viewing.
not him, but i only liked the prequels as a kid. it didn't hold up to me as i got older, and not because anyone told me to stop liking them. i just rewatched and realized they're not that great.
it's kind of like how i thought FF7 was the best story ever told as a kid. turns out it's actually shit and kids will like anything.
Bitch, nobody liked the prequels. The Phantom Menace was one of the most anticipated and subsequently disappointing films of all time.
>anything about rots is god tier
You have autism.
That was cut from the movie you moron.
Almost correct.
"people" with autism love the plebquels.